higher hunting area 03/18/2015 05:25 AM CDT
From the docks south of the king court. Many ships pull in to deliver crates of cargo. Could seek a ride along one of the ship to another island. Where ones of highly skill hunters go to test there might. Hunting big troll kings and up to muscle berserkers and one eyes Trolls, two headed trolls and Witches and Troll huntress. Even a Griffin and few tigers. Sounds great but could be more so ones not get used to the normal things change it like night and day and as they stay longer they get bigger.

Thank you
Re: higher hunting area 03/19/2015 03:36 PM CDT

One the Isle is a light house manned by the King's legionaries, with a small dock and palisade, always in need of adventurers to go, clear back the ever growing hordes of trolls to keep the lighthouse open.