Archer/sword and board hybrid
03/19/2018 08:10 AM CDT
I’ve been thinking about using fixskills to retrain my sword/board ranger as a archer/sword and board hybrid.
Current training:
35 armor
1x shield use
2x OHE
0.4x CMan
2x ambush
0.4 physical fitness
0.5x dodging
1x harness power
0.2x spirit mana control
0.33(repeating of course) lore-summoning
1x survival
2x stalking and hiding
0.6x perception
15 ranks climbing
6 ranks swimming
Proposed training:
30 armor for brig
1x shield use
2x OHE
2x ranged
1x ambush
1x physical fitness
1x dodging
2x stalking and hiding
1x perception
1x survival
1x harness power
1x spell research
Fit in climbing and swimming when available
Obviously I’m giving up cman here which affects OHE AS.
Should this TP move to 1,5x ambush and 1.5x stalking and hiding?
This is not a formulaic ranger build. Neither ranged nor OHE nor spells are optimized.
Re: Archer/sword and board hybrid
03/19/2018 10:50 AM CDT
Not sure how tight TPs are but i would at least max out cman cunning defense and then add ranks as you can. Besides that if you can get blues and powerful look easily then go all ranger spells to get the benefits of the mobilies maxed out for defense. Or go until 120 then 80 ranks in ranger
Re: Archer/sword and board hybrid
03/19/2018 11:36 AM CDT
<Should this TP move to 1,5x ambush and 1.5x stalking and hiding?>
I'd bump Perception up to 2x rather then Ambush to 1.5x, it's less expensive and aids both ranged AS and AIMing (not to mention defense against critter maneuvers, foraging, etc). I wouldn't reduce S&H any lower then 2x unless you're intending on shooting your bow from the open, cause you'll find yourself falling out of the shadows too much to make sniping worth it with less. Rangers don't need to rely on the shadows near as much as rogues but, esp if you're not going to focus either weapon base or spells, you're going to want the advantages of the shadows.
Honestly, unless you have strong RP reasons for wanting both weapon styles or hunt in groups a lot, you'd be much better off picking one or the other rather then trying to do both. I can guarantee you'll find yourself never using one of them anyway.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
I'd bump Perception up to 2x rather then Ambush to 1.5x, it's less expensive and aids both ranged AS and AIMing (not to mention defense against critter maneuvers, foraging, etc). I wouldn't reduce S&H any lower then 2x unless you're intending on shooting your bow from the open, cause you'll find yourself falling out of the shadows too much to make sniping worth it with less. Rangers don't need to rely on the shadows near as much as rogues but, esp if you're not going to focus either weapon base or spells, you're going to want the advantages of the shadows.
Honestly, unless you have strong RP reasons for wanting both weapon styles or hunt in groups a lot, you'd be much better off picking one or the other rather then trying to do both. I can guarantee you'll find yourself never using one of them anyway.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Archer/sword and board hybrid
03/19/2018 04:26 PM CDT
And that was my primary concern. Yes, archer/OHE is possible, but is it worth it? I can’t use them both at the same time, and how quickly is the transition from holding a bow to holding a sword and shield? Probably longer than I’d want it to be for what I’m giving up.
However, at least from an archer perspective , S&H seems more important than ambush. I’m going to play with some numbers. I’m assuming I don’t want to go lower than 1x in dodge. Trying to find out where to get points for CM if possible.
However, at least from an archer perspective , S&H seems more important than ambush. I’m going to play with some numbers. I’m assuming I don’t want to go lower than 1x in dodge. Trying to find out where to get points for CM if possible.
Re: Archer/sword and board hybrid
03/19/2018 06:40 PM CDT
<However, at least from an archer perspective , S&H seems more important than ambush. I’m going to play with some numbers. I’m assuming I don’t want to go lower than 1x in dodge. Trying to find out where to get points for CM if possible.>
With archery, there are two main approaches: sniping and speed.
With sniping, you want to be able to aim reliably for the eyes while remaining hidden. Hitting the eyes with a high enough endroll gives a guaranteed crit kill with puncture damage, doing it from hiding pushes gives you the stance pushdown to make it easier to get that high endroll (in addition to being a good defense). This style is mostly used by rogues and rangers.
