Finally, after procrastinating for numerous years, I've made it to ILLUSION DEMON.
Wow this is more annoying than I thought it was going to be, I had no idea tasks were assigned for specific demons.... With summoning costs and bleeping cooldowns, this is taking forever.
I know the following:
- shien'tyr-shadowling - shien'tyr-arashan - shien'tyr-aishan
- lorae'tyr-grantris - grik'tyr-grik
Anyone who knows something else out there want to sell/give me some runestones? Right now I'm on an Ignaesha task and I haven't been able to get one yet.
Re: Uncommon Runes
10/15/2011 12:06 PM CDT
i know no uncommon runes. every attempt to interact with a GM for one (and I've done it numerous times, including during the whole summoners' storyline) has been ignored. so it pisses me off that some players are getting multiple ones with what seems like minimal effort, or 'buying' them from other sorcerers. i dropped my 2x demonology because of this.
and whatever happened to the idea nilven considered that people with x ranks get to pick an uncommon rune?
and whatever happened to the idea nilven considered that people with x ranks get to pick an uncommon rune?
Re: Uncommon Runes
10/15/2011 03:03 PM CDT
hmmmmmm...what do I need to do to bribe you to teach me shien'tyr-aishan?
Player of Malisai
Player of Malisai
Re: Uncommon Runes
10/15/2011 04:48 PM CDT
I have no teaches.
Moredin, I haven't bought any of mine and I never join quests as a matter of principle. I wouldn't think that'd be the way to get it either. Those are typically run by CE GMs, and lets face it, for a long time there hasn't been that many staff members who know about sorcery, I wouldn't expect them to know of this.
Anyways, for years I had none as well, then suddenly I got 5.
I got one showing up for the guild meeting after the arashan release, everyone who showed got one (though, not arashan, they kept it limited at that point). I believe I traded teaches with someone so we both ended up with two.
Then wonders of elanthia, there was a preannounced raffle I think, 10 winners (not many entered really, good odds), won that, traded teaches again for sure that time. So there is 4.
Then I think I must have won one at EG or something.
Though, if you ask me, the whole uncommon rune system is dumb and should be changed. The spell is limited enough as is, why must we invent this relatively OOC rune rationing system? In fact lets toss the runestone requirement altogether. Make it so you can just prep cast to summon the demon, let having a runestone merely give you a success bonus. Or if that'd really break game balance, make the runestone required for existing success rates, and give a 25 rank penalty off of current rates without it. Or have it modify duration in some way. Summoning without a runestone is short duration and you cannot renew. Something like that.
I think a major reason the spell is sparsely used, aside from the annoyance of illusions, the justice problems, and the summoning cost, is that you can't get the demon you want all the time, each is different, and the cooldown period makes it a long process sometimes. If you're going to put all those restrictions on it at least we should be able to summon the demon that has the specific ability we require without having to wait 30 minutes. "Sorry, your chance for RP has passed, you took too long. "
Re: Uncommon Runes
10/15/2011 05:04 PM CDT
You know, what they could do with teaches just to get more of them out there. Make it a sorcerer guild feature. Either when you master, or every time you master a skill, let the guildmaster teach you an uncommon rune.
Then, for coming up with this idea, and my general dwarven sexiness I should be taught the Abyran'ra rune.
Re: Uncommon Runes
10/15/2011 05:44 PM CDT
For me there are a couple of issues.
Having to train in illusions, If i forget and the demon follows me i have to go through the justice system and waste time.
As is its not a really usefull spells. It holds mana, but not enough to make or break a hunt, it holds some coins and objects, but same as mana. The only real useful ability is guarding against theft, but a cursed gem, using notes and closing your containers gets rid of that problem.
Honestly outside of how it will add to Balefire if this spell went away I dont think i would really care besides the RP of Mal being a demonologist. It takes too much time and has too many restrictions for a spell thats worthless.
Player of Malisai
Having to train in illusions, If i forget and the demon follows me i have to go through the justice system and waste time.
As is its not a really usefull spells. It holds mana, but not enough to make or break a hunt, it holds some coins and objects, but same as mana. The only real useful ability is guarding against theft, but a cursed gem, using notes and closing your containers gets rid of that problem.
