Training Review / Lores 10/13/2011 11:19 AM CDT
With all the lore chatting, I thought I'd check in with my training. I'm an ambusher. Typical hunt is lullabye, hide, ambush to head or eye with a one shot kill. Defense in offensive is low... (Oww.) Lol. But typically I'm hidden and it's not a worry. I can hide next to like leveled creatures ninety percent of the time without a problem. As to equipment, I use sonic brig. I also use a 5x shield and a 4x HCW waraxe or a 4x perfect dagger.

Just looking for advice as to lores. Since that was brought up in depth in the previous topic I figured I'd prod for observations. Thanks!

(at level 66), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 130 35
Shield Use.........................| 168 68
Combat Maneuvers...................| 168 68
Edged Weapons......................| 236 136
Ambush.............................| 168 68
Physical Fitness...................| 168 68
Dodging............................| 122 31
Arcane Symbols.....................| 82 18
Magic Item Use.....................| 86 19
Harness Power......................| 167 67
Elemental Mana Control.............| 3 0 (Enhancive)
Mental Mana Control................| 30 6
Spirit Mana Control................| 2 0 (Enhancive)
Elemental Lore - Air...............| 35 7
Mental Lore - Manipulation.........| 99 23
Mental Lore - Telepathy............| 15 3
Stalking and Hiding................| 216 116
Perception.........................| 168 68
Climbing...........................| 78 17
Swimming...........................| 78 17
First Aid..........................| 10 2 (Enhancive)

Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 30

Spell Lists
Bard...............................| 37
Re: Training Review / Lores 10/13/2011 04:39 PM CDT
Do you Ambush because that's what you were used to? Because you like using the big, expensive (weighted) weapon? Do you plan to change your skill path/way of hunting?

If your question about Lores gets answers, are you open to changing your skill path/way of hunting? :)



It looks like roughly every three (3) ranks of Ambush (at 4p/4m for a Bard) will turn into one (1) second-rank (you are already fully singled) of CM (double-train cost is 16p/8m). So you could get roughly +23AS from converting all of your Ambush into additional ranks of CM.
(Note that this could also give you a bunch more CMan points, or CMan ranks, or added combat capabilities. [Like TrueHand or an AS booster or...])

Giving up Ambush means that you don't need the Stalk/Hide... there's 492p/328m saved, as well.

Now, you're suddenly a straight-up, unhidden, melee swinger. (With a slightly higher AS, and no added RT (from the 'hide' command) slowing you down.)

(All of that said, I will grant that if you cast-and-then-hide-during-the-castRT, there is little actual time lost. It didn't occur to me until later, since my Ambusher doesn't cast spells.)


328m points == 41 ranks of Lore.
492p points == another 30 ranks (and 3/4s, but who's counting).
You already have 33 ranks of Lores out of a possible 136 (68 Mental, 68 Elemental).

Me, personally, for a melee build, I would put every bit that I could into EL:Air ranks, possibly pick up some more Songs (to increase the AS of the Sonic Weapon), and then go to town with either a dagger (when I do not have Tonis running) or a short sword (when I do have it running). You could be at 33% chance of second-flare on the Sonic Weapon (happens at 66 Lore ranks), and they already flare really well.

Any points I have left--if I choose to gain no more Songs--I would put into ML:Telepathy ranks, to increase my medley duration and to increase my AS (from Kai's Song/1007).

Basically, this would totally change how you hunt, though.
- You already Lullabye, so that is unchanged.
- You would no longer spend the RT to hide.
- You would immediately start blasting away at speed, maximizing your flares.
- You would NOT be aiming swings, because all the 'ambush' command does for you is to add RT, and you would be about flares from wimpy-weapon swings, not massive crushing damage from a big hefty weapon swing.
- The other advantage to using Sonic Weapon is that it cannot be CMan Disarmed. This is less helpful if you are in areas where that maneuver is uncommon.



Sonic Weapons are among the best flares in the game, often doing back-to-back swings with flares; the only other weapons I ever saw doing this were the 13-form Auction weapons.

BardA(mbush) will take about 8-11 seconds to, hopefully, dish out his ton of hurt. 3s to cast, during which time you incur 3s to hide, and then you have the actual 5s weapon swing (up to 7s if you aim, possibly mitigated by stats) with an additional +1s of possible fudge-factor.

BardB(attleswarm) will take the same 3s to cast Lullabye.
In the next 5 seconds you can get three swings of a dagger (at 4s, 6s, and 8s) meaning the possibility of six (6) flares, some of which can go as high as 70hp and outright death results. You should generally expect to see two (2) of them, one from the weapon and one-of-the-three second chances from Lore (assuming 68 ranks of EL:Air == 66 ranks == 11 Lore steps @ 3% each).
If you happen to be running Tonis at the time you can step it up to a shortsword and do more base-HP damage as well, but cut the RT down by -2s (and you would be only seven (7) ranks away from yet another -1s reduction, at 75 ranks) which should let you swing once per second.

