Simucon 2018 Feedback 08/13/2018 12:00 PM CDT
Simucon continues to be a critical event for Gemstone and related games. It goes a long way in creating community cohesion, and it always serves to re-ignite my interest in Gemstone when it begins to ebb.

I know there was a scramble this year to find an organizer, so I'm extremely grateful that Palvella and Naimon took it on. Hopefully (don't make me beg) they will be willing to take this on again next year.

The events schedule was great this year, a good mix of game-related events, roleplay, and outings. I liked that players were able to run "side-quests". I'd like to remind the GMs that if players are running an event, please don't make changes without checking with them first. The murder mystery continues to be my favorite, and it serves as a great ice-breaker.

I appreciated this year that the Indiegogo was delayed until things had been pre-QC'd. As far as pricing goes, this may be an unpopular opinion - I wouldn't mind raising less money for less bells and whistles, allowing us to lower the price of some of the perks. If you look at Simucons a few years back, I see that we used to raise far less. I don't want the organizers to feel extreme pressure to continue raising more and more each year. I don't mind buying my own snacks or other food as long as I know to expect that ahead of time.

Water ran out a few times this year. Does the hotel offer any water cooler rental? If so you could save yourself some Costco trips by using this option, and it's a nice planet friendly alternative. You could then pair it with an optional Simucon nalgene swag perk. God knows I could always use another nalgene.

A lot of effort was clearly put into decorations this year, I felt this really added to a positive ambiance. I also appreciated what I think was meant to be a "privacy screen" curtain where people could hide from the camera. The stream I know is a lot of fun for folks who don't attend, but I think you'll get more people dancing if you move the camera off the dance floor as you did later in the party.

For 2019, please release dates as early as possible, or even a range of dates if you don't have something nailed down. This allows me to plan key work events around the con (priorities!)

Overall I have to rate the experience 10/10, I'm already looking forward to next year.

~Land Pirate Maylan~
Re: Simucon 2018 Feedback 08/13/2018 12:56 PM CDT

The camera on the dance floor is one of the best things though. :( lol
Re: Simucon 2018 Feedback 08/13/2018 01:08 PM CDT
I believe I started carrying a Nalg' as far back as 2003, having learnt that lesson by having no-water at the Hilton.
I have a distinct recollection of walking through the Chalet with an entire day-pack, liberally bestrewn with pens & Sharpies (for writing on badges... or people), spare shirts (for when cuties get thrown in the pool), water bottles, boxes of Settlers, et cetera.

As the hikers say: Hydrate or Die. <nod>
Re: Simucon 2018 Feedback 08/13/2018 01:16 PM CDT
>The camera on the dance floor is one of the best things though.

You have to COME to con to see the best parts of con ;)

~Land Pirate Maylan~
Re: Simucon 2018 Feedback 08/13/2018 01:45 PM CDT
Wait, wait...

The 'best parts' of 'Con are being displayed, on camera?!?!



Sssoooo... when is the 2019 schedule, again?
Re: Simucon 2018 Feedback 08/14/2018 12:32 AM CDT
I thought SimuCon was awesome this year. Granted, it was my first Con, so I don't have a basis of comparison, but I had a great time with everyone. It is super neat getting to meet, in person, people you've known for 5, 10, 15, and even 20+ years. I'll echo Maylan and give a big thank you to Palvella and Naimon for organizing and running the show and to Kveta for keeping all of her sections of the Con moving along very well. Sorry to the folks at home for some of the technical glitches. Overall though, I think it was a great time, and fun was had by many! I've already decided that I'll be making an appearance at every SimuCon from here on out, if at all physically possible. See you all next year!
Re: Simucon 2018 Feedback 08/14/2018 05:41 PM CDT
This SimuCon reminded me of why I love getting together with others who play this game. It not only served to continue my interest in playing the game, but it helped me build closer relationships with the people I'm currently spending time with while also introducing me to new-to-me characters whom I'm planning on seeking out soon. By creating this close-knit social community, I am more likely to stick with the game and continue playing it. I'm almost convinced to pay more to play Plat! Being able to talk in-person with GMs was a huge benefit as well - not only because I could corner them to ask them questions [;)], but also because it helps me understand the individuals better so that I can correctly contextualize their text-based communication.

Things that went well:

-- Level of organization
-- Coffee, snacks, beverages
-- Decoration
-- Communication of schedule and Con information / Welcome packet
-- Allowing and supporting Side Quests
-- Events in the late evening hours
-- Board game availability
-- Hotel willingness to put up with our shenanigans
-- Number of tables and chairs
-- Panels
-- Variety of events on the schedule
-- Pre-QC-ing in-game stuff (I hope)

Things that could go better next year:

