90ish locksmith training 07/25/2014 07:21 AM CDT
If you didn't use ranged, and had a character that was a locksmith above all else, how did you train them to hunt when no one was bringing them boxes between 85 and cap? How much hiding and ambush? Which Cmans? What guild skills were vital to be high?

My character was trained for open fu and occasional ambush with brawling weapon, but the loss of throw without compensation crippled his hunting ability and he's just opened boxes and worked on guild skills from early 70s when fu went, to mid 80s now. I can get critter reps, but I am not confident about taking on anything much more difficult than that at the moment. At the moment I am turning dodge into hiding and ambush ranks, because I can tell I am too low in them, but I am not sure just how high I need to get. (target is 2x hiding, 1.5x ambush at the moment)