Hi there I just recently started a rogue for locksmithing boxes from my other characters. I havent played a rogue in a long time, but I am having issues with lockpciking (they are stil pretty young), my picks keep breaking. Do I need stronger lockpicks, or is this a training issue? The attempted boxes were cave gnomes (As I said, thy are still pretty young character)
XXXXXXXXXX (at level 4), your base skill bonuses, ranks and goals are:
Skill Name | Actual Actual
| Bonus Ranks Goals In-Game Time to Goal
Armor Use..........................| 25 5 5
Combat Maneuvers...................| 25 5 5
Ranged Weapons.....................| 50 10 10
Ambush.............................| 50 10 10
Physical Fitness...................| 25 5 5
Dodging............................| 50 10 10
Disarming Traps....................| 70 15 15
Picking Locks......................| 70 15 15
Stalking and Hiding................| 50 10 10
Perception.........................| 70 15 15
Climbing...........................| 15 3 3
Swimming...........................| 10 2 2
Training Points: 80 Phy 53 Mnt
Re: Picking troubles
03/21/2018 06:39 PM CDT
You're not going to be very successful at picking until your late teens/early 20's. Even then you'll have to be careful about traps for a while.
You can by all means peek at your own and attempt them with whatever picks you find hunting, but try to do it outside town if you can find a safe place. You're going to miss seeing traps for a while and don't want to get arrested for accidentally tripping a dangerous one while you learn (you will get arrested occasionally if you pursue lockpicking, even once you can always spot traps you get distracted or fumble every now and then).
Whatever you do, don't bother investing in the best picks until you have 40 ranks in Picking Locks. You'll just break them and have to spend more silvers to repair them, at least wait until you can take advantage of their full multiplier.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
You can by all means peek at your own and attempt them with whatever picks you find hunting, but try to do it outside town if you can find a safe place. You're going to miss seeing traps for a while and don't want to get arrested for accidentally tripping a dangerous one while you learn (you will get arrested occasionally if you pursue lockpicking, even once you can always spot traps you get distracted or fumble every now and then).
Whatever you do, don't bother investing in the best picks until you have 40 ranks in Picking Locks. You'll just break them and have to spend more silvers to repair them, at least wait until you can take advantage of their full multiplier.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Picking troubles
03/22/2018 07:50 AM CDT
You can use glaes at your current level of training and probably should get one of those in addition to the copper, steel and silver you pick up off critters.