The Warchief spooks himself couping his foe...
[Roll result: 141 (open d100: 81)]
An animated Grimswarm orc warchief lunges towards the orc guard, most likely intending to finish him off!
An animated Grimswarm orc warchief slams her flail into the side of the orc guard's chest with all her might!
Rib bones are now visible. Bits and pieces of lung are too!
[You have earned 40 prestige points.]
The orc guard rolls over and dies.
The dim aura fades from around a Grimswarm orc guard.
The air calms down around a Grimswarm orc guard.
The brilliant aura fades away from a Grimswarm orc guard.
The opalescent aura fades from around a Grimswarm orc guard.
The very powerful look leaves a Grimswarm orc guard.
The white light leaves a Grimswarm orc guard.
The guiding force leaves a Grimswarm orc guard.
A nearby orc warchief looks a little bit more wary after that display!