I should get extra credit for this!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings, and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Miller stands back up.
Miller exclaims, "Hey! Get out here! Don't make me come find you."
H>sweep miller
You come out of hiding.
[Roll result: 172 (open d100: 34) Bonus: 25]
You crouch, sweep a leg at Master Footpad Miller and connect!
Master Footpad Miller falls to the ground! You deftly regain your footing.
[You have 5 repetition(s) remaining.]
A spike on your mithril leg greaves jabs into the Footpad Miller!
... 35 points of damage!
Blow shatters knee and severs lower leg!
The Footpad Miller is stunned!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings, and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
[A Dark Corner]
This dark corner is far enough away from the bustle of the courtyard to provide a little peace and quiet...perfect for reflection and training. You also see Master Footpad Miller that appears stunned.
Obvious paths: out
You feel fully energetic again.
Miller begins to move again.
Miller begins to move again.
Miller stands back up.
Miller exclaims, "Hey! Get out here! Don't make me come find you."
H>sweep miller
You come out of hiding.
[Roll result: 220 (open d100: 82) Bonus: 25]
You crouch, sweep a leg at Master Footpad Miller and connect!
Master Footpad Miller falls to the ground! You deftly regain your footing.
[You have 4 repetition(s) remaining.]
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings, and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Miller stands back up.
Miller exclaims, "Hey! Get out here! Don't make me come find you."
H>sweep miller
You come out of hiding.
[Roll result: 180 (open d100: 42) Bonus: 25]
You crouch, sweep a leg at Master Footpad Miller and connect!
Master Footpad Miller falls to the ground! You deftly regain your footing.
[You have 3 repetition(s) remaining.]
A spike on your mithril leg greaves jabs into the Footpad Miller!
... 25 points of damage!
Well placed shot pierces knee, that hurt!
The Footpad Miller is stunned!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings, and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Miller begins to move again.<<
"The enemy are so many, and our country is so small ...
where will we find the space to bury all of them?"
Re: extra credit
03/21/2015 08:06 AM CDT
I only ever wore my spikes for footpad reps. They stay in the locker now I've mastered. Extra weight plus I'd certainly forget to take them off for player reps sooner or later and player reps and other RP usage is all mastered sweep is good for.
Re: extra credit
03/21/2015 07:35 PM CDT
>>player reps and other RP usage is all mastered sweep is good for.<<
Why would you say that? I find it actually has some use, especially when hunting with friends. (I knock things down so they can hit them better). It's cheapshot and subdue that seem useless, since just about everything I hunt now is immune to them.
Oh, and the spikes on the greaves are just a secondary perk; they also have VHCP.
I just thought it was amusing that the "skilled master" A) Can't find me when I hide and B) got whacked 2x by the spikes.
"The enemy are so many, and our country so small ...
where will find the space to bury all of them?"
Why would you say that? I find it actually has some use, especially when hunting with friends. (I knock things down so they can hit them better). It's cheapshot and subdue that seem useless, since just about everything I hunt now is immune to them.
Oh, and the spikes on the greaves are just a secondary perk; they also have VHCP.
I just thought it was amusing that the "skilled master" A) Can't find me when I hide and B) got whacked 2x by the spikes.
"The enemy are so many, and our country so small ...
where will find the space to bury all of them?"
Re: extra credit
03/21/2015 07:50 PM CDT
Additionally, I once chopped a stone giant's leg off and it fell on me and killed me; other times they fall down and I have to dodge the falling body, and end up incurring extra RT as a result. I have yet to see this happen with sweep.
The enemy are so many, and our country is so small ...
where will we find the space to bury all of them?"
The enemy are so many, and our country is so small ...
where will we find the space to bury all of them?"
Re: extra credit
03/21/2015 11:49 PM CDT
>Additionally, I once chopped a stone giant's leg off and it fell on me and killed me; other times they fall down and I have to dodge the falling body, and end up incurring extra RT as a result. I have yet to see this happen with sweep.
