well a few spots for a new hunting areas in ta'Vaalor 02/01/2015 05:58 PM CST
the tower on the sorcerer island. could be some undead in there or even a rift like feel as you drift from rooms.

Under Ta'Vaalor a secret passage that lead you pass a maze to get into bandit hideout.

Could have a trail run from the hilltop heading northeast and east till it meet the neartofar forest. Letting big hunting in there for ones as well.

this just few ideals I like to share.

Thank you Isco Starmeadow
Re: well a few spots for a new hunting areas in ta'Vaalor 02/02/2015 05:54 PM CST
I have to agree with Isco here. Higher hunting areas would be great in Ta'Vaalor. There are plenty of places for 0-30 i think, maybe a little higher, yet many of the characters in Ta'Vaalor are well above that and only stick around because of warcamps, friends, and or the legion. Matter of fact I can list several toons that only show up around town for legion drill nights. I find that fact very dis-heartening. I get it, Vaalor is a starter town...well, so is every major town out there from what I've seen. It would be great to get and keep more experienced players in the fortress to help out the ones returning after a long vacation, or even the newbies. Just my opinion to supplement Isco's.

~Rayna, cleric of Oleani and Ta'Vaalor