I would like to get some clarification on the use of cheapshots. So far, I know the following:
These are all used to distract, disable or otherwise occupy the foe until you can kill then in your preferred fashion. What situations call for one over the other?
I should mention here that I use UAC instead of weapons, and have max ranks in punch mastery.
Let's take kneebash. Many of the things I hunt are taller than man height, so if I want to ambush their heads I need to bring their heads down to my level. Kneebash certainly works for this. The problem is that the amount of time the target is affected seems rather short. I kneebash something and hide, and maybe I get a shot at their heads before they stand up again. There is also a short cool down before I can use it again. I have mastered sweep, and this has the same effect, has no cooldown period and seems to induce a longer RT. For that matter, I can do better with just hiding and punching their legs off. They don't recover from that; the effect is permanent.
I just learned eyepoke, and haven't really given it a test in the field. I do (obviously) rely on hiding when hunting. Eyepoke is supposed to reduce creature AS and perception. It sounds useful, but how effective is it? I can use dirtkick for a similar effect, and it's safer since I don't have to be in offensive stance in order to use it to good effect.
Does anyone actually use stuff like Nosetweak? Are there specific occasions where Footstomp is preferable to something else?