I understand that we cannot shift INTO Summoning chambers, as that would allow for us to bypass the Sorcerer only restrictions on these structures, but we are allowed to Shift out. My question is, does Planar Shift (740) receive a benefit from being used in a summoning chamber? If so, to what degree?
See log below
[Summoning Chamber]
Incarnadine sigils wrap around the circular chamber in a tight embrace, their luminescent surfaces casting a bloody light throughout the surroundings as they hum and pulse with power. A triple-band of the angular sigils forms a tight circle in the middle of the floor, the designs there casting a steady pale violet glow as the rest of the room is intermittently cast in darkness by the wavering symbols around you. You also see a latticed yellow crystal.
Obvious exits: out
You study your surroundings and use your keen knowledge of the arcane. It quickly becomes evident that this room is not a magical workshop.
You attempt to discern any aspects of this room that could affect your ability to pierce the veil in any summoning exploits. An obvious connection to the valences saturates the room.
Using a long piece of translucent chalk, you outline the shape of a summoning circle upon the floor.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You study your leather-bound tome for a long moment, imprinting the complex pattern of a set of sinuous sapphire blue "fs-beq-zi-im-lu" runes upon your mind, and then you focus upon your summoning circle as you begin to draw the runes. When all five runes are complete, you draw a defensive sigil at the center of the circle. The circle is prepared, but inert, awaiting the touch of your mana to activate it.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You begin drawing a faint, twisting symbol while softly intoning the words for Planar Shift...
Your spell is ready.
[voodoo]>cast cir
You gesture at a summoning circle.
Your spell activates the dormant summoning circle. Pure white flames of essence blaze around each rune and link them together in a complex circular web. As the web completes itself, the runes transform from their translucent color to brilliant sapphire blue. Lines of sapphire blue energy snake from the runes to activate the sigil at the center of the circle. The central sigil vanishes, and, with a blinding flash of light, a shifting sapphire blue rift opens.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
"Halflings speak Halfling & Common. They don't speak in dog whistle." - GM Thandiwe
Re: Question for GMs: Planar Shift (740) & Summoning Chambers
05/16/2011 02:28 PM CDT
Couldn't you test by seeing how many people could go through the rift before you did? That's assuming of course the bonus is enough to bump you up to the next tier.
Re: Question for GMs: Planar Shift (740) & Summoning Chambers
05/16/2011 02:57 PM CDT
That's not a bad idea, though it wouldn't rule out a bonus solely to reduction in failure/backlashes. I'd honestly rather a GM state what the bonuses are if any.
"Halflings speak Halfling & Common. They don't speak in dog whistle." - GM Thandiwe
"Halflings speak Halfling & Common. They don't speak in dog whistle." - GM Thandiwe
Re: Question for GMs: Planar Shift (740) & Summoning Chambers
05/16/2011 03:02 PM CDT
It would also be difficult because it would have to be like 5-6 sorcerers helping me with the test, as it would be within the guild. Perhaps someone with no skill could give it a try.
"Halflings speak Halfling & Common. They don't speak in dog whistle." - GM Thandiwe
"Halflings speak Halfling & Common. They don't speak in dog whistle." - GM Thandiwe
Re: Question for GMs: Planar Shift (740) & Summoning Chambers
05/16/2011 09:23 PM CDT
Can also be tested in Twilight Hall, the only non-guild summoning circle (besides the Twilight Home opening in Ta'Vaalor)
Re: Question for GMs: Planar Shift (740) & Summoning Chambers
05/16/2011 09:37 PM CDT
Go for it, Rolfard. It would be a big help.
"Halflings speak Halfling & Common. They don't speak in dog whistle." - GM Thandiwe
"Halflings speak Halfling & Common. They don't speak in dog whistle." - GM Thandiwe
Re: Question for GMs: Planar Shift (740) & Summoning Chambers
05/17/2011 07:40 AM CDT
<<Can also be tested in Twilight Hall, the only non-guild summoning circle (besides the Twilight Home opening in Ta'Vaalor) >>
If you need help with this, Jules is a Twilight member and happy to port back to the Landing for a little while.
If you need help with this, Jules is a Twilight member and happy to port back to the Landing for a little while.
Re: Question for GMs: Planar Shift (740) & Summoning Chambers
05/17/2011 10:46 AM CDT
Official Twilight Hall Meeting TONIGHT at 10 pm est.
I will be around before than and will offer entry to those folk interested in testing.
Send me a thought on the amulet if you can't seem to find me, I don't have too many hiding places in the landing.
Although i'm an experienced 'shifter' *(with about 75+ ranks in demonology), i'm not much of a tester and would appreciate someone else 'run' the test.
Also, I think at the 75 rank threshold, the caster would not notice the benefit of the summoning chamber (unless thats only with demon summoning, not shifting)
I will be around before than and will offer entry to those folk interested in testing.
Send me a thought on the amulet if you can't seem to find me, I don't have too many hiding places in the landing.