Honestly outside of how it will add to Balefire if this spell went away I dont think i would really care besides the RP of Mal being a demonologist. It takes too much time and has too many restrictions for a spell thats worthless.
Player of Malisai
Re: Uncommon Runes
10/15/2011 06:28 PM CDT
>Having to train in illusions, If i forget and the demon follows me i have to go through the justice system and waste time.
That is pretty much why I don't use it. I think I could write a lich script that would detect me walking back from a hunt and automatically make the demon stop following, but it'd be tricky, so I never forget. I do much the same to take off and put on my enhancives, its too much to remember to do on my own all the time.
Of course the illistim have a very good reason to be afraid of demons. Likewise they have a very good reason to be afraid of me. I could kill every living thing in the town in a matter of minutes if I ever decided I wanted to (Seconds if they'll all kindly stand together). Yet I'm allowed in town, but my mere minor demon with no attack abilities is not. That is of course another gripe with the justice system. I have massive cosmic power and could single handedly mow down thousands of invading forces if the city were ever attacked, but that darn constable has the power to clap me in irons? If this was a free form RPG I would kill the constable, animate his body, send him back to his office, have him cross my name off his list. Have him tell his underlings he is going for a long walk in the woods, and leave his corpse out by Hunter Trolls. It is also nice how he knows who the summoner is of any particular demon, nice magical skill that, where did he study? ITT Tech?
There should be some point where you're no longer troubled by the rabble. Where the goodwife doesn't yell murder, because she is afraid of you. If asked by the constable afterwards she'll say "I dinnae see nuttin."
So the townspeople fear us enough to ban our demons, but not enough to mind their own damn business or fear our retribution?
If they ever implement a postcap rewards system one item should be justice immunity, at least on petty stuff like endangering public safety or demon summoning. It would be a very popular selection.
Re: Uncommon Runes
10/16/2011 12:00 PM CDT
>Moredin, I haven't bought any of mine and I never join quests as a matter of principle.
yeah I know not everyone buys their but on the other hand I have seen a lot of this happen.
yeah I know not everyone buys their but on the other hand I have seen a lot of this happen.
Re: Uncommon Runes
10/24/2011 05:56 PM CDT
>>If they ever implement a postcap rewards system one item should be justice immunity, at least on petty stuff like endangering public safety or demon summoning. It would be a very popular selection. <<
This could just be something like a BRIBEry system.
Go to relevant town official, pay X based on level and trading and influence and gain immunity for some smaller infractions as previously mentioned for a week, or a month... or just a day.
Make X variable. Thresholds granting immunity for a flexible period of time. This way you don't have to pay for a month's worth of immunity if you're only going to be 'there' for a weekend or whatever.
Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding. - Albert Einstein
This could just be something like a BRIBEry system.
Go to relevant town official, pay X based on level and trading and influence and gain immunity for some smaller infractions as previously mentioned for a week, or a month... or just a day.
Make X variable. Thresholds granting immunity for a flexible period of time. This way you don't have to pay for a month's worth of immunity if you're only going to be 'there' for a weekend or whatever.
Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding. - Albert Einstein
Re: Uncommon Runes
11/13/2011 03:30 PM CST
How do we check how many teaches we have? I know shien'tyr-shien, and would be willing to pass on the knowledge.
Re: Uncommon Runes
11/13/2011 11:26 PM CST
i've never learned an uncommon rune but would like much to know a few...Vaelsoth dangled teaching in front of me but i doubt he was going to teach me as Rolfard is a bit of an upstart who didn't trust interlopers on da rock
Re: Uncommon Runes
11/14/2011 12:17 PM CST
i think it is under the RUNE verb.
hmmmm, what would i need to do to convince you to teach Mal?
Player of Malisai
hmmmm, what would i need to do to convince you to teach Mal?
Player of Malisai
Re: Uncommon Runes
11/14/2011 07:20 PM CST
Didn't notice any numbers for teaching under the RUNE verb. If you see me in or around Ta'Illistim just ask.
