So i was trying to finally master Gambits and have hit a wall at rank 59. This rank you learn and are tasked with RGAMBIT STEALTH GET ITEM (from container). The problem is that, no matter what you do, you do bot get a single rep from actually doing this. At first, i was supposed to hide in from of the masters and complete that function. No rep. I traded the task, and received an audience task. The same thing happened. I traded again an got a speed task, the same thing happened. No reps. What is also curious is that, i can automatically retrieve any item on my person without failure.
When you first get taught the skill from the Masters, its specifically indicates it is for usage on small items such as gems. I can hide an stealthily get any item on my person, including weapons and suits of armor from my containers without any fear of a failed attempt. I am hoping someone can look into this, as I cannot get the final ranks in gambits due to this issue.
Re: Problem with Rogue Gambits - BUG
11/30/2017 06:43 AM CST
If I remember right, it has to be on the ground, not on you, to get reps.
Re: Problem with Rogue Gambits - BUG
12/01/2017 01:40 AM CST
The skill is designed to let you grab stuff from hiding. I used it all the time in the Bowels to get gems on the floor when a bunch of Iloke were around.
I don't recall specifically, since I mastered gambits some time back, but I suspect that Rathboner is correct. Try dropping a gem or something on the ground, then hide and grab it.
I don't recall specifically, since I mastered gambits some time back, but I suspect that Rathboner is correct. Try dropping a gem or something on the ground, then hide and grab it.
Re: Problem with Rogue Gambits - BUG
12/01/2017 06:57 PM CST
Thanks, indeed, dropping the item on the ground for the task works. The in-game messaging for this task really needs to be changed a so a player can know this. There is no way to know to drop stuff on the ground, when the training Master specifically tells you to get stuff from your container.