I've been using SF off and on since it was released, but I've never been able to get music to work. I've never really asked around if anyone else is having trouble with it either, or asked if it's some known issue with the software.
So... anyone else have this problem?
Re: StormFront and Music
09/12/2011 11:20 PM CDT
The music option is simply for your custom highlight. If you go into options, and the click highlight, in the custom tab, you can set strings up to play music (that you choose from your computer).
~Wyrom, ASGM
Host Manager
GameMaster Trainer
Platinum Lackey
Honorary QCer
>>Glitch uncertainly says, "I need pictures for this."
~Wyrom, ASGM
Host Manager
GameMaster Trainer
Platinum Lackey
Honorary QCer
>>Glitch uncertainly says, "I need pictures for this."
Re: StormFront and Music
09/15/2011 01:19 AM CDT
I was under the impression that was the sound option, unless SF somehow can draw an incredibly profound line between sound and music.
So sound and music, two options for the same thing? And no support for the music from the Wizard FE?
So sound and music, two options for the same thing? And no support for the music from the Wizard FE?
Re: StormFront and Music
09/15/2011 08:42 AM CDT
>>So sound and music, two options for the same thing?
As far as I know, yes. If you click the option to not play music, your custom sounds won't work.
>>Re: Wizard FE
The Wizard FE is no longer supported in the sense of new updates. But the Wizard FE does have those midi files that trigger at certain points. Years and years ago, I use to love going to those areas in the game to cause them to trigger.
~Wyrom, ASGM
Host Manager
GameMaster Trainer
Platinum Lackey
Honorary QCer
>>Glitch uncertainly says, "I need pictures for this."
As far as I know, yes. If you click the option to not play music, your custom sounds won't work.
>>Re: Wizard FE
The Wizard FE is no longer supported in the sense of new updates. But the Wizard FE does have those midi files that trigger at certain points. Years and years ago, I use to love going to those areas in the game to cause them to trigger.
~Wyrom, ASGM
Host Manager
GameMaster Trainer
Platinum Lackey
Honorary QCer
>>Glitch uncertainly says, "I need pictures for this."
Re: StormFront and Music
09/15/2011 11:11 PM CDT
I completely agree about the nostalgia of that old Wizard FE music, and that's really exactly why I was asking about music in StormFront. Any chance that old music is available in a playable form and not just in the Wizard FE resource packs? If so, I guess I could add it to some custom highlights for certain rooms and get the same effect in StormFront.
Re: StormFront and Music
06/17/2016 04:34 PM CDT
So did anyone ever figure out what custom highlights were needed to get the wizard music to play on stormfront?
Want to get this working on my stormfront
Want to get this working on my stormfront
Re: StormFront and Music
06/17/2016 04:45 PM CDT
So you can get the logon music going by using the RESYNC command in stormfront.
I think it not playing the music any other time is actually a bug with stormfront.
I think it not playing the music any other time is actually a bug with stormfront.