This is the sort of thing I was hoping to use it for, but I just don't have a good enough chance to succeed until I am about 10 levels over a critter. At cap its just about good enough to take on a Jarl, but when I could get bounties on them I'd burn through all my stamina before killing one as likely as not. I could vanish on them so failure wasn't terminal, but it was costly in stamina and even on a success I'd usually need to vanish to get a shot on one before it stood up.
This is the sort of thing I was hoping to use it for, but I just don't have a good enough chance to succeed until I am about 10 levels over a critter. At cap its just about good enough to take on a Jarl, but when I could get bounties on them I'd burn through all my stamina before killing one as likely as not. I could vanish on them so failure wasn't terminal, but it was costly in stamina and even on a success I'd usually need to vanish to get a shot on one before it stood up.
Re: extra credit
03/22/2015 12:14 AM CDT
>>I just don't have a good enough chance to succeed until I am about 10 levels over a critter<<
Well, I seem to do best when I am about 5 levels over the target, but I only have 43 ranks of the skill so far. I would hope that by the time I master I can get good results from like level creatures. Also, I suspect that massive things like 20+ foot tall earth elementals and such are harder to sweep.
"The enemy are so many, and our country so small ...
where will we find space to bury them all?"
Well, I seem to do best when I am about 5 levels over the target, but I only have 43 ranks of the skill so far. I would hope that by the time I master I can get good results from like level creatures. Also, I suspect that massive things like 20+ foot tall earth elementals and such are harder to sweep.
"The enemy are so many, and our country so small ...
where will we find space to bury them all?"
Re: extra credit
03/22/2015 09:50 AM CDT
When I started out learning sweep, I needed open rolls to get critter reps. If it wasn't for temporary hunting grounds with critters that have terrible guild defense for their level, I'd probably never have mastered it. Mastery is quite a lot better than requiring open rolls, but I have a -20 penalty for sweep and I really needed about a +10 bonus to get the sort of endrolls that would have made it usable solo.
Re: extra credit
03/22/2015 09:44 PM CDT
Both mastiffs and mystics are 62 trains. I'm 65 here with 44 ranks of sweep skill. There is no penalty for the sweep on the mystic; the attempt is close to being an automatic success. I guessing that another 20 or so ranks of the skill would pretty much nail it. The mastiff, on the other hand, has a huge penalty of 21. I theorize that the difference is due to the fact that the mastiff has 4 legs and is therefore more stable on its feet; hence harder to knock over.
The ground melts and churns as an Illoke mystic rises to the surface!
H>stance offen
> punch left leg
You are now in an offensive stance.
You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to punch an Illoke mystic!
You have good positioning against an Illoke mystic.
UAF: 416 vs UDF: 249 = 1.670 * MM: 112 + d100: 84 = 271
... and hit for 61 points of damage!
Rotating backhand cleanly snaps tibia!
The Illoke mystic is knocked to the ground!
The Illoke mystic is stunned!
The Illoke mystic starts to favor his wounded leg!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
R>stance defen
> hide
You are now in a defensive stance.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings, and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
An Illoke mystic blinks dazedly a moment before shaking off the stun!
An Illoke mystic lurches to his feet!
H>stance offen
> sweep
You are now in an offensive stance.
You come out of hiding.
[Roll result: 137 (open d100: 44) Penalties: 0]
You crouch, sweep a leg at an Illoke mystic and connect!
An Illoke mystic falls to the ground! You deftly regain your footing.
[You have 2 repetition(s) remaining.]
A spike on your mithril leg greaves jabs into the Illoke mystic!
... 10 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the right leg.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
R>stance defen
> hide
You are now in a defensive stance.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings, and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
HR>stance offen
> punch head
You are now in an offensive stance.
You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to punch an Illoke mystic!
You have excellent positioning against an Illoke mystic.
UAF: 416 vs UDF: 235 = 1.770 * MM: 118 + d100: 28 = 236
... and hit for 73 points of damage!
Explosive punch to the face leaves little else than a pulpy mass of blood, bone, and brain matter!
The Illoke mystic grumbles in pain one last time before lying still.
An Illoke mystic glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around an Illoke mystic.
The silvery luminescence fades from around an Illoke mystic.
The bright luminescence fades from around an Illoke mystic.
