Was thinking about toying with a side project rogue, and was wondering what the build was for a TWC rogue. Wanting a bit of a speed dervish with daggers type. Looking at the skills, it makes me feel as if it would be more suited to a warrior, only it feels like warriors are pushed into full plate.
Just crunching numbers it's
2x OHE
2x TWC
2x PF
2x Dodge
1x CM
2x Stalk & Hide
2x Disarm
2x Pick
And that just about dries you up for skill points. How do others get this done? Forgo the last three "roguish" abilities and triple dodge instead? Would love to hear what others did to make it work.
10/24/2017 08:57 AM CDT
You don't need 2x PF, you do need ambush, if you are training picking you need perception.
I'd leave picking till later when you have more points, if you decide you'd rather put them in that as opposed to boosting hide/CM/PF.
I'd leave picking till later when you have more points, if you decide you'd rather put them in that as opposed to boosting hide/CM/PF.
10/24/2017 11:48 AM CDT
>> it makes me feel as if it would be more suited to a warrior, only it feels like warriors are pushed into full plate.
FWIW: I have a TWC rogue (70-something) and a TWC Warrior (30-something). I currently intend that they will both remain in brigandine through to cap (either could just as easily go for a plate build as well and I have a different THW warrior that is working their way towards plate)
TWO Rogue is a stalker / ambusher (shortsword / main-gauche). I used daggers early on but switched in part to add a bit more defense with the main-gauche (most of the time I am in the shadows though) and in part to get a bit more oomph with my ambush strikes (shortsword and main-gauche are still fast enough to benefit from predator strike as well).
TWC warrior has a very high AGI/DEX bonus so they can swing dual broadswords in 5 sec RT. I've focused on both Evade Mastery and Parry Mastery early on to help with defense and hamstring (which gets a bonus from TWC) and Whirling Dervish for my offensive manuevers.
Both characters play very differently and I wouldn't say one is 'better' than the other. The rogue is very good at crit kills but tends to be a bit soft when caught outside of the shadows (currently working on Vanish CMAN to help reduce these opportunities). The warrior tends to take longer to kill things but so far fares well in the open (the parry and evade bonuses help and I'm nearly to 2x dodge training for him now). While it may not be the 'optimal build' it does fit my fast and fleet concept for the character and is so far fun to play. I'm counting on the reduced armor Man penalty to help offset the fact that he is in lighter armor - I'm a little concerned about warding down the road but will tackle that bridge when I come to it!
Here is my TWC stalker / ambusher rogue training at present. I'll note that 2x stalk/hide was sufficient until around 50(?) and then I had to start boosting it up to 2.5x (with the goal of eventually getting it to 3x at or near cap).
(at level 77), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Two Weapon Combat..................| 258 158
Armor Use..........................| 120 30
Combat Maneuvers...................| 207 107 <-- currently working on bringing this up to 2x
Edged Weapons......................| 258 158
Ambush.............................| 258 158
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 50 10
Physical Fitness...................| 179 79 <-- only 1x but if I was in the open I would consider 2x
Dodging............................| 258 158
Arcane Symbols.....................| 78 17 <-- Recently started training this up more to allow more spells in spellburst areas.
Magic Item Use.....................| 78 17 <-- took 17 ranks so I could use blue crystals (in crystal holder) when I want the extra AS
Harness Power......................| 35 7
Survival...........................| 90 20
Disarming Traps....................| 258 158 <-- I still open most of my own boxes at 77 with 2x training. Dropping disarm and pick lock would give you a lot more training points for CMAN / PF though.
Picking Locks......................| 258 158
Stalking and Hiding................| 296 196
Perception.........................| 258 158 <-- I could probably drop back on this now but I've decided to go ahead and continue training it this way to cap.
Climbing...........................| 179 79
Swimming...........................| 70 15
First Aid..........................| 62 13
Trading............................| 50 10
Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 4 <-- To support lock smithing.
-- Robert
Damp deeply exclaims, "It's a wizard's locked project!"
FWIW: I have a TWC rogue (70-something) and a TWC Warrior (30-something). I currently intend that they will both remain in brigandine through to cap (either could just as easily go for a plate build as well and I have a different THW warrior that is working their way towards plate)
TWO Rogue is a stalker / ambusher (shortsword / main-gauche). I used daggers early on but switched in part to add a bit more defense with the main-gauche (most of the time I am in the shadows though) and in part to get a bit more oomph with my ambush strikes (shortsword and main-gauche are still fast enough to benefit from predator strike as well).
TWC warrior has a very high AGI/DEX bonus so they can swing dual broadswords in 5 sec RT. I've focused on both Evade Mastery and Parry Mastery early on to help with defense and hamstring (which gets a bonus from TWC) and Whirling Dervish for my offensive manuevers.
Both characters play very differently and I wouldn't say one is 'better' than the other. The rogue is very good at crit kills but tends to be a bit soft when caught outside of the shadows (currently working on Vanish CMAN to help reduce these opportunities). The warrior tends to take longer to kill things but so far fares well in the open (the parry and evade bonuses help and I'm nearly to 2x dodge training for him now). While it may not be the 'optimal build' it does fit my fast and fleet concept for the character and is so far fun to play. I'm counting on the reduced armor Man penalty to help offset the fact that he is in lighter armor - I'm a little concerned about warding down the road but will tackle that bridge when I come to it!
Here is my TWC stalker / ambusher rogue training at present. I'll note that 2x stalk/hide was sufficient until around 50(?) and then I had to start boosting it up to 2.5x (with the goal of eventually getting it to 3x at or near cap).
(at level 77), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Two Weapon Combat..................| 258 158
Armor Use..........................| 120 30
Combat Maneuvers...................| 207 107 <-- currently working on bringing this up to 2x
Edged Weapons......................| 258 158
Ambush.............................| 258 158
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 50 10
Physical Fitness...................| 179 79 <-- only 1x but if I was in the open I would consider 2x
Dodging............................| 258 158
Arcane Symbols.....................| 78 17 <-- Recently started training this up more to allow more spells in spellburst areas.
Magic Item Use.....................| 78 17 <-- took 17 ranks so I could use blue crystals (in crystal holder) when I want the extra AS
Harness Power......................| 35 7
Survival...........................| 90 20
Disarming Traps....................| 258 158 <-- I still open most of my own boxes at 77 with 2x training. Dropping disarm and pick lock would give you a lot more training points for CMAN / PF though.
Picking Locks......................| 258 158
Stalking and Hiding................| 296 196
Perception.........................| 258 158 <-- I could probably drop back on this now but I've decided to go ahead and continue training it this way to cap.
Climbing...........................| 179 79
Swimming...........................| 70 15
First Aid..........................| 62 13
Trading............................| 50 10
Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 4 <-- To support lock smithing.
-- Robert
Damp deeply exclaims, "It's a wizard's locked project!"