Speech Window 01/15/2018 04:14 PM CST
Dear StormFront GM/s,

We have this wonderful speech window so that you can track conversations in busy times. I use it all the time, I might have squealed the day I found out it existed!

But it FAILS in the busiest ones when:

1) GMs speak in colored words
2) People use RECITE to give important info/instructions.

I am pretty sure RECITE started BACK IN THE DAY so that people could call attention to what they were saying. Before there were speech windows. Well, before there were front ends... But we have one now!

Could we please get an option to divert these items to the speech window where they won't scroll off before you can read them? I can speed read with the best of our GS players, but these two things are usually things that require attention, not quick scanning.

In a busy room, they are OFF the screen before you can even blink. If you scroll back to see what was said, you now compound the problem because you're gonna be behind everything from that point on...

If they could appear in the speech window, then people don't have to worry about them scrolling away as we participate, just like the speech window was intended to help us with.

Thank you for the consideration.


Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
;tune towncrier

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