Animates won't 'sit' and 'stay' 07/21/2015 03:40 PM CDT
this is animating a PC corpse using a soulstone wand. the corpse won't stop following until i tell it to stop following and then send it a room away manually. the pc is not grouped

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[Dragonspine and Glaes - 1956]
The town walls lie perhaps one hundred feet to the north, with dwarven militiamen pacing back and forth atop them. A rock garden to the west displays a wide variety of fascinating boulders. Beyond the garden, a barge makes its way south down the River Muagh, its decks piled high with freshly-cut logs. To the east Glaes Street, lined with small wood and stone homes, continues a few hundred feet to the walls of the canyon.
Obvious paths: north, east, south
Your mottled maroon abyran'sa and an animated Xyelin followed.
The ghost of Xyelin whispers, "Cant tell me to sit or anything? heh."
>tel ani to sit
You sense the animated corpse of Xyelin sit down.
[Dragonspine and Golvern - 12395]
A troupe of dwarven musicians entertains the crowds at this busy intersection. The dwarves gathered around clap appreciatively, some singing along in clamorous, off-key voices. Other dwarves wander by about their business, many headed to or from the town gates to the north. One huffs and puffs with a large wheelbarrow full of rocks. You also see a squalid canvas pavilion.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Your mottled maroon abyran'sa and an animated Xyelin followed.
[Dragonspine and Golvern - 12395]
A troupe of dwarven musicians entertains the crowds at this busy intersection. The dwarves gathered around clap appreciatively, some singing along in clamorous, off-key voices. Other dwarves wander by about their business, many headed to or from the town gates to the north. One huffs and puffs with a large wheelbarrow full of rocks. You also see a large-fanged mottled maroon abyran'sa and a squalid canvas pavilion.
Also here: Xyelin who is an animated corpse and sitting
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west