That's a potential for ten (10) flares, added to the base damage from the weapon, in the same amount of time your Ambushing-self gets to swing... once.


I guess really it boils down to, how fixated are you on continuing with your current gear? Do you want/are you willing to totally change everything? Do you care about having that One Really Big Showy Deathstrike, or are you willing to whittle them down?
Re: Training Review / Lores 10/14/2011 08:51 AM CDT

While I ponder those thoughts on a thirteen hour plane ride (Fun! Lol), what are your thoughts if I didn't change the build? Let's say I left my training the same, and only had the 33 ranks of lores to work with. Could they be better placed?
Re: Training Review / Lores 10/14/2011 10:05 AM CDT
It's a paradigm shift, granted. Bardic Lores are--just because of EL:Air's benefits--geared toward small(-ish) fast weapons that you swing as many times as possible to put out as many flares as possible. The question is whether you're willing to play that way. :)

(Note that ML:Manipulation Lore works differently, because it adds (the most) to a warding-based spell, which encourages hunting from Guarded, and can be used either single- or multi-target.)



If you plan to stay with the same equipment & hunting style--the 'One Big Lethal Hit' from hiding--then I would suggest dropping Air completely and switching over to ML:Telepathy for:
- added AS from Kai's Song;
- longer duration == less mana spent on the hunt;
- longer duration also == less likely to be revealed from hiding upon renew.

You're unlikely to be casting many spells that benefit from (minimal) ranks of Air. Odds are you're going to have Kai's running constantly. Lullabye is your most reliable spell, and it's non-Lore affected (crank up the INFluence enhancives, instead).



Enjoy the plane flight! <evil grin>
Clarify for me? 10/14/2011 10:18 AM CDT
(Someone who's actually, you know, played the game some time in the last three years...)

Q1) Does the verb 'mstrike' (either open-room/one hit per creature or single-target/multiple taps on just one beastie) stop Song of Tonis/1035 as it does Haste/506?
A1) My recollection is that it does not do so, so if you have enough PF ranks to recover during the Song's duration, you can get in another flurry of swings.

Q2) Does anyone have an mstrike with Sonic Weapon/1012 where you were just barely able to hit (either a single target with multi-taps or a roomful of beasties) and the aggregate flares wound up being devestating? (Either a sum totalling death for the single, or several/most/all of the room being disabled/stunned/dead.)



Re: Clarify for me? 10/14/2011 01:25 PM CDT

>Q1) Does the verb 'mstrike' (either open-room/one hit per creature or single-target/multiple taps on just one beastie) stop Song of Tonis/1035 as it does Haste/506?

Mstrike does not break tonis. It's just godly and the more hunting partners you have..the more benefit you get out of each cast of tonis.

Re: Training Review / Lores 10/14/2011 05:19 PM CDT
>>If you plan to stay with the same equipment & hunting style--the 'One Big Lethal Hit' from hiding--then I would suggest dropping Air completely and switching over to ML:Telepathy for:
>> - added AS from Kai's Song;
>> - longer duration == less mana spent on the hunt;
>> - longer duration also == less likely to be revealed from hiding upon renew.

Krakii, you give very strange and wildly differing advice to almost every bard who walks in here.

I disagree with the above. Every single action you take as a hiding and ambushing bard adds RT. Why oh why would you not recommend using Tonis to reduce the RT during every step of an ambushers action? This is precisely why this sort of spell exists, to reduce RT. It has nothing to do with maximizing hit potential, since there is a pushdown when ambushing from hiding. I will grant you the reduced chance of being pulled out of hiding on a renewal because of extended song times.

Air lore and song of tonis will decrease the RT of all his combat actions by 2-3 seconds. He'll be able to hide in 1 second, ambush in 2-4 seconds and he can hide while in soft RT from casting 1105. I would write a nice macros or script to accomplish this with the touch of just one button. 5 second sleep and ambush from hiding sounds plenty effective.

Here is my thought. He has DS issues, so losing those phantom ranks of dodge from not using Tonis, boosted with air lore will just hurt his DS more. The reason his DS is so low is because his training points are swallowed by the hide and ambush, thus meaning he has crap for dodge ranks. This hurts his overall DS. It would be nice to test or use the known formulas to see if he'd be better off DS-wise with a large or tower shield, without any dodge ranks and be at least 1.5x shield. I suggest more and compare it to having only the 31 ranks of dodge with whatever size shield you use currently.

Additionally, do you need to 2x hide/stalk if you are first using 1005? Yes, if there are more than one target in the room I can see this being needed but you are already tailoring your hunts in order to ambush, so perhaps tailoring your training to accept the fact you will only be going one on one and that said critter will be asleep first. I suggest dropping your hide to 50 ranks flat or whatever amount you need to hide without anything being in the room without failure. My thought is if you can avoid swarms, and you hunt by lullabye, hide and then ambushing already, so why do you need 2x as they will be asleep as you attempt your hide? If you drop those hide ranks your training point pool will grow immensely. In turn pump those points into more CM, air lore or dodge/shield.

