Howdy folks!
I have taken upon the role of guru for half-elves, and I am extremely excited to be working with this race, as it has always been my favourite. I’ve read back through the topic, and I hear ya – we are in definite need more defiant and/or proud half-elven verb characteristics, as it up until now it has mostly been relegated to shame-related messaging or playing up our human/elven sides.
But I would like your ideas if there is any verb in particular you’d like to see done, or if there’s any interest in a half-elven shops or items showing up at a festival or two. Or any other feature or idea you have for the race! You can reply here and/or shoot me an e-mail at, however you like.
We also need to hold our OOC meeting. If it’s not too soon, I’d like to hold it June 6th at 9pm Eastern; but I will not add that to the calendar yet until I hear some feedback from you guys.
Together we can bring into the forefront of Elanthian society that which we already knew – that our melding of characteristics from those two fledgling races into one harmonious perfection is one that should be respected and celebrated! The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and all that jazz.
Please let me know your thoughts.
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