At simucon I was posed with the question of what i thought about animates. My first reaction was that they were terrible having not really given them a chance since the last set of updates. Ive spent sometime since then relearning and using them.
1. Animates are very useful given you get the right animate.
2. Its mana intenstive for the no compent version of them for a hunt. 33+ mana to pain them and 30 to animate is a big hit at the start of a hunt. Perhaps if they fully healed when animated with a lore tie in this would be better.
3. Durations. 45 minutes with the best crystals you can get is nice and it works most of the time. There's lots of times it doesnt. If I'm running a quest or a group Reim, sitting in line for a merchant, waiting around durring a story line. Theres no time to run off quicky to sacrifce something to refresh it. My idea to fix this would be to allow them to be animated again after they die with the use of crystals for a diminishing return of time. Perhaps the first reanimation give 35 minutes vs the 45 then 25 , 15 and to the base of 10.
4. Sacrifice love the changes its great. It would be very helpful if we had a sense skill for this to see if something was in the golden zone to be able to be sacrificed vs just guessing.
5. A warning message maybe 5 minutes out that the spell is about to drop so one may collect any weapons we've given out.
6. As it stands you cant bless or eblade a weapon an animate starts with. This would be a nice quailty of life addtion.
7. Group members being able to buff your animate. Lore tie in maybe? Reduced duration on spell cast from other people maybe.
8. Trolls theres no capped trolls outside warcamps for crystals this is an annoyance if you're not GOS.
9. Collecting of blood requires a vial to collect and a flask to then pour it in. It would be great if this could just be one item vs two. It would also be less clunky when making the crystals as it stands theres lots of take this out pour this in that put this away take this back out.