How can we make the issues with the profession understood by the folks who could tweak thing for us?
I guess we need to start with understanding their point of view and not just blowing off their concerns. On paper it's a fleshed out profession that has many unique advantages in unarmed combat. So how do we make the problems understood in light of that fact and the fact that we can't reasonably expect a GM to sit down and play our profession for a couple hundred hours?
It seems obvious to me that there's a serious deficiency with monks. WITHOUT getting sidetracked as to how to fix the problem, how can we make it understood that there is a problem, keeping in mind all professions always want more power and always complain about their weaknesses?
Re: How can we make ourselves understood
03/26/2015 12:45 PM CDT
Your issues, aside from ironskin not giving CvA as it really should, is not a monk problem. It's a UAC problem. UAC was designed to be a more involved combat system than we had previously seen in Gemstone. Turns out its hard to get involved in combat that only lasts a few seconds so UAC uses build ups and a wide variety of potential status effects but it does not kill instantly. Personally, I don't have the patience for slow combat so my monk uses a katana and kills quite quickly. Like I said, you have a UAC problem not a monk problem.
Brinret says, "Bring it on."
A bolt of lightning streaks down from the sky and strikes Brinret!
... 16428101 points of damage!
Powerful blast reduces Brinret to a smoldering pile of ash!
Brinret says, "Bring it on."
A bolt of lightning streaks down from the sky and strikes Brinret!
... 16428101 points of damage!
Powerful blast reduces Brinret to a smoldering pile of ash!
Re: How can we make ourselves understood
03/26/2015 01:04 PM CDT
Very good point, thank you. May I ask what kind of spells and cman you'd use for a character like that? Do you think katars would be workable too?
Re: How can we make ourselves understood
03/26/2015 01:10 PM CDT
As 42 my monk has 107 and 1208. He primarily makes use of 1207 as a disabler and follows up with a katana to the eye. Currently he has maxed out perfect self (with minimum prereqs), maxed evade mastery and a single rank in internal power and slippery mind. I am considering dropping perfect self and seeing if those points can be better used elsewhere. I have not run any math but I would not be surprised if a TWC katar monk was perfectly viable and a much more efficient killer than a UAC monk.
Brinret says, "Bring it on."
A bolt of lightning streaks down from the sky and strikes Brinret!
... 16428101 points of damage!
Powerful blast reduces Brinret to a smoldering pile of ash!
Brinret says, "Bring it on."
A bolt of lightning streaks down from the sky and strikes Brinret!
... 16428101 points of damage!
Powerful blast reduces Brinret to a smoldering pile of ash!
Re: How can we make ourselves understood
03/26/2015 10:42 PM CDT
Twin Katars hit nicely but are expensive to train in TP-wise. Brawling + OHE + TWC = costly