Open Archer and Cmans
03/26/2018 03:55 AM CDT
My character is coming up on 60 and recently I've noticed her getting destroyed by maneuvers. She currently has no points allocated to cmans (which I'm realizing is a problem) I've recently switched her from a sniper to an open archer because I found myself not hiding all that often, but now I've run into the cman problem.
Armor Use..........................| 120 30
Ranged Weapons.....................| 219 119
Ambush.............................| 193 93
Physical Fitness...................| 218 118
Dodging............................| 159 59
Harness Power......................| 159 59
Spirit Mana Control................| 58 12
Spiritual Lore - Blessings.........| 66 14
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 66 14
Survival...........................| 188 88
Perception.........................| 218 118
Climbing...........................| 82 18
Swimming...........................| 82 18
First Aid..........................| 117 29
Spell Lists
Minor Spiritual....................| 18
Spell Lists
Ranger.............................| 44
This is where her skills set currently. My focus is survival. I like being able to hunt alone when I wish and not having to run a lot of outside spells to keep her alive. Being able to skin decently has become less important than it use to be and I don't mind getting rid of the survival and FA ranks. She's a GoS Master, but warcamps are just awful at this point. Even if I lose all the FA and Survival and pull back lores to 5 a piece I still can't manage to get cman to 1x. Any advice on how to make that happen? I'm not very good with number crunching so if anyone has any advice that would be great. How important is Assume Aspect? Can I cut down on Ranger Base to get some much needed TPs? What about MS? Web hasn't been very functional for her yet but that could be how she's using it or on the critters she's been attempting to use it on.
Re: Open Archer and Cmans
03/26/2018 06:32 AM CDT
Since you're GOS you can drop all first aid and still be able to munch herbs in 3 sec.
Double PT seems excessive as most cans use the newer smvr2 calculations and PT isn't the end all for defense it used to be. I'd drop this to 1x.
Bring survival down to 1x.
At this point, see if you have enough TPS to get enough CMAN ranks for 4 ranks of cunning defense which will do the most for maneuver defense in general. If not, trim back on lores.
As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear.
AIM: Kaight (Matt) GS4
Double PT seems excessive as most cans use the newer smvr2 calculations and PT isn't the end all for defense it used to be. I'd drop this to 1x.
Bring survival down to 1x.
At this point, see if you have enough TPS to get enough CMAN ranks for 4 ranks of cunning defense which will do the most for maneuver defense in general. If not, trim back on lores.
As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear.
AIM: Kaight (Matt) GS4
Re: Open Archer and Cmans
03/26/2018 10:02 AM CDT
A good survival is a good offense so maybe drop blessing to seed1 (i think 5 ranks) and put them into summoning lore. I would also look into chain armor. Since you are in the open while you want to dodge the most you want to have higher CvA and protection on hits. If you want to keep brig which will work great again since you are in open overtrain in armor use to get tier 1 to lower action penality.
Re: Open Archer and Cmans
03/26/2018 10:26 AM CDT
<I've recently switched her from a sniper to an open archer because I found myself not hiding all that often, but now I've run into the cman problem>
ALLENM20 had some good ideas for how to get the CM training. If your DS is in good order compared to critters you hunt you can also get away with dropping Dodge below 1x since 618 adds phantom ranks of it (my ranger's only ever had .5x in Dodge and never had any problems). It won't help with critters that use SMR v2, but if they're using v1 it will.
I also wanted to point out that defense is one of the main reasons snipers are in the shadows. If what you're hunting can't find you, it can't use whatever cman is kicking your butt on you (or any other attack for that matter).
Unfortunately, without access to VANISH, rangers have to be more selective about when they fire then rogues, otherwise you'll find yourself stuck in the open when the critter attacks if you fall out of the shadows. 610 and keeping your RT as low a possible can help with this, but I'll admit that it can be a tedious way to hunt... which was the main reason I fixskilled my ranger into a dagger/shield build (that and my rogue discovering just how limited hunting options become for a sniper at near-cap levels).