Re: Uncommon Runes
11/14/2011 07:43 PM CST
I'm pretty sure I have a teaching left, but the rune verb didn't tell me anything about number of teachings. Didn't it used to say even when you have no teachings?
Re: Uncommon Runes
11/14/2011 08:10 PM CST
Querthose(sp) was offering to teach all the ones he knows, recently, but he's out of teach's.. ooh, how I was drooling until we learned that one, heh. If not make services to get uncommon runes more comment, then maybe offer the occasional "recharge" for amount of times someone can teach.
Re: Uncommon Runes
11/15/2011 12:04 PM CST
Generally you get two "teaches" when you learn an uncommon rune. However - and unfortunately - the person to whom you teach that rune does not also get two "teaches"; they get none. Julesia does know one uncommon rune, but the one she'd really like to know is the lorae'tyr-verlok rune, which not many people appear to have. It's very frustrating for me, as a player, because I feel the demons are an excellent part of her RP, but not every demon meets the roleplay needs.
Re: Uncommon Runes
11/15/2011 02:14 PM CST
Just tossin this out, plain and simple. The whole idea behind these uncommon (how bout extremely rare?) runes being rare sucks. For a spell that offers fairly little, it's pretty crazy that these runes are so hard to learn. WTB "uncommon" runes being a bit more on the common side.
Re: Uncommon Runes
11/15/2011 02:31 PM CST
>>Just tossin this out, plain and simple. The whole idea behind these uncommon (how bout extremely rare?) runes being rare sucks. For a spell that offers fairly little, it's pretty crazy that these runes are so hard to learn. WTB "uncommon" runes being a bit more on the common side.
Agreed wholeheartedly, and this coming from someone who hasn't even decided if,how, when my sorcerer might use a demon. A setup I'd kinda like to see would be the following
Player A wins a raffle for X rune, they can teach it twice. They teach player B and C.
Every month (or full moon, or alignment of moons, whatever) Player A may teach 2 more people. Player B and C couldn't teach anyone except maybe if player A was present in which case they could teach once. Something like this might promote monthly gatherings, heh Player A could even have fun choosing when/where to host this gathering that most of the game's law enforcement frowns upon.
Might be more complicated then it's worth, but demons are cool enough that I know i'd hate to be able to just login, learn every demon rune and log back out, all in a night's work. Least this way there'd be something to look forward to.
Re: Uncommon Runes
11/15/2011 02:59 PM CST
I think part of the idea was to develop a small market for the demon specific runestones. The relatively few people who could draw the runes would ideally sell them, giving everyone limited access. So, despite the fact that only two people may know a rune, dozens would have access to the runestone. That said, the almost complete lack of market for demons means no one bothers to sell them because no one bothers to buy them.
This has been said a hundred times and a hundred different ways, but demons are little more than an expensive RP tool. While this has been improving (Makes Balefire more powerful, new spider-like demon has hunting benefits), the problem is still there. To review:
1) To adequately use demons, you need substantial TP investment that has little other purpose. If you want to RP with a demon, you either need to plan for it ahead of time, or have 25 ranks of lore plus a summoning chamber. Otherwise, the 15 minute summoning cooldown (Not 100% sure of that number anymore) means your RP opportunity will have passed by should you fail (50% chance if you lack the lores). If you need a specific demon, better have 75 ranks to guarantee a RP opportunity.
2) To get any use out of demons, there is a substantial monetary cost. You need to own and carry around all the supplies needed for summoning (Unless you like constant locker trips). Carrying all that junk takes weight. Ironically, the best use of demon lore is having enough ranks to phase your demon summoning equipment.
3) Time investment. Unless you live in an area that allows them, plan on spending a lot of time learning illusions.
4) Risk. If that illusion fails, or if you fail to recall that you have a demon in tow, prepare for some hefty fines or jail time.
5) Lack of benefits. Mana battery? You'd have a higher rate of return in TP investment if you just 2xed harness power. Sending messages? Useful on occasion, but a crystal amulet and multiple locates is a lot more efficient. Coin/object holder? You'd have been better off dropping those coins should you get arrested once. Phase keeps weight down plenty.