An Illoke mystic returns to normal color.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
A stone mastiff barrels in!
H>stance offen
> sweep
You are now in an offensive stance.
[Roll result: 145 (open d100: 81) Penalties: 21]
You crouch, sweep a leg at a stone mastiff and connect!
A stone mastiff falls to the ground! You deftly regain your footing.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
R>stance defen
> hide
You are now in a defensive stance.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings, and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
HR>stance offen
> punch head
You are now in an offensive stance.
You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to punch a stone mastiff!
You have good positioning against a stone mastiff.
UAF: 416 vs UDF: 343 = 1.212 * MM: 113 + d100: 84 = 221
... and hit for 47 points of damage!
Strong downward swing staggers foe and dents skull!
The stone mastiff is stunned!
The stone mastiff seems at a loss for words!
Roundtime: 4 sec.<<
The ground melts and churns as an Illoke mystic rises to the surface!
H>stance offen
> punch left leg
You are now in an offensive stance.
You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to punch an Illoke mystic!
You have good positioning against an Illoke mystic.
UAF: 416 vs UDF: 249 = 1.670 * MM: 112 + d100: 84 = 271
... and hit for 61 points of damage!
Rotating backhand cleanly snaps tibia!
The Illoke mystic is knocked to the ground!
The Illoke mystic is stunned!
The Illoke mystic starts to favor his wounded leg!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
R>stance defen
> hide
You are now in a defensive stance.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings, and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
An Illoke mystic blinks dazedly a moment before shaking off the stun!
An Illoke mystic lurches to his feet!
H>stance offen
> sweep
You are now in an offensive stance.
You come out of hiding.
[Roll result: 137 (open d100: 44) Penalties: 0]
You crouch, sweep a leg at an Illoke mystic and connect!
An Illoke mystic falls to the ground! You deftly regain your footing.
[You have 2 repetition(s) remaining.]
A spike on your mithril leg greaves jabs into the Illoke mystic!
... 10 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the right leg.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
R>stance defen
> hide
You are now in a defensive stance.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings, and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
HR>stance offen
> punch head
You are now in an offensive stance.
You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to punch an Illoke mystic!
You have excellent positioning against an Illoke mystic.
UAF: 416 vs UDF: 235 = 1.770 * MM: 118 + d100: 28 = 236
... and hit for 73 points of damage!
Explosive punch to the face leaves little else than a pulpy mass of blood, bone, and brain matter!
The Illoke mystic grumbles in pain one last time before lying still.
An Illoke mystic glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around an Illoke mystic.
The silvery luminescence fades from around an Illoke mystic.
The bright luminescence fades from around an Illoke mystic.
An Illoke mystic returns to normal color.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
A stone mastiff barrels in!
H>stance offen
> sweep
You are now in an offensive stance.
[Roll result: 145 (open d100: 81) Penalties: 21]
You crouch, sweep a leg at a stone mastiff and connect!
A stone mastiff falls to the ground! You deftly regain your footing.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
R>stance defen
> hide
You are now in a defensive stance.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings, and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
HR>stance offen
> punch head
You are now in an offensive stance.
You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to punch a stone mastiff!
You have good positioning against a stone mastiff.
UAF: 416 vs UDF: 343 = 1.212 * MM: 113 + d100: 84 = 221
... and hit for 47 points of damage!
Strong downward swing staggers foe and dents skull!
The stone mastiff is stunned!
The stone mastiff seems at a loss for words!
Roundtime: 4 sec.<<
Re: extra credit
03/23/2015 07:40 AM CDT
Unless there's something buggy about mystics, I'd have a penalty of 20 against them due to size comparison. I can stun move out of a stronger stun than you'll be able to due to racial DIS, but sweep is useless for solo hunting.
An endroll of 101 is better than 100 but its not good enough for solo because the critter will usually have stood up again before I am in a position to attack it. On anything less than a 150 vanish is required and on anything less than 135 even vanish may still not be fast enough and this sort of thing happens
sweep endroll 125
Jarl falls down
punch head
Jarl stands up
You can't reach its head.
