Forum Policy Updates 06/07/2017 03:06 PM CDT
Hey everyone, we're adding some transparency to our forum rules, as things have been getting out of hand with the "flaming" in certain areas. As many of you know, I wish to modernize our forums, which means relaxing the rules a bit. However, everyone doesn't share that same feeling as me, and we're just creating more work for staff. This is spelling out the weight of each type of infraction, and how we plan to moderate going forward.

Due to how we plan to review accounts, this will take your history into account. We're not going to look at the last 365 days, but just everything that has happened this year to start things off. That means some of you may have exceeded the numbers where a forum ban would be applied. If you have, you will be on a last chance before your forum vacation begins.

Our Community Leaders are held to more strict rules, in that you will lose your Name in Blue status upon one warning.

This policy will be updated in other areas soon.

Naming and Shaming

All discussions on the forums can contain no personal attacks of any sort, even in the generalized sense. Naming another player to call them out, flame them, or otherwise ridicule them is officially against our policy. Any posts that contain it, quote it, or otherwise mention it will be pulled and issued a warning.

Rude, Insulting, and Derogatory Comments

Posts that contain rude, insulting, and/or derogatory comments that are not constructive will result in the post being pulled and a caution being issued.


Posts that violate our in-game Vulgarity Policy will result in cautions and/or warnings being applied.


Disagreeing with another player or staff member is allowed. But constructive and/or respectful posting behavior is required. Focus on the subject being discussed, not each other. Personal attacks of any kind will result in the post being pulled and a warning being issued. Stirring the pot, pointing the finger, and purposely drawing attention will result in a caution. If someone disagrees with you, move on or discuss it constructively. No exceptions.

Notices, Cautions, and Warnings

Any time a post is pulled, it will result in a notice, caution, or warning.

Notices have no implication on your posting privileges. It is simply a notice that your post was pulled. If you participate in threads that result in you getting a large number of notices, it may lead to receiving a caution. For the sake of transparency, 5 to 10 notices within 30 days is a large number.

Cautions are more severe in that a single caution will result in any further post pulled to result in a warning. Cautions are reviewed every 180 days. After 180 days, you may get another caution before receiving warnings.

Once you receive 2 warnings within 365 days, all of your linked accounts will be banned from the forums. Lifting a forum ban is reviewed on a year-to-year basis with your forum history being the biggest indicator on how long it may be. This counts accumulated warnings among your accounts.

This policy is effective as of January 1st, 2017.

Wyrom, PM

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