>order 7
You ask about the price of a blackened leather wand harness.
Sensing that this won't be an easy negotiation, you make an aggressive opening offer. A timid apprentice asks, "You did mean silvers and not some foreign currency, yes? Let's say
17325 silvers in the interest of good foreign relations!"
You may order a QUANTITY of this item, ORDER something else, or BUY this item.
You feel at full magical power again.
>look in box
In the iron box you see a tiny black sphere.
>look sphere
Ripples of dark colors race across the surface of the sphere, which is barely the size of a marble. The air near it feels somehow thin and smells faintly of ozone while tiny
crackles of lightning dance on the surface.
>'Mm.. greater essence focus...
Speaking in Dark Elven, you say, "Mm.. greater essence focus..."
>touch sphere
That's a swirling mass of nothingness. Are you sure you want to touch it?
>prep 405
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Elemental Detection spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast sphere
You gesture at a tiny black sphere.
The powerful magic radiating from the tiny black sphere deflects your attempt.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>go sphere
As you start to approach the sphere within the veil iron box, it suddenly expands and begins to pull you in!
You are sucked into the void!
Rather abrupt decompression causes you to explode!
Billions and billions of tiny bits of flesh shower everything.
Quite severely dead.
* Xorus has been vaporized!
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.
...departing in 10 mins...
Blasted into a thousand pieces your remains speed through a limitless void for several moments before you feel a tugging on your remains by some unseen force. You realize you are
falling rapidly when abruptly your remains come to a crashing stop.
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and
adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded
from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Zrick disk, the Ryvka disk, the Cantado
disk, the orange Hapenlok disk, a white crystal, an infuriated spring spirit that is flying around, a soft white mushroom, some wolifrew lichen, some wolifrew lichen, a rose-marrow
potion, some acantha leaf, an iced peach muffin, a moldy almond cupcake, a cracked wand, a stained wand, a small wand, some manna bread, an ayanad crystal, a dagger, an herbal remedy
donation bin and some stone benches with some stuff on it.
Also here: Zrick who is lying down, Komoki who is sitting, Lady Wintersylph, Great Lord Valtok, Cantado, Sareyna
Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west, northwest
* Xorus just bit the dust!
Your surroundings begin to blur, colors melting away as silence rushes in to greet you. Shadows creep in from the corner of your eyes and you are overwhelmed in darkness.
Suddenly the darkness peels away and you hear the sound of rustling tree branches nearby. Your vision returns and you find yourself before a garden with gnarled, oily black trees
towering above you.
[Moot Hall, Orchard]
A large garden stretches out beneath the shadow of Moot Hall. Thick stone walls rise up behind the building, shielding the area from the rest of the town, and a carved wooden door
leads back inside. You also see a red-veined gnarled black tree, a red-veined gnarled black tree, a red-veined gnarled black tree, a red-veined gnarled black tree, a red-veined
gnarled black tree, a red-veined gnarled black tree, a red-veined gnarled black tree, a red-veined gnarled black tree, a red-veined gnarled black tree, a red-veined gnarled black
tree, a red-veined gnarled black tree, a red-veined gnarled black tree, a red-veined gnarled black tree and a red-veined gnarled black tree.
Obvious paths: none
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
DEAD>'The bank was over there!
Speaking in Dark Elven, you exclaim, "The bank was over there!"
Re: Black Friday was early this year
11/25/2014 06:48 AM CST
You had the right idea! Just don't touch it. A majority of the guilds have a sphere like that one. They are more useful in some towns than in others. Ta'Vaalor does not have a sphere, but it does have something that serves the same purpose. So far as I know, no one has figured out the apparatus in Ta'Illistim.
Re: Black Friday was early this year
11/25/2014 06:54 AM CST
<<You had the right idea! Just don't touch it.>>
I would call it "morbid curiosity", since that was what I expected to happen. It turned out my first inclination was the right way to handle it.
... which, I guess, was also morbid curiosity.
- Xorus' player
I would call it "morbid curiosity", since that was what I expected to happen. It turned out my first inclination was the right way to handle it.
... which, I guess, was also morbid curiosity.
- Xorus' player
Re: Black Friday was early this year
12/04/2014 12:40 AM CST
What sorcerer has never tried to NUDGE or GET that sphere? I definitely did this the first time I found it, too.
>An officer of the Sorcerer Guild arrives and glances around. "Ah, there you are, Vathon!" he says in a slightly agitated tone. "I have come to formally declare that your membership privileges have been revoked."
>An officer of the Sorcerer Guild arrives and glances around. "Ah, there you are, Vathon!" he says in a slightly agitated tone. "I have come to formally declare that your membership privileges have been revoked."
Re: Black Friday was early this year
01/22/2015 03:32 AM CST
A pitch black thread of essence flows from your fingertips towards a tiny black sphere. As you continue your arcane invocations, your surroundings blur and the tiny black sphere expands to encompass you. When you regain your bearings, your surroundings have changed. |
[Melgorehn's Reach, Water Tunnel Racecourse] |
You lose your sense of direction in the twisting water tunnels. |
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds. |
>sigh |
There is no way you can do that under these circumstances! |
The evil trees strike again...
- Xorus' player
The vereri says, "You have no reason to fear me, Xorus."
The nedum vereri smiles soothingly at you. You feel your resistance melt away!
d100 == 1 FUMBLE!
Re: Black Friday was early this year
01/22/2015 04:41 AM CST
Hahaha...what is this?
>Kayse scrambles to avoid being sucked into the void!
>Kayse scrambles to avoid being sucked into the void!
Re: Black Friday was early this year
01/22/2015 04:52 PM CST
<<Hahaha...what is this?>>
Madness, chaos, and bedlam. I was not planning on visiting the water tunnels, but I was mugged by nostalgia.
- Xorus' player
>[Ta'Illistim Keep, The Argentate]
>The airy chamber is rectangular, its ceiling a soaring vault of reflective silver-gilt mosaic. Beneath the glassy mirror is an open expanse of polished stone flooring and a rostrum, the surface raised three stairsteps above the rest of the room. Two doors, mistwood paneled in silver plating, mark the long walls of the hall, and an immense arch stands opposite the platform. You also see a guardsman.
>Obvious exits: none
>You settle yourself on the silver throne for a moment's rest.
>The guardsman returns your gaze with a sneer. You distinctly hear him mumble something about "scum" before he returns his attention to what he was doing before you interrupted him.
>You wave a hand at the guardsman, dismissing it indifferently.
>Speaking in Dark Elven to a guardsman, you say, "Off with your head."
Madness, chaos, and bedlam. I was not planning on visiting the water tunnels, but I was mugged by nostalgia.
- Xorus' player
>[Ta'Illistim Keep, The Argentate]
>The airy chamber is rectangular, its ceiling a soaring vault of reflective silver-gilt mosaic. Beneath the glassy mirror is an open expanse of polished stone flooring and a rostrum, the surface raised three stairsteps above the rest of the room. Two doors, mistwood paneled in silver plating, mark the long walls of the hall, and an immense arch stands opposite the platform. You also see a guardsman.
>Obvious exits: none
>You settle yourself on the silver throne for a moment's rest.
>The guardsman returns your gaze with a sneer. You distinctly hear him mumble something about "scum" before he returns his attention to what he was doing before you interrupted him.
>You wave a hand at the guardsman, dismissing it indifferently.
>Speaking in Dark Elven to a guardsman, you say, "Off with your head."