40 stamina down and back where I started. Since the normal result of the first attack is a stun rather than a kill, and the Jarl will break the stun and stand up before I can get a second attack in, it requires a lot of lucky rolls to kill a Jarl in less than 50 stamina and I could quite easily use up my 130 without getting a kill.
I need 2s extra RT on the Jarl compared to me to be sure that the Jarl will not stand up between me issuing the command and the system acting on it and that means a roll of 135 on sweep if I used vanish to avoid hide RT or a roll of 150 if I don't.
The sort of margin you were getting on the mystic is the sort of margin I was getting on Jarls, but its not good enough to make sweep useable for me.
An endroll of 101 is better than 100 but its not good enough for solo because the critter will usually have stood up again before I am in a position to attack it. On anything less than a 150 vanish is required and on anything less than 135 even vanish may still not be fast enough and this sort of thing happens
sweep endroll 125
Jarl falls down
punch head
Jarl stands up
You can't reach its head.
40 stamina down and back where I started. Since the normal result of the first attack is a stun rather than a kill, and the Jarl will break the stun and stand up before I can get a second attack in, it requires a lot of lucky rolls to kill a Jarl in less than 50 stamina and I could quite easily use up my 130 without getting a kill.
I need 2s extra RT on the Jarl compared to me to be sure that the Jarl will not stand up between me issuing the command and the system acting on it and that means a roll of 135 on sweep if I used vanish to avoid hide RT or a roll of 150 if I don't.
The sort of margin you were getting on the mystic is the sort of margin I was getting on Jarls, but its not good enough to make sweep useable for me.
Re: extra credit
03/23/2015 09:25 AM CDT
The critters in the Bowels are an order of magnitude tougher than those in the Stronghold. They have a CvA of 25 if you cast warding spells at them, but their skin is the equivalent of plate mail vs blows, giving them a sort of natural crit padding. I wouldn't be surprised if they were harder to sweep as well. Probably not valid to compare them to weaker creatures.
I'm not seeing any problem using sweep against mystics; mastiffs are ridiculously worse. As I said, I suspect the dogs are just more stable due to their 4 legged status. I'm 3 trains above mystics which should help me a bit, but that's not overhunting by a huge margin. Shamans have been pretty scarce the last 2 runs I made there, but if I see one I'll give it a shot and see what happens.
I'm not sure what the difference is, unless it's stats. Agi and Dex both 100, strength is up to 108 with enhancives, and I usually have wizard strength up as well.
"The enemy are so many and our country so small ...
where shall we find the space to bury all of them?"
I'm not seeing any problem using sweep against mystics; mastiffs are ridiculously worse. As I said, I suspect the dogs are just more stable due to their 4 legged status. I'm 3 trains above mystics which should help me a bit, but that's not overhunting by a huge margin. Shamans have been pretty scarce the last 2 runs I made there, but if I see one I'll give it a shot and see what happens.
I'm not sure what the difference is, unless it's stats. Agi and Dex both 100, strength is up to 108 with enhancives, and I usually have wizard strength up as well.
"The enemy are so many and our country so small ...
where shall we find the space to bury all of them?"
Re: extra credit
03/23/2015 12:40 PM CDT
>I'm not sure what the difference is, unless it's stats. Agi and Dex both 100, strength is up to 108 with enhancives, and I usually have wizard strength up as well.
Virtually identical to my configuration when I was in the Bowels.
>I'm not sure what the difference is, unless it's stats.
Its height. Unless a critter is so short there's no point sweeping it to start with, I'm at -20. (and possibly CMan ranks but I think your 1.x training is only giving you the equivalent of 5-10 guild ranks on my 1x training which is small compared to 20 from size difference)
>The critters in the Bowels are an order of magnitude tougher than those in the Stronghold.
I didn't hunt the Stronghold (at least not with ambush UAC, I've hunted there with other characters and styles). Back when I was that level there was fu and undead critters fu worked on and I was storing up favor for the undead gap on Teras. Then fu went away and I'm still in the undead gap at 1.03x cap.