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
ALLENM20 had some good ideas for how to get the CM training. If your DS is in good order compared to critters you hunt you can also get away with dropping Dodge below 1x since 618 adds phantom ranks of it (my ranger's only ever had .5x in Dodge and never had any problems). It won't help with critters that use SMR v2, but if they're using v1 it will.
I also wanted to point out that defense is one of the main reasons snipers are in the shadows. If what you're hunting can't find you, it can't use whatever cman is kicking your butt on you (or any other attack for that matter).
Unfortunately, without access to VANISH, rangers have to be more selective about when they fire then rogues, otherwise you'll find yourself stuck in the open when the critter attacks if you fall out of the shadows. 610 and keeping your RT as low a possible can help with this, but I'll admit that it can be a tedious way to hunt... which was the main reason I fixskilled my ranger into a dagger/shield build (that and my rogue discovering just how limited hunting options become for a sniper at near-cap levels).
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Open Archer and Cmans
03/26/2018 12:34 PM CDT
Thanks for all the info guys.
Did not know that about PT not being as effective anymore.
What benefit do you get from over training armor?
Is stealth actually better than open firing for a ranger? I mean I know we have 608 which is great for getting into hiding and the added AS if you can stay hidden, but if they pull you out you are pretty vulnerable. If you dumped some points into cman on top of it would that make it more viable?
Dropping PT to 1x, Survival to 1x and getting rid of FA opened up a slew of points. I even pulled back on the Blessing lore but didn't divert it to Summoning. Which gives me even more. I can 2x stalking and hiding and almost get .5 cman. Or I can get 1x cman and dump a few extra points in armor.
Oh too many choices! LOL
Did not know that about PT not being as effective anymore.
What benefit do you get from over training armor?
Is stealth actually better than open firing for a ranger? I mean I know we have 608 which is great for getting into hiding and the added AS if you can stay hidden, but if they pull you out you are pretty vulnerable. If you dumped some points into cman on top of it would that make it more viable?
Dropping PT to 1x, Survival to 1x and getting rid of FA opened up a slew of points. I even pulled back on the Blessing lore but didn't divert it to Summoning. Which gives me even more. I can 2x stalking and hiding and almost get .5 cman. Or I can get 1x cman and dump a few extra points in armor.
Oh too many choices! LOL
Re: Open Archer and Cmans
03/26/2018 04:48 PM CDT
<Is stealth actually better than open firing for a ranger? I mean I know we have 608 which is great for getting into hiding and the added AS if you can stay hidden, but if they pull you out you are pretty vulnerable. If you dumped some points into cman on top of it would that make it more viable?>
Rangers should be able to be effective at either, it just depends on what you train in and what you intend to fight. Most archer rangers I've know have taken the sniper route, though I've known of some good open archers.
Snipers (rangers or rogues) are generally going to be "glass cannons", that is their attack is going to be strong and they're going to get a high percentage of one-shot kills but the trade-off is that if they get hit it's likely to take them out. To survive, ranger snipers stick to the shadows as much as possible, focus on reducing their RT as much as possible so they can get back into the shadows before a critter can attack, control critter movements as much as possible, and time their shots so it takes place right after a critter performs an action (so they have time to get back into the shadows if they fall out and fail to stun/kill).
617 and CMAN Shadow Mastery can aid in staying hidden when being searched for and when firing, as can keeping encumbrance to a minimum (606 and a disk help that). 610 is probably the most effective crowd control for a ranger, since it will keep what you're shooting at on the ground and encourages anything that wanders in to move on (the vine is more likely to make them leave if you're in the shadows from my experience). When sniping, the lowest RT you're going to see is 5 seconds (3 sec minimum from the bow + 1 for hiding + 1 for AIMing... 606 MIGHT be able to reduce it further if your STR bonus is high, but I don't know for sure), this is achievable with any bow (composite, short, or long) so just use the one with the highest DF you can still fire in 5 sec.
Open archers are able to survive/avoid hits better and fire off shots faster then snipers but they're not going to do as much per-shot damage and the number of one shot kills is going to be lower. Their RT will be lower because they're not hiding (and possibly not AIMing) their shots, but they don't get the stance pushdown snipers do. Their defenses will be better cause they'll usually be in heavier armor then a sniper and have more TPs to put into Dodge/CM then a sniper will, in addition to the 610, 607, 615, etc.
