RSN: Guild/CML Skill Cheapshots Update 11/14/2004 07:49 PM CST
The guild/Combat Manuver List (CML) skill, Cheapshots, has been updated!

GM Ildran has made the following modifications:

Footstomp - RoundTime lowered to 4 seconds (was 5)

Nosetweak - RoundTime lowered to 3 seconds (was 5) and duration of penalty increased

Templeshot - RoundTime lowered to 3 seconds (was 5) and duration of penalty increased

Eyepoke - RoundTime lowered to 3 seconds (was 5), duration of penalty increased, and stamina cost lowered to 6 (was 8)

Throatchop - Duration of penalty increased and stamina cost lowered to 8 (was 10)

Skill Description:

Mnemonic: cheapshots
Hostile: yes
Stamina Cost: Variable based on sub-maneuver:

Footstomp Base 4 (-2 Rank 1, -1 Rank 2)
Nosetweak Base 4 (-1 Rank 2)
Templeshot Base 4 (-1 Rank 2)
Kneebash Base 6 (-2 Rank 3)
Eyepoke Base 6
Throatchop Base 8
Swiftkick Base 10

Other Requirements: Templeshot, Kneebash, and Throatchop require a weapon in the right hand.
Available to: Rogues, Bards, Monks
Prerequisites: none
CMP cost:
Rank # Rogue Bard, Monk
Rank 1 2 3
Rank 2 3 4
Rank 3 4 6
Rank 4 5 7
Rank 5 6 9

Various cheap and dirty maneuvers:
Footstomp (Rank 1) - Stomp on an opponent's feet to delay their attacks; RT to use is 4 seconds
Nosetweak (Rank 2) - Tweak an opponent's nose to distract them from defending; RT to use is 3 seconds
Templeshot (Rank 2) - Smack an opponent in the head to reduce the accuracy of their attacks; RT to use is 3 seconds
Kneebash (Rank 3) - Thwap an opponent's kneecap to knock them to their knees; RT to use is 5 seconds
Eyepoke (Rank 4) - Attempt to temporarily reduce your opponent's perception; RT to use is 3 seconds
Throatchop (Rank 4) - Attempt to temporarily mute your opponent; RT to use is 5 seconds
Swiftkick (Rank 5) - Embarrass your opponent into a blind rage; RT to use is 5 seconds

Discussions on this update will take place in the Hunting and Game Design Discussions - Combat Maneuvers Discussion folder.
Re: RSN: Guild/CML Skill Cheapshots Update 11/14/2004 07:59 PM CST

Someone's earned his title!

Thank you!


Re: RSN: Guild/CML Skill Cheapshots Update 11/15/2004 09:41 AM CST
What about swift kick? Heh Thanks.