Well more like a plea. Can we please have the more expensive created lockpicks always be at least average quality? It's beyond disappointing spending 100k on a vaalin bar just to see "As you remove the resulting vaalin lockpick from the toolbench, you can immediately tell that it is workable, but that its quality is far below average."
I don't really care about the cheaper lockpicks, I usually just go ahead and spend the silvers to make another one. But spending 100k on a guild skill I already put many hours into mastering is a bit much.
Or maybe even make this some sort of mini skill that rogues can master, they grind out lockpick after lockpick to master lockpick creation and the worst lockpick they can make is now of average quality.
Re: Quality of created lockpicks suggestion
10/24/2016 08:07 AM CDT
I don't find it useful to make my own picks, but I'd rather see a change that made the depth in the system exploitable rather than one that took it away.
e.g. if I could choose whether I got an average, above average or below average result, normally I'd be choosing average or below average, but the risk of making useless "above average" picks isn't worth the small cost margin over shop bought, so normally I shop buy.
Increased mod = decreased experience (it will vary with stats, skills, pick materials and smith technique but my estimate is an "above average" invar or golvern would cost me 20 exp per box)
I'd rather the materials were cheaper (making wastage of picks with undesired mods more acceptable) or the creation process could be biassed by the smith (LM CREATE BAD/GOOD/AVERAGE) than depth was taken out of the system by making a result that is potentially useful impossible to achieve.
e.g. if I could choose whether I got an average, above average or below average result, normally I'd be choosing average or below average, but the risk of making useless "above average" picks isn't worth the small cost margin over shop bought, so normally I shop buy.
Increased mod = decreased experience (it will vary with stats, skills, pick materials and smith technique but my estimate is an "above average" invar or golvern would cost me 20 exp per box)
I'd rather the materials were cheaper (making wastage of picks with undesired mods more acceptable) or the creation process could be biassed by the smith (LM CREATE BAD/GOOD/AVERAGE) than depth was taken out of the system by making a result that is potentially useful impossible to achieve.
Re: Quality of created lockpicks suggestion
10/24/2016 07:00 PM CDT
>I don't find it useful to make my own picks
I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure it's much cheaper to make your own, only reason I do so. If I'm wrong in this then I'll just go back to buying them I suppose.
>e.g. if I could choose whether I got an average, above average or below average result, normally I'd be choosing average or below average, but the risk of making useless "above average" picks isn't worth the small cost margin over shop bought, so normally I shop buy.
I knew I forgot to include something in my last post!
Yes, this too please. Give us the chance to pay less for a guaranteed below average lockpick and the chance to pay more for a guaranteed higher quality lockpick. Let's do this. Put all other projects on hold and let's hammer this out.
>Increased mod = decreased experience
I mostly just care about a really good vaalin lockpick because for some reason I've been finding a lot of boxes lately that are beyond my skill even with 403 running and a vaalin lockpick, I've gone through dozens of wedges the past couple of weeks. So it would be nice if I could have an average quality vaalin lockpick for the tough but not too tough boxes and a really good quality vaalin lockpick so hopefully I can pick more of these boxes without having to resort to wedges. Not that using wedges are horrible but I much prefer to pick the box.
I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure it's much cheaper to make your own, only reason I do so. If I'm wrong in this then I'll just go back to buying them I suppose.
>e.g. if I could choose whether I got an average, above average or below average result, normally I'd be choosing average or below average, but the risk of making useless "above average" picks isn't worth the small cost margin over shop bought, so normally I shop buy.
I knew I forgot to include something in my last post!
Yes, this too please. Give us the chance to pay less for a guaranteed below average lockpick and the chance to pay more for a guaranteed higher quality lockpick. Let's do this. Put all other projects on hold and let's hammer this out.
>Increased mod = decreased experience
I mostly just care about a really good vaalin lockpick because for some reason I've been finding a lot of boxes lately that are beyond my skill even with 403 running and a vaalin lockpick, I've gone through dozens of wedges the past couple of weeks. So it would be nice if I could have an average quality vaalin lockpick for the tough but not too tough boxes and a really good quality vaalin lockpick so hopefully I can pick more of these boxes without having to resort to wedges. Not that using wedges are horrible but I much prefer to pick the box.
