A tad paranoid, aren't we?
H>glance guard
The guardsman returns your gaze blankly, measuring you from head to toe.
You do not believe anyone noticed you slip out of hiding.
The clanging sound of a hammer on metal pierces the air.
>stare guard
You stare at a city guardsman.
You listen, but don't hear anything unusual.
With a seasoned eye, you begin to scan the area...
>lmas sense
You're already sensing as hard as you can! <stare>
The odds aren't really in your favor, but when has that ever stopped you? [Ah ha, Never! Wait ....]
Not that it matters, with no one around to steal from. [Oh, really?]
>stare guard
You stare at a city guardsman.
And my questions are .....
1) How was the guardsman able to gaze at me and measure me from head to toe? I WAS hidden.
>Darn wonkey messaging.
2) Why isn't this guard able to be stolen from?
>I can dream.
3) When did sensing my surroundings start to give me the results that no one was in the room with me?
>Like I wouldn't notice?
~Lori aka Horsefreak (One of the Many), Thanking her lucky stars that she's not a Wizard.