So I'm level 30 and I've been laying off my ambush training, letting it fall toward 1x. Thus far I seem to be doing just peachy, but I wanted to invite some higher level ranger snipers to post their ambush training if they don't mind. I'm wondering if ambush's benefit, as with open ambushing, is bonus based and not rank based. In any case, any first hand input would be appreciated, especially like level 60+.
Muchas gracias.
Player of Zeek
Re: Sniper Ambush training
07/07/2013 03:16 AM CDT
For aiming purposes you'd be fine with 1x ambush 2x perception. But you do lose out on AS being only 1x in ambush vs 2x, at cap it is a difference of 25 AS. Depending on what you are hunting it may or may not make that huge of a difference. If you figure it though, every level you gain 3 AS from ranged training after you hit 19, assuming you 2x ranged, ambush, and perception. From what some people have said you can live without being 2x in ambush, but it will certainly make a difference as well.
Re: Sniper Ambush training
07/07/2013 08:09 AM CDT
I agree 1x ambush should be adequate. Spell 613 helps pick up the slack for only being 1x in ambush when it comes to aiming.
Is that 25 AS all that important? In my opinion it isn't a big deal. (I have it as a post cap goal to be fully 2x in ambush)
DS versus archery is quite low. Add 608 and the DS push down from sniping you will not miss the 25 AS.
(Lord Paladin walks around Droit examining his equipment.)
Lord Paladin: How does he....How does he work?
Is that 25 AS all that important? In my opinion it isn't a big deal. (I have it as a post cap goal to be fully 2x in ambush)
DS versus archery is quite low. Add 608 and the DS push down from sniping you will not miss the 25 AS.
(Lord Paladin walks around Droit examining his equipment.)
Lord Paladin: How does he....How does he work?
Re: Sniper Ambush training
07/07/2013 08:16 AM CDT
When my ranger became level 60, I found sniping to be a little annoying. Hiding and Stalking became more of a role playing tool. Eventually I dropped it all together and became an open aim archer. I would carry haste amulets. Firing 1 second aimed eye shots is incredible. With the points I recovered from Hiding and stalking, I picked up 30 spiritual lore summoning, 5 ranks in disarm, and 5 ranks in cunning defense.
(Lord Paladin walks around Droit examining his equipment.)
Lord Paladin: How does he....How does he work?
(Lord Paladin walks around Droit examining his equipment.)
Lord Paladin: How does he....How does he work?
Re: Sniper Ambush training
07/07/2013 01:22 PM CDT
>When my ranger became level 60, I found sniping to be a little annoying. Hiding and Stalking became more of a role playing tool. Eventually I dropped it all together and became an open aim archer. I would carry haste amulets. Firing 1 second aimed eye shots is incredible. With the points I recovered from Hiding and stalking, I picked up 30 spiritual lore summoning, 5 ranks in disarm, and 5 ranks in cunning defense.
Sounds like a good way to go. Personally, I just love sniping stylistically and it fits the character (forest gnome ranger) to the 'T'. So I'll be sniping for life. I certainly don't need to fret the 5-10 AS I'm missing from now until say level 50. I don't even use camo that much currently cause my GoS signs still gobble up such a significant amount of mana.
Anyhoo, thanks for the input. Sounds like I'm fine letting it slide to 1x (which means summoning lore, here I come!)
Player of Zeek
Sounds like a good way to go. Personally, I just love sniping stylistically and it fits the character (forest gnome ranger) to the 'T'. So I'll be sniping for life. I certainly don't need to fret the 5-10 AS I'm missing from now until say level 50. I don't even use camo that much currently cause my GoS signs still gobble up such a significant amount of mana.
Anyhoo, thanks for the input. Sounds like I'm fine letting it slide to 1x (which means summoning lore, here I come!)
Player of Zeek