In the end, it mostly comes down to which style appeals more to you. With either, the tactics you develop will matter at least as much as your training to determine how viable each is.
PS I avoided being as specific about advice with open archers because I don't have the experience with them I do with snipers
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Rangers should be able to be effective at either, it just depends on what you train in and what you intend to fight. Most archer rangers I've know have taken the sniper route, though I've known of some good open archers.
Snipers (rangers or rogues) are generally going to be "glass cannons", that is their attack is going to be strong and they're going to get a high percentage of one-shot kills but the trade-off is that if they get hit it's likely to take them out. To survive, ranger snipers stick to the shadows as much as possible, focus on reducing their RT as much as possible so they can get back into the shadows before a critter can attack, control critter movements as much as possible, and time their shots so it takes place right after a critter performs an action (so they have time to get back into the shadows if they fall out and fail to stun/kill).
617 and CMAN Shadow Mastery can aid in staying hidden when being searched for and when firing, as can keeping encumbrance to a minimum (606 and a disk help that). 610 is probably the most effective crowd control for a ranger, since it will keep what you're shooting at on the ground and encourages anything that wanders in to move on (the vine is more likely to make them leave if you're in the shadows from my experience). When sniping, the lowest RT you're going to see is 5 seconds (3 sec minimum from the bow + 1 for hiding + 1 for AIMing... 606 MIGHT be able to reduce it further if your STR bonus is high, but I don't know for sure), this is achievable with any bow (composite, short, or long) so just use the one with the highest DF you can still fire in 5 sec.
Open archers are able to survive/avoid hits better and fire off shots faster then snipers but they're not going to do as much per-shot damage and the number of one shot kills is going to be lower. Their RT will be lower because they're not hiding (and possibly not AIMing) their shots, but they don't get the stance pushdown snipers do. Their defenses will be better cause they'll usually be in heavier armor then a sniper and have more TPs to put into Dodge/CM then a sniper will, in addition to the 610, 607, 615, etc.
In the end, it mostly comes down to which style appeals more to you. With either, the tactics you develop will matter at least as much as your training to determine how viable each is.
PS I avoided being as specific about advice with open archers because I don't have the experience with them I do with snipers
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Open Archer and Cmans
03/27/2018 08:22 AM CDT
Both styles work fine. Sniping takes more time and more of a setup, and so it's more persnickety. I generally find the benefits of sniping at upper levels to be less than the additional RT incurred. For open archery, double chain or augmented chain helps quite a bit if you do get hit.
By the way, the min RT for a bow is 3 seconds from the open and 4 seconds from hiding regardless of anything else. If you have a high enough strength bonus, you can always achieve the min RT (10 bonus per 1 second reduction).
>In the end, it mostly comes down to which style appeals more to you.
~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox
You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
By the way, the min RT for a bow is 3 seconds from the open and 4 seconds from hiding regardless of anything else. If you have a high enough strength bonus, you can always achieve the min RT (10 bonus per 1 second reduction).
>In the end, it mostly comes down to which style appeals more to you.
~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox
You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
Re: Open Archer and Cmans
03/27/2018 07:43 PM CDT
My ranger, Radeek, is a career open archer, and he's been doing it since the first day ranged was rolled into the game. I picked up S&H during the Talador War to give him something else to do to fight the post-cap blues. He no longer has S&H, I found it too boring. He's not my only archer, I have others, both open and snipers, ranger, rogue, and warrior.
But back to the issue at hand. CMAN's are your issue. That will not change. CMAN's will always be a pain, all we can do is make them a bit less painful. Here's what I would do, in your situation. Oh, you didn't tell us your characters race. That makes a difference when it comes to deciding on open ranged, or sniping (at least to me it does).