-- Food variety for the dinner. I know there were some issues there, but some salad or something other than greasy food would have been nice. Also, if doing pizza, a plain cheese pizza should also be an option. (If it was, my apologies. I was told by someone who needed one that they could not find one.)
-- Events happening closer to when they were scheduled to happen - 2+ hours late is problematic (not mad, don't need an explanation, just saying)
-- Internet. 'Nuff said.
-- Wyrom should be there as a bare minimum. Anyone who isn't able to attend who is planning on giving an update could pre-record (voice, video, whatever) and then do voice Q&A.
-- More stuff in the mornings + early afternoons for those who aren't late risers. This could potentially be filled by Side Quests. But helping those individuals who aren't staying up until 5 am several days in a row to connect with each other.
-- LARP went really long for each round which meant over all it seemed to take a really long time and it got a little disjointed there at the end. Or a lot. YMMV. I still enjoyed the concept. Just got reaaaaaaaaalllllllly hot and underwhelmed by the end.
-- It was hotter than heck in that conference room during costume time. Fans?
-- Corkboard so that people can pin their side quest sign up sheets to a designated place in order to help organize MOAR FUN
-- Forceful and unpopular opinion: Not requiring people to be on the Livestream in order to participate in events. I do not ever want to be on it, and thus was on it quite more than I wanted. If people want that badly to see people acting silly, they can show up themselves.
-- Release dates much earlier - like in the next couple of months

I was disappointed that Simutronics itself doesn't place more emphasize on supporting the convention that holds half its name, which means that my loyalty is more to the individuals who volunteered for such a massive undertaking than it is to the company itself that I pay to play its games.

Overall, I really appreciated this SimuCon and all the work put into it by those who volunteered. I'm sorry for all the heckling and complaining you had to put up with. I also appreciated the players who were warm, engaging, humorous, and just so wonderful to be around. I will definitely be going next year (given that I get the dates in enough time!). As I've said before, there were some glitches and hiccups but in the grand scheme of things they were small from my perspective and I appreciate how hard you all worked to manage them. Thank you for pulling through all those panicky moments and not just walking off in a huff never to be seen again.

Re: Simucon 2018 Feedback 08/14/2018 05:56 PM CDT
It was really nice to meet you Jen! I hope to see you again next year and spent more time.
~ Valyrka ~
Dark Elves
Re: Simucon 2018 Feedback 08/14/2018 06:10 PM CDT
It was nice to meet you, too! While we have to wait an entire year to spend time together in person, Darcena should be meandering her way over to Ta'Illistim in a week. You'll know she's arrived by the number of fair elvenkind who are screaming in horror and fleeing while she casually sips blood from her goblet and growls at them playfully, hair matted in purposeful locks and woven with bits and bobs, with a fanged wolfish grin on mischievous display.

>Darcena says, "But I cannot give my heart to someone else, when I no longer own it."
>Balley nods, "I hope you will find your heart and heal one day."
>Darcena admits, "I think he ate it."
>Balley's jaw drops, "Really. Men are jerks at times."
Re: Simucon 2018 Feedback 08/14/2018 06:15 PM CDT

i won't lie i read that as bits and boobs. hmm lol

:) it was nice to see a bunch of new people there this year, and some I knew from the year before.
Re: Simucon 2018 Feedback 08/14/2018 10:01 PM CDT
Xposted from the Simutronics > SimuCon folder:'18/General%20Discussions/view/86

Hi. I had an absolutely fantastic time again this year. Thank you to everyone who worked on the convention, came, made merry and all the things. I shall be back and hope everyone (and more) will as well.

Schedule: I would greatly appreciate seeing the schedule further in advance so we can plan our time (such as side quests) better. I know that's asking a lot so I understand if it's not possible.

Games and contests: There was almost a constant game going on somewhere, and that was greatly appreciated. So many in fact, that I couldn't get to all of them and still chat with the wonderful people in attendance. That's a good thing. The murder mystery was hilarious and entertaining, as was Family Feud. I hope to see both of these come back next year. I'd love to see the Design-A- contest submissions show up in game sometime!

Panels: The round table discussions were great and informative. Next year, please allow us to also submit questions online or via Discord up to a few hrs or so before the panels (my paperwork got swept up by the janitor, alas!). I'd also like to see a few open forums for on the spot questions.

State of Elanthia: The State of Elanthia was a bit slim on information and I hope next year it's a bit juicier.

Space: Thank you for getting the Ser Davos side room as well as the hiding spot. The extra space definitely helped ease congestion. The off-camera hiding spot made for a good quiet space and also acted as a sound buffer.

Timing: Despite the concurrent PGA, it worked out well. I've heard a few folks say that if we moved back to July it might increase attendance. I wouldn't be adverse to this in the least, as long as it wasn't over 4th of July weekend!

Side Quests: Dinner at OFallon worked out better than I expected, even if it was loud. Thank You to everyone who made it and treated the waitstaff with patience and courtesy. Next year, I will only organize a City Museum outting if there isn't an official event in the evening on Friday or Saturday (nothing wrong with that either; we can aim for 2020 or find another daytime adventure too).

Thank you all, I can't wait to see you again!! <3

Naamit, et al.
Re: Simucon 2018 Feedback 08/27/2018 08:03 PM CDT

Thank you all for your hard work at producing a great event!

This was my first SimuCon, chased by my first forum post here on the officials. I had a great time in St Louis getting to meet the faces behind the characters and staff I've known for years. I really appreciate the effort that went into planning for the event, and the continued effort that goes into building Gemstone.

Thanks again for all of your time and effort that goes into the many aspects of building and maintaining this community.