Re: extra credit
03/24/2015 01:13 AM CDT
Fresh shaman. I'm sweeping from hiding; not sure if that makes a difference in the success rate. He's 3 levels above me, and there's around a 30% a chance of failure, but that's why the gods made vanish. Still looks pretty good for 44 ranks of the skill. I'm really finding sweep useful, at least in this setting.
An Illoke shaman rises out of the ground and shouts, "Death to the invaders! You shall feel the cold grip of Illoke on your soft corpse!"
!H>stance offen
> sweep
You are now in an offensive stance.
You come out of hiding.
[Roll result: 153 (open d100: 81) Penalties: 0]
You crouch, sweep a leg at an Illoke shaman and connect!
An Illoke shaman falls to the ground! You deftly regain your footing.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
!R>cman vanish
With subtlety and speed, you aim to clandestinely vanish into the shadows.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings, and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
!HR>stance offen
> punch head
You are now in an offensive stance.
You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to punch an Illoke shaman!
You have good positioning against an Illoke shaman.
UAF: 416 vs UDF: 287 = 1.449 * MM: 119 + d100: 32 = 204
... and hit for 48 points of damage!
Strong downward swing staggers foe and dents skull!
The Illoke shaman is stunned!
The Illoke shaman seems at a loss for words!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
>stance defen
> hide
You are now in a defensive stance.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings, and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
An Illoke shaman blinks dazedly a moment before shaking off the stun!
!HR>stance offen
> punch head
You are now in an offensive stance.
You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to punch an Illoke shaman!
You have excellent positioning against an Illoke shaman.
UAF: 416 vs UDF: 267 = 1.558 * MM: 119 + d100: 97 = 282
... and hit for 76 points of damage!
Teeth knocked out... through the back of the Illoke shaman's head!
The Illoke shaman grumbles in pain one last time before lying still.
An Illoke shaman glances around, looking a bit less confident.
An Illoke shaman seems hesitant.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around an Illoke shaman.
Roundtime: 4 sec.<<
"The enemy are so many, and our country so small ...
where shall we find the space to bury all of them?"
An Illoke shaman rises out of the ground and shouts, "Death to the invaders! You shall feel the cold grip of Illoke on your soft corpse!"
!H>stance offen
> sweep
You are now in an offensive stance.
You come out of hiding.
[Roll result: 153 (open d100: 81) Penalties: 0]
You crouch, sweep a leg at an Illoke shaman and connect!
An Illoke shaman falls to the ground! You deftly regain your footing.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
!R>cman vanish
With subtlety and speed, you aim to clandestinely vanish into the shadows.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings, and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
!HR>stance offen
> punch head
You are now in an offensive stance.
You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to punch an Illoke shaman!
You have good positioning against an Illoke shaman.
UAF: 416 vs UDF: 287 = 1.449 * MM: 119 + d100: 32 = 204
... and hit for 48 points of damage!
Strong downward swing staggers foe and dents skull!
The Illoke shaman is stunned!
The Illoke shaman seems at a loss for words!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
>stance defen
> hide
You are now in a defensive stance.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings, and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
An Illoke shaman blinks dazedly a moment before shaking off the stun!
!HR>stance offen
> punch head
You are now in an offensive stance.
You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to punch an Illoke shaman!
You have excellent positioning against an Illoke shaman.
UAF: 416 vs UDF: 267 = 1.558 * MM: 119 + d100: 97 = 282
... and hit for 76 points of damage!
Teeth knocked out... through the back of the Illoke shaman's head!
The Illoke shaman grumbles in pain one last time before lying still.
An Illoke shaman glances around, looking a bit less confident.
An Illoke shaman seems hesitant.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around an Illoke shaman.
Roundtime: 4 sec.<<
"The enemy are so many, and our country so small ...
where shall we find the space to bury all of them?"
Re: extra credit
03/24/2015 06:49 AM CDT
You used vanish, but it still had time to break the stun before you got the second punch in. A Jarl would be standing at that point and you'd need a second sweep vanish punch combo on it. And with a 1/3rd failure rate, a third too. You can vanish, but just how long can you keep vanishing at a rate of 3 uses per kill? That ends up being a slower kill rate than a monk and a whole lot more boring because most of the time is spent hiding in an empty room waiting for stamina.