Re: Quality of created lockpicks suggestion
10/25/2016 07:15 AM CDT
>I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure it's much cheaper to make your own, only reason I do so. If I'm wrong in this then I'll just go back to buying them I suppose.
Only if you are a non-citizen dark elf with no trading in a town that hates you.
If I was a citizen in Mist Harbor, the pick would be cheaper than the materials, not a citizen and I'm quoted 64125 for an invar pick and 60k for the bar to make one from.
Only if you are a non-citizen dark elf with no trading in a town that hates you.
If I was a citizen in Mist Harbor, the pick would be cheaper than the materials, not a citizen and I'm quoted 64125 for an invar pick and 60k for the bar to make one from.
Re: Quality of created lockpicks suggestion
10/25/2016 11:07 PM CDT
>Only if you are a non-citizen dark elf with no trading in a town that hates you.
Okay so my halfling rogue who is a citizen in Icemule (and they love halflings) is charged 111,825 silvers for a vaalin lockpick and a bar of vaalin costs 100,000.
So not a huge difference but ~11% is nothing to sneeze at either.
Okay so my halfling rogue who is a citizen in Icemule (and they love halflings) is charged 111,825 silvers for a vaalin lockpick and a bar of vaalin costs 100,000.
So not a huge difference but ~11% is nothing to sneeze at either.
Re: Quality of created lockpicks suggestion
10/25/2016 11:08 PM CDT
Oh yeah, and my rogue is fully trained in trading.
Maybe when I first checked the prices he wasn't fully trained in trading which is why I thought the difference was so much larger.
Maybe when I first checked the prices he wasn't fully trained in trading which is why I thought the difference was so much larger.
Re: Quality of created lockpicks suggestion
10/26/2016 08:08 AM CDT
>Okay so my halfling rogue who is a citizen in Icemule (and they love halflings) is charged 111,825 silvers for a vaalin lockpick and a bar of vaalin costs 100,000.
The guild is an equal opportunity extortionist, they don't love halflings. You don't get the same sort of discounts in the guild shop that you do in town.
My 12 ranks trading, halfling racial bonus and no citizenship gets me 10% off at Blackfingers and 0.1% off at the shop in the Icemule guild (and 14.5% off in Mist Harbor). You'd need a merchant event selling vaalins where your trading bonuses were fully taken into account to get properly cheap vaalins, though you'll get any of Blackfingers picks cheaper than the guild will sell you a bar.
>So not a huge difference but ~11% is nothing to sneeze at either.
Providing all the picks you make have value. If just 1 in 9 have a mod shift that makes them worthless to you, that's your margin gone.
The guild is an equal opportunity extortionist, they don't love halflings. You don't get the same sort of discounts in the guild shop that you do in town.
My 12 ranks trading, halfling racial bonus and no citizenship gets me 10% off at Blackfingers and 0.1% off at the shop in the Icemule guild (and 14.5% off in Mist Harbor). You'd need a merchant event selling vaalins where your trading bonuses were fully taken into account to get properly cheap vaalins, though you'll get any of Blackfingers picks cheaper than the guild will sell you a bar.
>So not a huge difference but ~11% is nothing to sneeze at either.
Providing all the picks you make have value. If just 1 in 9 have a mod shift that makes them worthless to you, that's your margin gone.
Re: Quality of created lockpicks suggestion
10/26/2016 08:39 AM CDT
>The guild is an equal opportunity extortionist, they don't love halflings. You don't get the same sort of discounts in the guild shop that you do in town.
So I checked this in the Landing, and there is some weird stuff going on, and then I checked it in Mist Harbor and it got weirder.
Landing guild and Larton both give me a 4.5% penalty.
Icemule guild gives me a 0.1% discount and Blackfinger gives me 10%.
Mist Harbor guild gives me a 15.45% discount and Tisanoff gives me 14.5%.
Halfling race, my trading and INF is worth 5% and those are before citizen discount is applied. The only one of those I have backroom discount from is Tisanoff.
Bars are a straight 20% off the list price with no discount/penalties.
The bottom line is, get citizenship in Mist Harbor and you should be able to get vaalins from that guild shop at well under the 100k a bar costs.