I know things have been done to mitigate the problems, (vakra runes for one) but they still exist. Giving the multiple illusion options for a demon was a nice touch, as you can make your demon more personal. Still, except for commune, it is the most expensive and dangerous and burdensome and time consuming RP tool in the game, and little else.
This has been said a hundred times and a hundred different ways, but demons are little more than an expensive RP tool. While this has been improving (Makes Balefire more powerful, new spider-like demon has hunting benefits), the problem is still there. To review:
1) To adequately use demons, you need substantial TP investment that has little other purpose. If you want to RP with a demon, you either need to plan for it ahead of time, or have 25 ranks of lore plus a summoning chamber. Otherwise, the 15 minute summoning cooldown (Not 100% sure of that number anymore) means your RP opportunity will have passed by should you fail (50% chance if you lack the lores). If you need a specific demon, better have 75 ranks to guarantee a RP opportunity.
2) To get any use out of demons, there is a substantial monetary cost. You need to own and carry around all the supplies needed for summoning (Unless you like constant locker trips). Carrying all that junk takes weight. Ironically, the best use of demon lore is having enough ranks to phase your demon summoning equipment.
3) Time investment. Unless you live in an area that allows them, plan on spending a lot of time learning illusions.
4) Risk. If that illusion fails, or if you fail to recall that you have a demon in tow, prepare for some hefty fines or jail time.
5) Lack of benefits. Mana battery? You'd have a higher rate of return in TP investment if you just 2xed harness power. Sending messages? Useful on occasion, but a crystal amulet and multiple locates is a lot more efficient. Coin/object holder? You'd have been better off dropping those coins should you get arrested once. Phase keeps weight down plenty.
I know things have been done to mitigate the problems, (vakra runes for one) but they still exist. Giving the multiple illusion options for a demon was a nice touch, as you can make your demon more personal. Still, except for commune, it is the most expensive and dangerous and burdensome and time consuming RP tool in the game, and little else.
Re: Uncommon Runes
11/15/2011 08:33 PM CST
I have two runes and I agree with you, it should be a guild reward for mastering illusions or awarded at a certain demonology rank. Sad to come back and see that demons are less popular than ever.
Re: Uncommon Runes
11/16/2011 01:47 PM CST
What I've said multiple times is the system should be changed entirely so that any sorcerer can cast for the specific demon he wants no matter what runestone he uses.
prep 725
cast arashan
For instance.
Using a runestone should be a bonus, not the baseline. This makes uncommon runes still useful, but not monopolistic, and I've maxed out at 5 of them.
Re: Uncommon Runes
11/16/2011 09:31 PM CST
>>Using a runestone should be a bonus, not the baseline.
Or at least make it 'designate-able' similar to the wizard familiar runestone.
Or at least make it 'designate-able' similar to the wizard familiar runestone.
Re: Uncommon Runes
11/28/2011 09:42 PM CST
Sorry I'm late.
It was rumored that part of why we barely see teachings offered is that few on staff know how to work the system that provides them to players anymore. I wonder if that's true? If it is true, is that information lost forever or could someone sufficiently motivated figure it out again? Obviously, no one on this side of the fence can know the answer to that but it seems plausible if sad-making.
BTW, I like the idea of being able to "refresh" teachings of runes we know. Some of my best demonology RP years and years ago now revolved around teaching runes my character had obtained. It would be great if "refreshing" could be attainable somehow by progress in the guild or some other in-game not necessarily silvers (unless it has to be) approach. If the system could somehow become automated (even if rare or difficult to attain) then loss of how-to through staff turnover wouldn't have to be an issue at all.
Re: Uncommon Runes
12/01/2011 03:51 PM CST
If someone has a shien'tyr-shien or a lorae'tyr-Igaesha teach they'd be willing to share, I'd like to learn one or both. None of the others would be a suitable minion for my sorcerer.
I can be found at or near Illistim.
Re: Uncommon Runes
09/06/2012 01:08 AM CDT
<<Either when you master, or every time you master a skill, let the guildmaster teach you an uncommon rune.>>
I really like the idea of learning an uncommon rune when you master the illusion skill. Because isn't that the point of knowing how to illusion things? To prevent your character from being arrested in all the towns that disapprove of demons within their limits? That is to say...all save one?