Although i'm an experienced 'shifter' *(with about 75+ ranks in demonology), i'm not much of a tester and would appreciate someone else 'run' the test.
Also, I think at the 75 rank threshold, the caster would not notice the benefit of the summoning chamber (unless thats only with demon summoning, not shifting)
Re: Question for GMs: Planar Shift (740) & Summoning Chambers
05/22/2011 08:56 PM CDT
Summoning chambers don't provide any kind of benefit to 740.
"I just want to bury the hatchet. So hold still for a sec..."
"I just want to bury the hatchet. So hold still for a sec..."
Re: Question for GMs: Planar Shift (740) & Summoning Chambers
05/22/2011 09:03 PM CDT
Thanks, Strath. Do you think it would be appropriate for them to provide one? It seems like it would be in keeping with the spell, get more sorcerers into the guild, and provide a bit more substance to Summoning Chambers themselves.
Perhaps just the same flat bonus to ranks when casting the spell inside one?
"Halflings speak Halfling & Common. They don't speak in dog whistle." - GM Thandiwe
Perhaps just the same flat bonus to ranks when casting the spell inside one?
"Halflings speak Halfling & Common. They don't speak in dog whistle." - GM Thandiwe
Re: Question for GMs: Planar Shift (740) & Summoning Chambers
05/22/2011 09:48 PM CDT
I'd be willing to consider it.
"I just want to bury the hatchet. So hold still for a sec..."
"I just want to bury the hatchet. So hold still for a sec..."
Re: Question for GMs: Planar Shift (740) & Summoning Chambers
05/23/2011 12:22 AM CDT
Thanks, Strathspey.
"Halflings speak Halfling & Common. They don't speak in dog whistle." - GM Thandiwe
"Halflings speak Halfling & Common. They don't speak in dog whistle." - GM Thandiwe
Re: Question for GMs: Planar Shift (740) & Summoning Chambers
05/23/2011 12:48 PM CDT
No current bonus? Awk-ward. Sorry for the misinformation. Hope the chambers will eventually provide one.
On a side note, they are helpful at least in the case of a major fail of releasing a demon not in a heavily populated area...
Perhaps a side benefit could be accidental summoned demons can't leave the chamber. In the case of guild chambers, it appears they are designed to disorient any would be escaping demons.
On a side note, they are helpful at least in the case of a major fail of releasing a demon not in a heavily populated area...
Perhaps a side benefit could be accidental summoned demons can't leave the chamber. In the case of guild chambers, it appears they are designed to disorient any would be escaping demons.
Re: Question for GMs: Planar Shift (740) & Summoning Chambers
05/23/2011 10:48 PM CDT
<<On a side note, they are helpful at least in the case of a major fail of releasing a demon not in a heavily populated area...>>
I'm gonna go ahead and call this a negative...
I'm gonna go ahead and call this a negative...
Re: Question for GMs: Planar Shift (740) & Summoning Chambers
05/24/2011 07:01 AM CDT
>>I'm gonna go ahead and call this a negative...
Haha, the only reason I can't agree with you is because it gives me a (infinitesimally) slighter advantage to keeping it to exiperiment on/kill at my leisure.
Haha, the only reason I can't agree with you is because it gives me a (infinitesimally) slighter advantage to keeping it to exiperiment on/kill at my leisure.
Re: Question for GMs: Planar Shift (740) & Summoning Chambers
08/31/2012 07:39 AM CDT
>Summoning chambers don't provide any kind of benefit to 740. - Strathspey
>Do you think it would be appropriate for them to provide one? It seems like it would be in keeping with the spell, get more sorcerers into the guild, and provide a bit more substance to Summoning Chambers themselves. - Evarin
>I'd be willing to consider it. - Strathspey
Think its time this was reconsidered again. I wouldn't propose it for the inter-realm travel (that needs its cost looked at independently), but I think it should be able to provide a boost to same-realm travel, and, assuming you are IN the chamber, negate the fumble chance. Say, an additional 10% chance, with the success maximum boosted from 95% to 100%?
You should also be able to 740 INTO Guild summoning chambers, I hate that Sorcerer guilds are not applicable for 740.
>Do you think it would be appropriate for them to provide one? It seems like it would be in keeping with the spell, get more sorcerers into the guild, and provide a bit more substance to Summoning Chambers themselves. - Evarin
>I'd be willing to consider it. - Strathspey
Think its time this was reconsidered again. I wouldn't propose it for the inter-realm travel (that needs its cost looked at independently), but I think it should be able to provide a boost to same-realm travel, and, assuming you are IN the chamber, negate the fumble chance. Say, an additional 10% chance, with the success maximum boosted from 95% to 100%?
You should also be able to 740 INTO Guild summoning chambers, I hate that Sorcerer guilds are not applicable for 740.
Re: Question for GMs: Planar Shift (740) & Summoning Chambers
09/01/2012 09:22 AM CDT
If you could planar shift into a summoning chamber in the Guild, you could bring non sorcerers and non members into said guild. Not a problem, just an observation.