archer vs pure 01/23/2012 09:01 PM CST
not sure if this is the right area to post this in for bards, but I wouldnt find another area so here goes.

I currently have a lvl 42 archer who is 2x ranged,1 brawl, 2x perception, 20 dodge, 2x picking, 1x disarming. 19 bard spells and 25 elemental. Some other skills but I cant remember at the moment. AS self spelled and sigils is 329 i think.

I am getting rid of the lock/disarm stuff but am debating on either archer or pure. I was orginially a pole arm but i hated the low DS from ambush (bandits) and the being parried and then smacked down. I have never played a pure but from the few posts i have been able to find they seem to kill things easily. My fear is that I wont have enough mana and I am not really sure on how to make one.

I was thinking 1x shield, 1x brawl, .5x cm, .5x dodge, 24 ranks of mental mana share, 1x manipulation, 1x HP and some other crap like climb,swim,scroll. Is there anything else that you have to have?

Also i generally let my spells auto renew but how does 1130 work? I prepare 1130 cast at mob...that will target it or hit everything in the room? Once I have cast it once in a hunt I can renew 1130 and it will cast it at a mob or do i have to renew 1130 at XXX?

Re: archer vs pure 01/24/2012 08:45 AM CST
11xx is the Empath circle spells. <poke>

For Song of Sonic Disruption/1030:
+ If you "prep/cast" then it is open-target, and will hit all creatures in the room [for 30 mana]. If you then "renew 1030", it will again hit everything in the room [for 15 mana].
+ If you "prep/cast at orc" then it is single-target [requires fifteen (15) ranks of ML:Manipulation], will hit only that creature, and costs 20 mana. If you then "renew 1030", it will again hit just that creature [for 10 mana].
- Disrupt (like Unravel, Depression, Rage, probably a couple of others) will end at every Renewal cycle; it does not count in your medley for Multi-Song Penalty at all.
+ While the Song is running, even if you use the verb "cast" you pay the cost of "renew". (That is to say, you walk into a new room with four beasties, you do "prep 1030/cast", you pay only 15 mana for an open-cast renew.) You can choose to use "renew 1030" if you want, since that saves the transmission & server time of the second command.
+ If you use "prep/cast at orc" in that new room, you pay only the single-target renew [10 mana]. I usually do this only when there is actually only a single target; if there's more than one, I'll use the multi-cast and hit them all (for more [15] mana).
* IF, while you have a single-target Disrupt working, you again "prep 1030" and at this point just do "cast", then you will get a whole-room blast [for 15 mana].

For this reason, it is often recommended to do a single-target to start (and save 10 mana), and then do an open renew. Mostly it depends on the beasties you're fighting, and how much HP they have. For human-sized creatures, like up in the Sheruvian Monastery, I usually start with an open-cast and smoke everything in the room.