Speed relies on turning the critter into a pincushion as fast as possible in the open, often using flaring arrows to maximize HP damage. Wizards used to be the main profession to take this route, though I don't know how many still are since Haste was replaced. Warriors also sometimes go this route cause they can withstand any hits they take due to their slower (then a wizard) shots and can maximize CON to get 3 sec shots.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
With archery, there are two main approaches: sniping and speed.
With sniping, you want to be able to aim reliably for the eyes while remaining hidden. Hitting the eyes with a high enough endroll gives a guaranteed crit kill with puncture damage, doing it from hiding pushes gives you the stance pushdown to make it easier to get that high endroll (in addition to being a good defense). This style is mostly used by rogues and rangers.
Speed relies on turning the critter into a pincushion as fast as possible in the open, often using flaring arrows to maximize HP damage. Wizards used to be the main profession to take this route, though I don't know how many still are since Haste was replaced. Warriors also sometimes go this route cause they can withstand any hits they take due to their slower (then a wizard) shots and can maximize CON to get 3 sec shots.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Archer/sword and board hybrid
03/19/2018 07:09 PM CDT
I mistaken thought this was a rp reason. I do agree pick one and go that way. If you want both maybe drop shield use and add more dodge and cman ranks. Lost of DS to pick up more dodge with the bow? Not sure how well that work with a sword though...
Re: Archer/sword and board hybrid
03/19/2018 07:28 PM CDT
<If you want both maybe drop shield use and add more dodge and cman ranks. Lost of DS to pick up more dodge with the bow? Not sure how well that work with a sword though...>
From the OHE standpoint, this would make more sense if they also trained in TWC. With the difference in TP cost, they're not going to be able to afford enough Dodge to off-set the DS lost from Shield Use, that's for sure.
Depending on hunting style, it might not make much difference either way. If they stick to the shadows unless making an attack, practice good crowd control, and make generous use of 610, critters prolly won't be able to get many attacks in anyway.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
From the OHE standpoint, this would make more sense if they also trained in TWC. With the difference in TP cost, they're not going to be able to afford enough Dodge to off-set the DS lost from Shield Use, that's for sure.
Depending on hunting style, it might not make much difference either way. If they stick to the shadows unless making an attack, practice good crowd control, and make generous use of 610, critters prolly won't be able to get many attacks in anyway.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Archer/sword and board hybrid
03/19/2018 08:40 PM CDT
To be fair, it would be for both RP reasons as well as functionality. My ranger is level 50 and 2x in ambush and hiding for OHE/shield. I can pretty much take anything like level out in one or two hits (amb head or amb right leg then head). So cross training in ranged doesn’t give me an “advantage” per se.
But my current training plan has me far from optimal, and that’s okay. I don’t want to be a formulaic ranger. But, I also don’t want to take two giant steps back WRT hunting. If I can train both and still be “competitive “ against like level creatures, I may do it.
But my current training plan has me far from optimal, and that’s okay. I don’t want to be a formulaic ranger. But, I also don’t want to take two giant steps back WRT hunting. If I can train both and still be “competitive “ against like level creatures, I may do it.
Re: Archer/sword and board hybrid
03/19/2018 09:01 PM CDT
If you want a fun style, drop shield entirely and just use your OHE with your bow in your left hand. It's not too much of a DS drop, IIRC, and you'll usually be ambushing anyway. Much faster, too.
~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox
You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox
You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
Re: Archer/sword and board hybrid
03/19/2018 10:30 PM CDT
I have to ask, is that theoretical or have you done it?
Re: Archer/sword and board hybrid
03/20/2018 05:08 AM CDT
I did it for a few until I found OHE to be too slow and went back to ranged. I prefer TWC/OHE for fun but it takes lots of TPs.
~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox
You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox
You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
Re: Archer/sword and board hybrid
03/20/2018 06:14 AM CDT
Mnar was also ranged/OHE for years before he left. As I recall, he sacrificed TPs in magic/tertiary skills to do it effectively and maintain 2x hide.
- Overlord EK
>You now regard Eorgina with a warm demeanor.
- Overlord EK
>You now regard Eorgina with a warm demeanor.
