When the retribution effect is Pain (711) and it hits, Focused Mstrike keeps swinging instead of stopping from RT lock. Is that supposed to happen?
I would think an instant-kill with another spell would halt it. I do not know about stuns.
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, the Royal Jester engages XXXXX in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
The Royal Jester swings a war mattock at XXXXX!
AS: +458 vs DS: +382 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +33 = +145
... and hits for 23 points of damage!
Jarring blow to XXXXX's back.
The Royal Jester swings a war mattock at XXXXX!
AS: +458 vs DS: +380 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +58 = +172
... and hits for 47 points of damage!
Respectable shot to the back.
She is stunned!
A dark shadowy tendril rises up from XXXXX's skin, writhes its way up a war mattock towards the Royal Jester and lashes out malevolently...
CS: +553 - TD: +404 + CvA: -13 + d100: +72 == +208
Warding failed!
The Royal Jester contorts in excruciating agony!
... 455 points of damage!
The Royal Jester swings a war mattock at XXXXX!
AS: +448 vs DS: +358 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +98 = +224
... and hits for 106 points of damage!
Crushing blow to the spine!
XXXXX slumps to the ground.
* XXXXX drops dead at your feet!
Re: 712 Retribution and Focused Mstrike
08/23/2018 09:13 AM CDT
I would guess that MSTRIKE ignores RT once it's started in order to prevent it's own RT from stopping the 2nd, 3rd, etc swings from happening... I'm 95% certain that if you had something that inflicted death, stuns, etc on it the MSTRIKE would have been interrupted (I seem to recall a mino warrior's MSTRIKE was brought to a halt when I had 708 chanted into the cloak and it's arm was blown off).
I've always found that 706 or 708 are the best spells to have chanted into Cloak, depending on whether there's something immune to stuns where I'm hunting. If there's a reason those aren't satisfactory in Reim, 110 or 118 would prolly get the job done.
Starchitin, the OG
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
I've always found that 706 or 708 are the best spells to have chanted into Cloak, depending on whether there's something immune to stuns where I'm hunting. If there's a reason those aren't satisfactory in Reim, 110 or 118 would prolly get the job done.
Starchitin, the OG
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.