Excuse the intrusion.
Some of you may - or may not - know that I am somewhat obsessive about ale. One of my longstanding projects is to taste every ale available to me and to record that taste. I need to sample it so a description is not sufficient.
I am conscious that some guilds may actually provide ale to their patrons but that I would never get to know...If ale is sold - alcoholic but not healing - or given freely within the guild walls I would like to sample it please. if there is a cost I will reimburse you of course.
Any assistance appreciated.
OOC: You can contact me at: bremerial@gmail.com
Bremerial - Bar Fly, 3rd Class [Highman Games 5010]
Warrior Interviews - Have you been interviewed yet? - http://www.assessrisk.com/personal/gs4_30.htm
AIM: warriorbremerial