I second this idea!
<<....the Abyran'ra rune.>>
Aren't the abyran'ra considered major demons? So, technically sorcerers wouldn't be able to learn that rune until they were able to summon major demons from their resident valences.
Speaking of valences...
<<So, I would love to hear some official word from the Basilica on the issue, as well as word from others in our ignoble profession.... I would like to think that due to how our valences are currently described/named up we should at least be on the XXXXX'Tyr valence.>>
I love how that demonologist brain works! I'd like to officially put myself in the Elanth'tyr valence camp. It makes the most sense to me, but then again...I don't play a Faendryl character.
<<That said, I don't have a list and haven't been able to discover many of them (especially the Arashan, which I could only find 2 verbs for)>>
I seem to recall there being four verbs that I was able to use to interact with an arashan...but it's been too long for me to remember what they are now. I've only been sticking to the igaesha because of Asenora's illusion guild work (which you obviously know) so I have had literally no RP interaction with summoned demons in the past...3 years. Igaesha don't seem to be responsive at all, they're just smoke. They do have sort of nifty idle messaging that it sends a chill down your spine or something. I can try to collect those and save them.
The plain note reads, "Fishing without Asenora is like not fishing at all."
I really like the idea of learning an uncommon rune when you master the illusion skill. Because isn't that the point of knowing how to illusion things? To prevent your character from being arrested in all the towns that disapprove of demons within their limits? That is to say...all save one?
I second this idea!
<<....the Abyran'ra rune.>>
Aren't the abyran'ra considered major demons? So, technically sorcerers wouldn't be able to learn that rune until they were able to summon major demons from their resident valences.
Speaking of valences...
<<So, I would love to hear some official word from the Basilica on the issue, as well as word from others in our ignoble profession.... I would like to think that due to how our valences are currently described/named up we should at least be on the XXXXX'Tyr valence.>>
I love how that demonologist brain works! I'd like to officially put myself in the Elanth'tyr valence camp. It makes the most sense to me, but then again...I don't play a Faendryl character.
<<That said, I don't have a list and haven't been able to discover many of them (especially the Arashan, which I could only find 2 verbs for)>>
I seem to recall there being four verbs that I was able to use to interact with an arashan...but it's been too long for me to remember what they are now. I've only been sticking to the igaesha because of Asenora's illusion guild work (which you obviously know) so I have had literally no RP interaction with summoned demons in the past...3 years. Igaesha don't seem to be responsive at all, they're just smoke. They do have sort of nifty idle messaging that it sends a chill down your spine or something. I can try to collect those and save them.
The plain note reads, "Fishing without Asenora is like not fishing at all."
Re: Uncommon Runes
09/06/2012 04:03 AM CDT
>Aren't the abyran'ra considered major demons? So, technically sorcerers wouldn't be able to learn that rune until they were able to summon major demons from their resident valences.
So, how this works:
Two broad classifications of demons. Major demons and lesser demons. Everything we've ever seen in game is pretty much a lesser demon. Major demons include things on par with the Ur-Daemons, basically, equivalent in power to an Arkati or Drake. Lesser demons are then further defined into another classification of lesser demons and minor demons. Minor demons are the little guys we get out of 725, ranging from small animal status (verlok and grantris) to lesser sentient being (abyran'a and grik).
But the point you were trying to get across is correct. Handing out Abyran'ra runes is pretty much out of the question. What I find interesting about the Abyran'ra situation is that variants of the same species are so vastly different in power that they are classified differently.
I guess its like this:
Abyran'a - Run of the mill civilian
Abyran'sa - Priest/shaman class, no real strength, but some access to mystical powers
Abyran'ra - Like a level 70-cap player. Knows what the heck they are doing. The "heroes" of the species.
>I love how that demonologist brain works! I'd like to officially put myself in the Elanth'tyr valence camp. It makes the most sense to me, but then again...I don't play a Faendryl character.
