Animates and Enhancives 07/03/2015 04:37 AM CDT
Do animated beings benefit from enhancive weapons? I have some nifty two-handers I give my animates that happen to be enhancive. Are my pets actually getting any of those bonuses? For example, one of the weapons enhances two-handed weapon ranks. Is that being applied? If so, are enhancive charges being used?

~ GtG
Re: Animates and Enhancives 07/03/2015 07:21 PM CDT
I'm not sure. I know they were not designed to get Ensorcell benefits, so I would not be surprised if they do not get help from enhancives.

- Xorus' player

>Varevice says, "Marlu is a nasty fellow that I believe we'll start learning a lot more about as demonic summoning is implemented...."
>Varevice says, "And hush, it will too be."
>Varevice winks.
Re: Animates and Enhancives 07/03/2015 07:41 PM CDT

Highly doubt it as well, although I have not tested. Sanctification doesn't work for cleric-based creatures, either.