A suggestion for a better CMAN migration system 11/16/2004 06:43 AM CST

A+ on the maneuvers, C- on the point migration.

I understand why it's needed, and you understand its shortcomings, so I won't go into that. But I think I have a suggestion that might work better for all concerned.

First, the design goals:

A) Allow players to experiment with new maneuvers without migration times.
B) Prevent players from gaining excessive abilities to migrate old skills
C) Do not permit players to train in new skills exceeding limits that would be in place after the grace period.

That third goal is important, because it elliminates what would otherwise be a very simple solution (making new skills trainable with 0 CMP).

Given those three goals, I propose the following system:

Impliment a new verb, FIXCMAN, which is the equivalent of FIXSKILLS, except it works only on CMANs.

Normally, characters have 0 FIXCMANs. Unlike FIXSKILLS, FIXCMAN allows for multiple uses, and has an expiration time.

Here's how it would work.

When a new CMAN is released, Characters will get 0, 2, or more FIXCMANs, depending on their professions. For each profession, you add up the new cmans that were added for that profession, and add 1 to that number. That is the number of FIXCMANs they get (enough to migrate in each of the maneuvers independantly, and then migrate back to their original training.) These FIXCMANs expire after 30 days.

This gives people the opportunity to try each skill once. It does provide a limited option to use the fixskills for other migrations, but it does allow for switching back and forth at will, since the number of FIXCMANs is limited.

If a second set of manuevers is released before the first 30 days expires, then a second group of FIXCMANs would be allocated. So, one might have 1 FIXCMAN that expires in 10 days, and 3 that expire in 20 days, and so forth. Yes, that makes storage a little more complex.

The current system just doesn't do the job. It prevents abuse, but it also prevents players from trying out the new skills, and I know that's not your intention.

Or, here's another plan:

Dump the new CMAN migration system altogether. We've lived without it for a year without mass hysteria, widespread rioting, and generalized end of the world scenarios. If the game survived for a year, maybe it's something that you can live with on a permanent basis. CMANs are 'flavor' for combat, afterall, not a mainstay of hunting techniques. A little leeway that adds variety and fun to the game isn't a terrible thing. It keeps characters from getting old and boring, thus enhancing customer retention. CMANs are the perfect place to allow for this, since you're constantly coming out with new and cool maneuvers for us to play with, and they're not so overpowering that being able to switch back and forth at 2 minutes per rank would be unbalancing. Or make it an hour per rank. The benefits of doing this outweigh the drawbacks of the new migration system.

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AIM: GSTsoran
Re: A suggestion for a better CMAN migration system 11/16/2004 10:38 AM CST
I agree Tsoran, great idea!

However, I'd be happy with just one (1) permanent CMAN FIXSKILLS for the new manuevers now. And one more CMAN FIXSKILLS for the other manuevers that expire 30 days after any corresponding manuevers that came out after the ones that came out yesterday.

CMAN FIXSKILLS the first one should expire in 29 days today (November, 16). I believe it should work something like this:

Ok. Unlearning points now instanteously converted to learned points pool.
(First useage. This is for the manuevers released yesterday (Nov. 14)

And if you try to use CMAN FIXSKILLS AFTER this once again (Before they implement new cman manuevers, this should happen)

Sorry, you must wait till new combat manuevers are annouced.

This would make sense because we could get around both migrations for a 30 day free trial.

After you use your first CMAN FIXSKILLS you have one left for new manuevers (Once they are out) So use your first one wisely.
Re: A suggestion for a better CMAN migration system 11/16/2004 10:41 AM CST
To avoid a 60 day trial period, GM's should make each CM FIXSKILLS either or.

For example, if you use the second one (You can only use it after they release more manuevers) that can still count for the old manuevers as well and you will get 30 days thus not needing the old CMAN FIXSKILLS. This way the 2 don't stack up to 60 days.