The last two times my 712 fired it killed me (with crits) (130 chanted). I have 105 ranks in demon lore, it has never killed me in the past with crits. Something change?
Re: 712 retribution killing me
08/23/2012 12:11 PM CDT
The last two times my 712 fired it killed me (with crits) (130 chanted). I have 105 ranks in demon lore, it has never killed me in the past with crits. Something change? |
Demonology lore ranks only affect the chance for the spell to trigger. The critical damage is completely random and can't be mitigated.
GameMaster Estild
Re: 712 retribution killing me
08/24/2012 05:37 PM CDT
>Something change?
seemingly, your luck. Two in a row is harsh. Stay out of the casinos for a bit.
Not as a criticism, but out of genuine curiousity, why use 130 given it's backlash effect and the other downsides of 130 in OTF? I suspect you have enough SMC and Summoning lore to significantly reduce the sickness and randomness of where you land, but that still is a long way from a garaunte that you'll land in a better situation than you left. 9 times out of 10 it does probably drop you right outside the portal, which would make rescue easier and far faster if you were to then die.
of course, any other retribution spells wouldn't do anything to maybe I answered my own question, but perhaps not. Also, I am curious just how far the severity of sickness and randomness of 130 can be reduced...of course I'm sure I'll be told that this is the wrong folder for that...
seemingly, your luck. Two in a row is harsh. Stay out of the casinos for a bit.
Not as a criticism, but out of genuine curiousity, why use 130 given it's backlash effect and the other downsides of 130 in OTF? I suspect you have enough SMC and Summoning lore to significantly reduce the sickness and randomness of where you land, but that still is a long way from a garaunte that you'll land in a better situation than you left. 9 times out of 10 it does probably drop you right outside the portal, which would make rescue easier and far faster if you were to then die.
of course, any other retribution spells wouldn't do anything to maybe I answered my own question, but perhaps not. Also, I am curious just how far the severity of sickness and randomness of 130 can be reduced...of course I'm sure I'll be told that this is the wrong folder for that...
Re: 712 retribution killing me
08/25/2012 06:21 PM CDT
>Not as a criticism, but out of genuine curiousity, why use 130 given it's backlash effect and the other downsides of 130 in OTF? I suspect you have enough SMC and Summoning lore to significantly reduce the sickness and randomness of where you land, but that still is a long way from a garaunte that you'll land in a better situation than you left. 9 times out of 10 it does probably drop you right outside the portal, which would make rescue easier and far faster if you were to then die.
You far underestimate what good training and good (dwarven) genetics does with 130...though for this issue it is moot because both were bandit activations (leaving town forgetting I have a bandit bounty, whacked, stunned, whacked, teleported, demon kills me).
The prime landing point in OTF is the cottage, not the portal. My training is such that I always land there (160 ranks in SMC, 120 in SS-lore, before enhancives, and 101 ranks in PF). The last time I didn't land at Illistim's dais was probably in GWB's first term. Sickness, I rarely get any, dwarven constitution on top of my training helps with that. Probably 95% of the time no sickness, 5% of the time less than 10 seconds and no knock down. I do believe it is an open roll, and once or twice a year I will get hit with like 45 seconds or something.
So, in anycase, for me, 130 is a guarantee I'm going someplace safer.
Empaths can of course get even better, put the PF ranks up to 303 and you basically will never get sickness.
Re: 712 retribution killing me
08/25/2012 06:22 PM CDT
>Demonology lore ranks only affect the chance for the spell to trigger. The critical damage is completely random and can't be mitigated.
Well, I'll take your word for it, though that differs from how Nilven originally explained the spell.
Re: 712 retribution killing me
08/26/2012 01:18 PM CDT
>You far underestimate what good training and good (dwarven) genetics does with 130
Clearly. Thank you for the info.
>The prime landing point in OTF is the cottage, not the portal.
I suppose that would make more sense. <slap forehead>
Clearly. Thank you for the info.
>The prime landing point in OTF is the cottage, not the portal.
I suppose that would make more sense. <slap forehead>