"Closet" Racism 05/28/2007 06:00 PM CDT
>>No kidding. I've always played my main as a closet racist (Being too open about it didn't seem prudent to him, so he pretends to cosmopolitanism in front of elves, ordlyn, and hathlyn), and only in the recent storyline have non-humans started to notice what some of the other 'Havenite humans have been seeing for years. It's actually tough, since not only does the 21st century chap at the keys has serious guilt-issues, but it definitely makes socializing harder.>>

This is another interesting thing to me. I don't believe in 'closet racism;' in my personal opinion, they always out themselves and usually in relatively short order (like, the first time they make eye contact with me-- or don't). It's something akin to 'gaydar' only for racists, and it's not something that I've ever had to practice or think about, it's just there. Omnipresent, if you will. I've spoken with many other POC about this and all have agreed that it's immediately that someone is a racist, and what sort of racist they happen to be. In the real world, one needn't prance around in white sheets to make it obvious to others, particularly POC, that one is a racist-- far from it. I can't say that I've ever been wrong in my assesment, either, even if it was immediate and, on the surface, unfounded. The idea that racism can be hidden is a curious one to me. I'm sure it's somewhat easier in Elanthia, but I feel compelled to say this-- it was obvious to Leya that Godefroy was somewhat uncomfortable with her. She couldn't have said why with any certainty, though. (There are so many possible reasons, after all, and they probably all come into play. <heh>)

>>As far as adventurers being different, that can be true. Myself, I play it that Gode has developed a respect for certain members of different races, while he maintains a healthy disdain for non-human cultures.>>

I think Gode's pretty well done, myself. ;) Leya may be sufficiently creeped out by him to be nothing but submissive in his presence, but I give ya mad props. ;) (Of course, I'm just barely out of n00b-hood myself, so feel free to summarily dismiss my opinion. :D)

~*Onzeleya's Imaginary Friend

"Would I spend forever here, and not be satisfied?"-- SM

Speaking to Onzeleya, Kishtrim says, "Your opinion is noted and summarily dismissed."