I've written in-game essays about this. Its been somewhat refuted by official word, but only vaguely. I remember 5-6 years ago, there was some half-hearted attempt to claim that Elanthia was not the same "classification" as the valences, but in my opinion, thats poor logic, and they didn't back it up. Since then, I've seen nothing on the subject.
My personally assessment of the situation is that demons are not inherently chaotic. They come from another universe, where the fabric of reality and laws of physics are different (Shien'tyr's evaporating light and Lorae'tyr's timeshifting). The demon is a "patch" of dissonant reality when brought into this world, and the "chaos" is simply the clash of one world's physics with another. With no true official documentation specifically stating so, I would suggest that within their native valences, demons have NO chaotic powers outside of their inherent abilities (I bet a Abyran'ra could break sancts because they are powerful, not chaotic). Along with this theory goes my claim that an Elanthian in a foreign valence would have chaotic powers, namely, sanct breaking.
I doubt we will ever see documenation stating such, and in the past, I've seen vague hints of NIR quotes implying that the chaotic nature IS inherent, in that all the other valences are chaotic realms, and Elanthia is the ONLY "stable" realm, and is in fact, NOT a valence at all. I'd rather chalk that up to Faendryl arrogance than truth.
So, how this works:
Two broad classifications of demons. Major demons and lesser demons. Everything we've ever seen in game is pretty much a lesser demon. Major demons include things on par with the Ur-Daemons, basically, equivalent in power to an Arkati or Drake. Lesser demons are then further defined into another classification of lesser demons and minor demons. Minor demons are the little guys we get out of 725, ranging from small animal status (verlok and grantris) to lesser sentient being (abyran'a and grik).
But the point you were trying to get across is correct. Handing out Abyran'ra runes is pretty much out of the question. What I find interesting about the Abyran'ra situation is that variants of the same species are so vastly different in power that they are classified differently.
I guess its like this:
Abyran'a - Run of the mill civilian
Abyran'sa - Priest/shaman class, no real strength, but some access to mystical powers
Abyran'ra - Like a level 70-cap player. Knows what the heck they are doing. The "heroes" of the species.
>I love how that demonologist brain works! I'd like to officially put myself in the Elanth'tyr valence camp. It makes the most sense to me, but then again...I don't play a Faendryl character.
I've written in-game essays about this. Its been somewhat refuted by official word, but only vaguely. I remember 5-6 years ago, there was some half-hearted attempt to claim that Elanthia was not the same "classification" as the valences, but in my opinion, thats poor logic, and they didn't back it up. Since then, I've seen nothing on the subject.
My personally assessment of the situation is that demons are not inherently chaotic. They come from another universe, where the fabric of reality and laws of physics are different (Shien'tyr's evaporating light and Lorae'tyr's timeshifting). The demon is a "patch" of dissonant reality when brought into this world, and the "chaos" is simply the clash of one world's physics with another. With no true official documentation specifically stating so, I would suggest that within their native valences, demons have NO chaotic powers outside of their inherent abilities (I bet a Abyran'ra could break sancts because they are powerful, not chaotic). Along with this theory goes my claim that an Elanthian in a foreign valence would have chaotic powers, namely, sanct breaking.
I doubt we will ever see documenation stating such, and in the past, I've seen vague hints of NIR quotes implying that the chaotic nature IS inherent, in that all the other valences are chaotic realms, and Elanthia is the ONLY "stable" realm, and is in fact, NOT a valence at all. I'd rather chalk that up to Faendryl arrogance than truth.
Re: Uncommon Runes
09/06/2012 06:14 PM CDT
<<I doubt we will ever see documenation stating such, and in the past, I've seen vague hints of NIR quotes implying that the chaotic nature IS inherent, in that all the other valences are chaotic realms, and Elanthia is the ONLY "stable" realm, and is in fact, NOT a valence at all. I'd rather chalk that up to Faendryl arrogance than truth.>>
Interesting food for thought, thanks for clarifying that.
The plain note reads, "Fishing without Asenora is like not fishing at all."
Interesting food for thought, thanks for clarifying that.
The plain note reads, "Fishing without Asenora is like not fishing at all."