Why do Elves and Dark Elves have such horrible spirit regen? I know in the grand scheme of things spirit regen isn't all that big of a deal (unless you happen to go through your spirit fast while hunting I s'pose...) but I've never understood why these two races have such atrocious spirit regen. Mechanics wise it's not as if they make up for it in some other way or manner (not to my knowledge at least), is there some sort of lore reason for it?
The whole spirit regen system being different for each race almost seems to be a left over from back when they were trying to make each race as different as possible, or 'unique' I suppose.
I'll admit that's one thing I've always loved and hated about GS at the same time. They give you so many options and choices which is great, but they also really try to pigeon hole mechanics decisions into specific races. Such as races with high dexterity being good at TWC and THWs, those with great strength being good for ranged weapons. A lot of the times the differences aren't even subtle or minor either but rather really noticeable.