1. Drop 2 ranger spell ranks and pick up 120, it's a great defensive spell
2. Drop survival to 1x, max
3. Here's where some other rangers might have a stroke. Drop ALL lores. Radeek does not, nor has he ever had, any lores and I have NEVER regretted it. Save them for a post cap goal if you want. Those TP's are better spent in generating offense and defense and as a properly trained open archer your eye shots will get better and better and a set-up spell will become unnecessary.
4. Here's where it gets a bit dicey. I did NOT follow this with Radeek, though I looked long and hard at it on a number of different occasions over the years (I always tried to make Radeek as offensively capable as I could). Drop all ambush; I've always been a believer in the adage...fully double in Ambush, or don't train in it at all. At this point it will cost you 13 to your AS (no guarantee on that calculation, but it should be close). 93 ranks of ambush is a LOT of TP's for the loss of only 13 AS points.
With these re-allocated points you can fully single in CMAN's and get quite a bit of armor training (I highly recommend getting up to augmented chain as soon as you can, it's a real life saver).
General Radeek Andoran
Drakes Vanguard
Defender of Wehnimer's Landing
Black Raider of the Mir'Sheq
Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato
But back to the issue at hand. CMAN's are your issue. That will not change. CMAN's will always be a pain, all we can do is make them a bit less painful. Here's what I would do, in your situation. Oh, you didn't tell us your characters race. That makes a difference when it comes to deciding on open ranged, or sniping (at least to me it does).
1. Drop 2 ranger spell ranks and pick up 120, it's a great defensive spell
2. Drop survival to 1x, max
3. Here's where some other rangers might have a stroke. Drop ALL lores. Radeek does not, nor has he ever had, any lores and I have NEVER regretted it. Save them for a post cap goal if you want. Those TP's are better spent in generating offense and defense and as a properly trained open archer your eye shots will get better and better and a set-up spell will become unnecessary.
4. Here's where it gets a bit dicey. I did NOT follow this with Radeek, though I looked long and hard at it on a number of different occasions over the years (I always tried to make Radeek as offensively capable as I could). Drop all ambush; I've always been a believer in the adage...fully double in Ambush, or don't train in it at all. At this point it will cost you 13 to your AS (no guarantee on that calculation, but it should be close). 93 ranks of ambush is a LOT of TP's for the loss of only 13 AS points.
With these re-allocated points you can fully single in CMAN's and get quite a bit of armor training (I highly recommend getting up to augmented chain as soon as you can, it's a real life saver).
General Radeek Andoran
Drakes Vanguard
Defender of Wehnimer's Landing
Black Raider of the Mir'Sheq
Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato
Re: Open Archer and Cmans
03/27/2018 10:02 PM CDT
<4. Here's where it gets a bit dicey. I did NOT follow this with Radeek, though I looked long and hard at it on a number of different occasions over the years (I always tried to make Radeek as offensively capable as I could). Drop all ambush; I've always been a believer in the adage...fully double in Ambush, or don't train in it at all. At this point it will cost you 13 to your AS (no guarantee on that calculation, but it should be close). 93 ranks of ambush is a LOT of TP's for the loss of only 13 AS points.>
My initial knee-jerk reaction was to ridicule, but then I double checked the wiki and if you check all relevant pages, it's unclear. The AIM page says Perception is the main skill for aiming with open archery but doesn't mention Ambush other then in terms of sniping. The AMBUSH page says that it does contribute from the open, but it doesn't say how much. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if Ambush does factor into AIMing from the open, it's not near as significant as Perception.
I wouldn't do this with a sniper, but but if you're going to be an open archer... go for it. Just remember to aim your shots for something other then the eyes if you do FIRE from the shadows since your ability to aim will be reduced.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
My initial knee-jerk reaction was to ridicule, but then I double checked the wiki and if you check all relevant pages, it's unclear. The AIM page says Perception is the main skill for aiming with open archery but doesn't mention Ambush other then in terms of sniping. The AMBUSH page says that it does contribute from the open, but it doesn't say how much. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if Ambush does factor into AIMing from the open, it's not near as significant as Perception.
