HSN: Animate Dead (730) Update! 07/23/2015 01:08 PM CDT
Hi Everybody! It's time for Animate Dead (730) to get its big update!

First, the Maximum Animatable Level (MAL) for animates has been revised to: (700s ranks, capped at level) - 10 + (700s ranks over level / 10, max of 5) + (WIS Bonus / 5) + (Necromancy Lore Ranks / 10). The entire formula is capped at the caster's level + 15.

Second, the components of the spell are now optional! Feel free to simply PREP and CAST the spell to make it work. With this change the duration of the spell has changed to a flat 10 minutes, but if crimson salts are used the duration is 20 minutes + 6 seconds per level of troll blood used. Using SACRIFICE CHANNEL will refresh the duration to the original value.

Third, if a gem is used for the animation process it will boost the level of the animated creature by +1 for every 400 value of the gem used, maxed at the caster's MAL. This will include the appropriate combat stats for the creature.

Fourth, Sorcerers may now use ASSESS on a corpse to see if it is suitable for animation before casting at it.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST (My favorite part), animates have learned a new ability: Corpse Explosion! Simply TELL ANIMATE TO EXPLODE will cause your animate to... explode! The explosion is player friendly, and will affect a number of targets up to 2 + 1 per every 20 Necromancy Lore ranks. The explosions are elementally themed based on the caster's attunement, and elemental lore training in the element of the explosion will increase the damage of the explosion. The explosion uses the Standard Maneuver Roll and training in Necromancy Lore increases the chances for the explosion to hit its targets.

~ Konacon

This message was originally posted in Sorcerers, Sorcerer Spells. To discuss the above, follow the link below.