Re: Archer/sword and board hybrid
03/20/2018 11:44 AM CDT
<I did it for a few until I found OHE to be too slow and went back to ranged.>
I'm curious what weapons you were using with each. I switched my ranger from a longbow to a dagger/shield and found myself killing things faster even with the extra set-up I sometimes have to do with OHE (stupid trolls being too big to go straight for the eyes)... the RTs aren't that different, but having to worry less about critters wandering in and out made a big difference.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
I'm curious what weapons you were using with each. I switched my ranger from a longbow to a dagger/shield and found myself killing things faster even with the extra set-up I sometimes have to do with OHE (stupid trolls being too big to go straight for the eyes)... the RTs aren't that different, but having to worry less about critters wandering in and out made a big difference.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Archer/sword and board hybrid
03/20/2018 02:54 PM CDT
With a longbow, I can generally kill things in 3-6 seconds. Even with rank 5 shadow mastery for a 2 second hide, ambushing takes 2 seconds + 3 seconds minimum, so 5-10 for two hits -- and that's with a nice dagger ambushing the eyes.
~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox
You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox
You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
Re: Archer/sword and board hybrid
03/20/2018 11:10 PM CDT
I’ll ask the question here, though it may warrant a new thread...
Is there a point of diminishing returns to training in ambush? I’ve yet to see a formula for ambush, so I don’t know if skulls or ranks are relative to the creature you are attacking.
My ranger has 2x’d in it for some time and is pretty accurate. I know what some of the old spreadsheets say regarding hit % in the open, from hiding, and Crit adders. But if those calculations are correct, hit %-wise wouldn’t we cap out? We’d just be training towards the Crit at that point.
Is there a point of diminishing returns to training in ambush? I’ve yet to see a formula for ambush, so I don’t know if skulls or ranks are relative to the creature you are attacking.
My ranger has 2x’d in it for some time and is pretty accurate. I know what some of the old spreadsheets say regarding hit % in the open, from hiding, and Crit adders. But if those calculations are correct, hit %-wise wouldn’t we cap out? We’d just be training towards the Crit at that point.
Re: Archer/sword and board hybrid
03/21/2018 08:09 AM CDT
<Is there a point of diminishing returns to training in ambush? I’ve yet to see a formula for ambush, so I don’t know if skulls or ranks are relative to the creature you are attacking. >
From what I've been able to gather, you need 40ish (maybe a bit more) ranks to not get the "failed to find an opening" message. After that you're increasing your chances to hit specific body parts and reducing any penalties for up-hunting (keep in mind that things like level differences, weapon, which body part you're aiming for, etc affect your chances). I'm not sure what the exact maximum % chance to hit a specific body part is, but it seems to be somewhere around 75-80% for the eyes and higher for the legs.
Since the game won't tell you what your chance of success to hit a body part is, the advice generally given is that if you're comfortable with how often you're hitting what you're aiming for, it's ok to slack off or cut back on Ambush training a bit if you need the TPs for something else (esp if you open ambush and have lots of CM ranks). If you start having trouble later, you can always pick up more.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
From what I've been able to gather, you need 40ish (maybe a bit more) ranks to not get the "failed to find an opening" message. After that you're increasing your chances to hit specific body parts and reducing any penalties for up-hunting (keep in mind that things like level differences, weapon, which body part you're aiming for, etc affect your chances). I'm not sure what the exact maximum % chance to hit a specific body part is, but it seems to be somewhere around 75-80% for the eyes and higher for the legs.
Since the game won't tell you what your chance of success to hit a body part is, the advice generally given is that if you're comfortable with how often you're hitting what you're aiming for, it's ok to slack off or cut back on Ambush training a bit if you need the TPs for something else (esp if you open ambush and have lots of CM ranks). If you start having trouble later, you can always pick up more.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Archer/sword and board hybrid
03/30/2018 10:22 PM CDT
<<Yes, archer/OHE is possible, but is it worth it? I can’t use them both at the same time,
Not strictly true. Bow in left hand is treated as bow defense. Arrow in right is ohe, or you can use a dagger, sword, etc... If points are tight why not drop shield?
Not strictly true. Bow in left hand is treated as bow defense. Arrow in right is ohe, or you can use a dagger, sword, etc... If points are tight why not drop shield?