I wouldn't do this with a sniper, but but if you're going to be an open archer... go for it. Just remember to aim your shots for something other then the eyes if you do FIRE from the shadows since your ability to aim will be reduced.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Open Archer and Cmans
03/28/2018 04:33 PM CDT
<I wouldn't do this with a sniper, but but if you're going to be an open archer... go for it. Just remember to aim your shots for something other then the eyes if you do FIRE from the shadows since your ability to aim will be reduced.
This I would ONLY recommend for an open archer. A sniper should always fully double in ambush, in my opinion.
General Radeek Andoran
Drakes Vanguard
Defender of Wehnimer's Landing
Black Raider of the Mir'Sheq
Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato
This I would ONLY recommend for an open archer. A sniper should always fully double in ambush, in my opinion.
General Radeek Andoran
Drakes Vanguard
Defender of Wehnimer's Landing
Black Raider of the Mir'Sheq
Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato
Re: Open Archer and Cmans
03/28/2018 04:53 PM CDT
My main character usually hunts via open aim but is fully capable of hunting by sniping. I have had zero issues with a 2x Perception and 1x Ambush route and have been able to successfully hunt by sniping or open ranged combat for virtually all levels. Most of that time was spent uphunting by 5-15 levels. I usually single or double shot most things - either straight for the eyes (or neck, depending on what I'm skinning), or a leg first. Tangleweed and Sounds both can help for setting something up but are generally unnecessary.
Train how you want. Rangers are a very forgiving profession for training options.
- Overlord EK
>You now regard Eorgina with a warm demeanor.
Train how you want. Rangers are a very forgiving profession for training options.
- Overlord EK
>You now regard Eorgina with a warm demeanor.
Re: Open Archer and Cmans
03/28/2018 05:26 PM CDT
<I have had zero issues with a 2x Perception and 1x Ambush route and have been able to successfully hunt by sniping or open ranged combat for virtually all levels.>
I stopped training my rogue in Perception a while ago because over 2x doesn't really do anything for ranged AS or locksmithing and he's been sitting at 207 ranks since (currently level 77). I'm almost curious enough about what would happen if I dumped his 2x ambush and pushed Perception up to a full 3x to actually try it before the next fixskills...
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
I stopped training my rogue in Perception a while ago because over 2x doesn't really do anything for ranged AS or locksmithing and he's been sitting at 207 ranks since (currently level 77). I'm almost curious enough about what would happen if I dumped his 2x ambush and pushed Perception up to a full 3x to actually try it before the next fixskills...
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Open Archer and Cmans
03/30/2018 10:32 PM CDT
<<My focus is survival. I like being able to hunt alone when I wish and not having to run a lot of outside spells to keep her alive...Can I cut down on Ranger Base to get some much needed TPs? What about MS?
You will get more from +2 minor spirit to get 120 than the 4 ranger ranks above 640.
I've had 650 for a long time, can't say I've ever used it in the field, but I run 120 at all times.
You will get more from +2 minor spirit to get 120 than the 4 ranger ranks above 640.
I've had 650 for a long time, can't say I've ever used it in the field, but I run 120 at all times.
Re: Open Archer and Cmans
07/20/2018 01:08 PM CDT
120 is a must. 650 is great for foraging bounties but hunting it's a lot of manna for a small bonus. I also run 140 all the time though so I guess I shouldn't talk about manna hog spells...
Someone mentioned over training Brig to lower a penalty? What is this they speak of?
Daemon Ranger
Someone mentioned over training Brig to lower a penalty? What is this they speak of?
Daemon Ranger
Re: Open Archer and Cmans
07/20/2018 02:10 PM CDT
>> Someone mentioned over training Brig to lower a penalty? What is this they speak of?
-- Robert
Due to the volatile atmosphere, random bolts of lightning can intermittently be seen streaking through the skyline.
-- Robert
Due to the volatile atmosphere, random bolts of lightning can intermittently be seen streaking through the skyline.
Re: Open Archer and Cmans
07/20/2018 02:48 PM CDT
Seems I completely missed that. When did that come out?
Daemon Ranger
Daemon Ranger
Re: Open Archer and Cmans
07/21/2018 06:11 PM CDT
So I only have been obvious for 9 years. Not bad at all.
Daemon Ranger
Daemon Ranger