Please note that multiple merchants may be working at the same time, especially during weekend and prime time hours. Here's my personal schedule/plan for offering services. All winners will be selected by a randomized method.
Saturday Afternoon / Evening
All of these times assume I am able to complete the services in the given time frames. If things get held up, the later events will be pushed back. All services will be announced in-game prior to being performed.
3:00 Eastern Time: Session of Fusion safety to safely remove an orb from your fusion armaments. Cost is 100,000 silver.
4:30 Eastern Time: Converting old style self charging items to new style self charging items. 10 slots. Cost is 1,000,000 silver.
5:30 Eastern Time: Enhancive Stripping. Remove a single positive enhancive property from an item (no getting rid of penalties). 20 slots. Cost is 100,000 silver.
6:30 Eastern Time: Premium Enhancive Reconfiguration. Want a do-over on a Premium Point enhancive that you're not happy with its current setup? We can do that! Redesign the enhancive bonuses within the current guidelines. 20 slots. Cost is 500,000 silver for the first reconfiguration.
8:30 Eastern Time: Creature Banes!
Re: Tentative Scheduling
07/06/2018 12:49 PM CDT
Will you be posting a Plat schedule on that side of the boards?
Keith/Brinret/Eronderl |
Keith is correct |
-Wyrom, APM |
Keith is correct. |
-GameMaster Estild |
Re: Tentative Scheduling
07/06/2018 05:27 PM CDT
For the fusion orb removal are you limited to one orb per session or can you remove multiple orbs at a time?
Re: Tentative Scheduling
07/07/2018 03:14 AM CDT
One service of Fusion Safety will allow the removal of one orb from the item. If you want to remove multiple orbs with no chance of damaging them, you would need the service performed multiple times.