when you're in a room with people, and your demon is in a different room, when you command your demon to drop something, those people can see the demon drop the item. I've bugged this in game. Nothing major, just off.
>tell mdemon to drop ham
A distressed raven black arashan drops a feras hammer.
Rolfard turns to face Ycelacie.
>tell mdemon to drop cae
A distressed raven black arashan drops some waxy grey caederine.
Rolfard nods at Ycelacie.
Velfi blinks.
Rolfard raspily says, "Yah, i saw that too."
Rolfard raspily says, "But now i dont."
Rolfard makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Rolfard gestures.
Rolfard appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.
Velfi scratches at his beard.
Velfi glances at you.
>raise eye
You give your eyebrow a little workout.
Rolfard raspily says, "I saw an arashan drop some caederine and a feras hammer."
Velfi adopts an agreeable expression.