Personally, that is what I'd test out. Either you gain MTP from losing 31 ranks of dodge and pump up air lore and shield, and/or you gain more total TP from dropping that hideously priced hiding and pump up any darn thing you want. I'd get the air lore to create a speedy overall ambush.

Of course, if I did it, I'd open ambush with no ambush ranks nor hiding. I'd have 66 ranks of air lore and be as close to 2x CM as possible. You trade off the DS push down for more overall combat viability and likely more DS and heavier armor. That said, I'd be interested to see how you perform from the shadows hasted with Tonis throughout your hunt.

Re: Training Review / Lores 10/17/2011 08:40 AM CDT
Very interesting thoughts. (I had completely glossed over the possibility of the Haste effect; I guess you can tell I don't have anything like that on my own Ambusher, eh?) Thanks for the analysis!



Given everything that you said, though, about ambushing... which do you think would be the more powerful effect in combat? Air Lore smaller weapon non-hiding flares, or Ambushing?

(Yes, at this point I'm asking for an opinion. :)
Re: Training Review / Lores 10/17/2011 10:35 AM CDT
Although now that I think about it: you're recommending to train up the Air Lore in order to maximize Tonis (to aid in Ambushing). Given that there's Air Lore there in the training plan you point out, why would you recommend the "Ambush with Tonis" and (given your post) not recommend the shift to open combat with fast weapon + flares?

It's still the same analysis as before, just a little bit faster (given that the Hide RT [reduced by Tonis' haste] is now totally subsumed within the 3s castRT from Lullabye).
- If you swing the slower crit-weighted weapon ('ambush' verb to aim for a lethal spot) it's still not going to be done in just one second no matter what. Between the base RT of his weapon +2s for the aiming minus stats, even with Tonis I think it only gets down to the 2-3 second range.
- Whereas starting to open-swing the smaller weapon immediately after the Lullabye castRT wears off can be done in just one second, meaning that you've got a chance at two flares per second (base from Sonic Weapon Song plus one from Lore).



I think that's probably why I was posting what I did.
* If my earlier advice is used (maximize Air Lore) then the Hide & Ambush ranks aren't even needed. The air flares really are that good.
* But if he keeps those skills, then why get Air Lore at all? (The flares are so superior that if the skill is trained in at all, they should be used to the exclusion of other weapons.) Forgoing those flares means that the skill points should be devoted elsewhere, which is why I went with boosting the Telepathy lore in order to maximize the AS for the One Big Swing inherent in the ambushing training path.
Re: Training Review / Lores 10/17/2011 07:33 PM CDT
>>* But if he keeps those skills, then why get Air Lore at all?

Because 3 seconds off your RT is superior to anything else in the game because it is defensive and offensive.

Ambushing is a potent attack. You are a bit too focused on air flares and are not taking in the bigger picture. Most of your focus for a bard has been about the speed flare build. There are other effective builds that do take air lore to accomplish. Lance swing every 2 seconds can be/likely is better than 1 second short sword swings. Even if you manage to get a flare on every other swing, the average flare isn't killing something.

Regardless, the OP wants to ambush. 3 seconds off every step of ambushing makes it a pretty speedy method to one shot kill. What if your speed flare bard isn't lucky and swings 5 times and doesn't even accomplish a stun? Meanwhile he's hanging out in the proverbial wind. In turn this other guy has his enemy on the ground and dead in 5 seconds. It's a trade off. Maybe the DS pushdown is just that worth it. I don't know. Just guess since I never went with a hiding build.

I can say after using an ohe/shield open ambush build that I enjoyed it more than just speed hacking. For me it was cman sweep instead of 1105, no hide, ambush neck with an axe. To each their own. I'd never suggest someone not use their sonic weapon, because they are that good. However, if you happened to have a masterfully (anything over very heavily) weighted whatever, I can see the desire to swing it. Thing is rogues show that crit-weighting is unnecessary with ambushing, so one would think the same would apply to a bard coming from hiding. I just wanted to work within the OP's requested style. Air lore for the max 3 second effect is what I would get and once I got to that plateau, I would switch to Telepathy if not sooner.

Boils down to ambushing is a slow deliberate process. Tonis just speeds it up to a rate that makes it exciting.

Re: Training Review / Lores 10/18/2011 08:38 AM CDT
You raise some good points. :)

I guess I've never been that concerned about how fast I was able to kill with Ambush because, well, there was no time urgency. (It was dead.) Leaping out in a swarm has always been a bad move, though I guess Bards-with-Tonis might have something to say about it maybe not being quite so bad an idea, eh?



Original poster? Test both! Let us know.... <grin>