I guess you were gone longer than I thought, or I am just getting old, as I thought you were a lot higher level than you are.
As for your training regime, overall I think it looks good, but there are a few tweaks you can make. First off, as a Sword and Board Bard, you do not need to be 1x in Dodge. 0.75x will do just fine and get you to cap. I personally didn't go up to 1x until post cap. This should help free up some TPs for you (which you could use for Lores). The other comment is that 20 ranks of Arcane Symbols is a lot for level 41. If you are using a ton of scrolls right now, then it would make sense, but if you are not, then you could cut back here as well. You said you were migrating armour down to 35 ranks for brigandine. While you may stick with brigandine armor for a while, I would keep training 1x in armor, as you are going to want to get into chain armor eventually. Armor is just 5 PTPs, and bards are never hurting in those, so it's not difficult to keep at it. You also said you were taking Shield up to 1x, but right now you are at 49 ranks, which would be beyond 1x.
Overall this is my standard suggestion for a sword and board bard: 2x OHE, 1x Armor, Shield, CM, Spells, PF, HP, 0.75x Dodge. Those should be your core skills. After that I would focus on your Lores. My suggestion would be to split Air Lore and Mental Lore: Telepathy so you alternate training in one each level (0.5x in both basically). As you gain more TPs you can increase this, as you definitely will want to up your Air Lore the more you use your sonic weapon, and even more so when you start using Song of Tonis at later levels. As was also suggested I would work on increasing your MoC. Getting that to 30 ranks will let you do a focused Mstrike on a single target, which is really useful, especially as a sword and board bard. Our weapons do less damage, so hitting faster and more often is key. Mstrike is one way to get there. Song of Tonis will be the other way.
Regarding song renewals, if you are having issues with the mana load, take a look at what you are singing. If you are not facing anything using Combat Manuevers, then you can drop Lucksong. If you have a higher enchanted weapon/shield/armor, then use those instead of sonics for now. Another trick bards do as they start singing more songs is to start/stop Fortitude Song, and not have it renew. Since it costs 3 mana to start, and its renewal is only 1 mana, it doesn't hurt to do this. As for hunting grounds, you could switch over to Shan down in Solhaven. They are 41/42, and will be a bit more of a challenge than the Monestary. After that there would be Bonespear, but only if you want to deal with undead. Beyond those two I am a bit rusty on good things to hunt around level 40.
"He came like the wind, like the wind touched everything, and like the wind was gone."
"For all that this may cause Hell to freeze over, I agree with Kilthal." -Siwas