Just looking for an idea, if I'm "gimping" my character. Ironically I spent most of my first 26 levels as a sniper, but found that I NEVER sniped. I only ever open aim. I've started trying to use a short bow as much as a composite bow. I notice very little difference against spider temple mobs which is what I hunt most of the time. Here is my build:
(at level 26), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 154 54
Ranged Weapons.....................| 154 54
Ambush.............................| 111 27
Physical Fitness...................| 142 42
Dodging............................| 111 27
Harness Power......................| 111 27
Survival...........................| 111 27
Perception.........................| 154 54
Climbing...........................| 70 15
Swimming...........................| 70 15
First Aid..........................| 111 27
Spell Lists
Minor Spiritual....................| 11
Spell Lists
Ranger.............................| 20
My plans are to continue doubling armor until at least augmented chain and possibly all the way to hauberk. I'm also working on getting to 120 as quickly as possible and then I'll go to 640 afterwards. Other than that, my "core training" is 2x ranged, 2x perception, 1x disarm, 1x dodging, 1x harness, 1x ambush. My extra ptps are going into physical fitness so I'm a little more than 1.5x in PT. I picked up 15 climbing and swimming just to have in case I needed them and can get more points easily later on post 35/55.
What I'm not sure about is what armor I should necessarily be aiming for...will augmented chain be enough or will I really hate those few times I get smacked in the face and wish I had trained to hauberk? Also, should I be putting my extra ptps into physical fitness or should I trade those ptps for mtps and get more spells earlier?
Thanks for any help and advice.
Re: Rate my ranger
07/07/2013 04:24 PM CDT
Everyone is different and the deal breaker for most people on armor is the spell hindrance they are willing to deal with, most don't like the jump of 2% that they get from going to hauberk from augmented chain, 9% vs 11%. Of course there are also still quite a few who stick to brig for armor as well. 120 then 640 is the reserve of what most people do but if you need the TD more, go for it. Which is more why people also get into chain armor for the CvA.
Re: Rate my ranger
07/07/2013 04:28 PM CDT
I assume you are sunfist? With all the physical fitness training.
The core build is very solid.
As armor goes..It really depends on what you want. Are you going to be a physical build or will your spells complement your archery.
Spell Hindrance.
Hauberk will give you a 11%
Augmented Chain will give you a 9%.
One could argue that the difference is 2% But how much spell failure will you tolerate.
I know a couple of rangers swear by hauberk and others have tried hauberk and have gone back to augmented chain.
My ranger personally uses augmented chain. That 9% hindrance sometimes feels like 100% though. But for me the spells complement his archery.
So my advice: If you have a super set of hauberk... then go for it.. just be prepared to fail casting a bit more.
You could always get augmented chain and if you dislike it, train up to hauberk.
Spell 120 is great.
But I can't emphasize how awesome 640 is. Everyone's journey is different but I went to 640 first then changed over to minor spirit until i got 120.
Don't forget to train in miu and arcane. Imbuing items is awesome. You are an open archer now. Befriend a wizard. Make haste amulets or anklets etc.. 509 plus 606 plus Haste equals 1 second open aimed eye shots....
Short Bows have nice quick RT. When you start facing critters in platemail. You will feel like you are shooting spit wads. I personally stuck with a composite bow. I would bump up to a Longbow however being an Elf my Ranger is lacking in the strength enhansives to reduce the RT.
(Lord Paladin walks around Droit examining his equipment.)
Lord Paladin: How does he....How does he work?
The core build is very solid.
As armor goes..It really depends on what you want. Are you going to be a physical build or will your spells complement your archery.
Spell Hindrance.
Hauberk will give you a 11%
Augmented Chain will give you a 9%.
One could argue that the difference is 2% But how much spell failure will you tolerate.
I know a couple of rangers swear by hauberk and others have tried hauberk and have gone back to augmented chain.
My ranger personally uses augmented chain. That 9% hindrance sometimes feels like 100% though. But for me the spells complement his archery.
So my advice: If you have a super set of hauberk... then go for it.. just be prepared to fail casting a bit more.
You could always get augmented chain and if you dislike it, train up to hauberk.
Spell 120 is great.
But I can't emphasize how awesome 640 is. Everyone's journey is different but I went to 640 first then changed over to minor spirit until i got 120.
Don't forget to train in miu and arcane. Imbuing items is awesome. You are an open archer now. Befriend a wizard. Make haste amulets or anklets etc.. 509 plus 606 plus Haste equals 1 second open aimed eye shots....
Short Bows have nice quick RT. When you start facing critters in platemail. You will feel like you are shooting spit wads. I personally stuck with a composite bow. I would bump up to a Longbow however being an Elf my Ranger is lacking in the strength enhansives to reduce the RT.
(Lord Paladin walks around Droit examining his equipment.)
Lord Paladin: How does he....How does he work?
Re: Rate my ranger
07/07/2013 09:44 PM CDT
I'm not in sunfist and as of yet, I rarely use anything other than 604 during a hunt since I don't have the mana to use 616 all that much and I find sniping to be boring (making 608 useless). I do use 610 sometimes, but I certainly don't rely on it enough to make a decision against using a better armor. I over train Physical fitness because I was under the impression that it helped against maneuvers.
Re: Rate my ranger
07/07/2013 10:09 PM CDT
I over train Physical fitness because I was under the impression that it helped against maneuvers.
It does and there is nothing wrong with what you are doing. Typically, I see folks 1x in physical fitness for life if they are not Sunfist. 1.5x or more if they are Sunfist.
At your current training and being range you will probably not need to use spells for a while. Spells became a part of my ranger's regiment after level 60.
Chain that covers the arms though will be a must. We want to be more resistant to broken arms. Though if you decide to go the Sunfist route. Sigil of Determination is quite nice to allow you to shoot your bow with a rank 2 broken arm.
(Lord Paladin walks around Droit examining his equipment.)
Lord Paladin: How does he....How does he work?
It does and there is nothing wrong with what you are doing. Typically, I see folks 1x in physical fitness for life if they are not Sunfist. 1.5x or more if they are Sunfist.
At your current training and being range you will probably not need to use spells for a while. Spells became a part of my ranger's regiment after level 60.
Chain that covers the arms though will be a must. We want to be more resistant to broken arms. Though if you decide to go the Sunfist route. Sigil of Determination is quite nice to allow you to shoot your bow with a rank 2 broken arm.
(Lord Paladin walks around Droit examining his equipment.)
Lord Paladin: How does he....How does he work?