So I've been thinking of using FIXSKILLS to switch my half-elf ranger from a sniper to an OHE ambusher, but I thought I'd ask a couple questions of folk with more experience with the profession then me:
-Is TWC a good option for rangers? I'd like to have her swing two daggers against lightly armored foes and a falchion/main gauche (or two falchions if possible) against more heavily armored foes.
-Are there any magical skills that are generally more useful for ambushers then snipers?
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: From sniper to OHE
12/18/2015 01:56 PM CST
I know of a few TWC rangers that made it up as far as 80s. I have not seen a capped TWC ranger BUT the ones I mentioned before have not hit a roadblock yet. Its just how far they have gotten so far. Self Cast ranger spells to me give the same kind of benefits to both OHE and ranged. The only exception I know of is the ability to use the AS bonus from camo as a ranged compare to a OHE ambush that only uses it once. You will probabaly get more CM ranks for the extra AS boost to OHE so you will have more available CMs to play with.
Good luck with the ranger!
Re: From sniper to OHE
12/23/2015 03:44 AM CST
Ok, finally got around to playing with her training and running into problems with the level 36 ranger. (I intend on ambushing from hiding):
-If I go TWC, will 1x in Ambush be enough to reliably hit the eyes assuming size differences don't prohibit it?
-Also with TWC, I can get myself 1x dodge/10 ranks CM or 1x CM/15 ranks Dodge, which makes more sense? (dropping CM down to 10 ranks means going from 4 ranks to 2 ranks in Shadow Mastery)
-If I go with a shield, I can get 1x in Shield Use, CM, and Dodge as well as 49 ranks in Ambush, should I just give up on the TWC idea and go with that?
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
-If I go TWC, will 1x in Ambush be enough to reliably hit the eyes assuming size differences don't prohibit it?
-Also with TWC, I can get myself 1x dodge/10 ranks CM or 1x CM/15 ranks Dodge, which makes more sense? (dropping CM down to 10 ranks means going from 4 ranks to 2 ranks in Shadow Mastery)
-If I go with a shield, I can get 1x in Shield Use, CM, and Dodge as well as 49 ranks in Ambush, should I just give up on the TWC idea and go with that?
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: From sniper to OHE
12/23/2015 02:03 PM CST
Can't really comment on the TWC aspect, it's on the to do list to play around with one day. Kir's been sword and board ambusher since day one and obviously done well with that. You have a lot more flexibility going that route... she's still only 1x Ambush and was only about .5x in Dodge until she capped. Mobiles made up the difference and the freed up points went to picking up a little lore, extra spell ranks, ect long before I would have been able to otherwise.
Re: From sniper to OHE
12/23/2015 05:01 PM CST
Thanks, I have few problems with pures or squares.... but semis are just something I've yet to truly figure out. At least rangers are easier then bards, I REALLY stink at trying to make them work.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: From sniper to OHE
12/24/2015 12:03 PM CST
Ok, playing around with it a bit more, I decided to go with the following:
Ranks Skills
30 Armor Use
37 Shield Use
74 Edged Weapons
37 Combat Maneuvers
37 Ambush
37 Physical Fitness
19 Dodging
36 Harness Power
1 Minor Spirit Spell
36 Ranger Spell Ranks
20 Spirit Summoning
15 Climbing
15 Swimming
74 Stalking & Hiding
37 Perception
8 First Aid
37 Survival
Now I just need to dig through the lockers of my various characters to find a nice shield she can use and figure out what to do with the 78 physical points left over. Too bad there weren't enough points to get enough Mana Control or MOC to make a difference even before adding a rank each of Spirit Summoning, HP, and First Aid to what she already had.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Ranks Skills
30 Armor Use
37 Shield Use
74 Edged Weapons
37 Combat Maneuvers
37 Ambush
37 Physical Fitness
19 Dodging
36 Harness Power
1 Minor Spirit Spell
36 Ranger Spell Ranks
20 Spirit Summoning
15 Climbing
15 Swimming
74 Stalking & Hiding
37 Perception
8 First Aid
37 Survival
Now I just need to dig through the lockers of my various characters to find a nice shield she can use and figure out what to do with the 78 physical points left over. Too bad there weren't enough points to get enough Mana Control or MOC to make a difference even before adding a rank each of Spirit Summoning, HP, and First Aid to what she already had.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: From sniper to OHE
12/24/2015 10:42 PM CST
That's a pretty classic sword and board ambush build. Should work just fine. 5 MoC ranks would be nice to negate one FoF foe. You wouldn't regret having 25 ranks of SMC either, but that can wait.
Speaking to you, Ceyrin asks, "Do you spontaneously come back to life when you die?"
Speaking to you, Ceyrin says, "Because I do."
You say, "Yes. I have a condition called Annoraxia.""
Speaking to you, Ceyrin asks, "Do you spontaneously come back to life when you die?"
Speaking to you, Ceyrin says, "Because I do."
You say, "Yes. I have a condition called Annoraxia.""
Re: From sniper to OHE
12/24/2015 11:04 PM CST
<5 MoC ranks would be nice to negate one FoF foe.>
When I was playing with the trainer, I was thinking this also until I double-checked. It's, 10 ranks to negate the first FoF foe, 5 ranks just allow you to execute an unfocused MSTRIKE.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
When I was playing with the trainer, I was thinking this also until I double-checked. It's, 10 ranks to negate the first FoF foe, 5 ranks just allow you to execute an unfocused MSTRIKE.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: From sniper to OHE
12/24/2015 11:13 PM CST
My only change I would put on the training is to get stay within the ranger circle until 640. Thorns give such a great DS boost that you really want it as fast as possible. Blues are real easy to get if you do not mind asking. Beyond that it looks good. If you run into Pup in game let me know and I think I have a shield you can have if you like. Just let me know.
Pup's Player
Pup's Player
Re: From sniper to OHE
12/25/2015 09:14 PM CST
Hhhmmm.... I don't know how I missed that guide. Maybe after I've gotten a good handle on OHE ambushing with her I'll consider ditching the shield and going TWC.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.