Looking Ahead for Sylvans! 11/09/2011 03:07 AM CST

I'm in the midst of planning out my goals for 2012 for the sylvan race and I'd like your input! I've got a few ideas in mind, which I'll list below and if you would like to give me your thoughts/concerns/questions please do so! You may also email me instead if you are not comfortable with posting here, whichever is best for you!

2012 Goals

Documentation - Topics of consideration are "Burial Rites", "Food - Lassaran and traditional Yuri'qen", "Religion"
NOTE: I only plan to release 1 this year so this is a "pick one out of these or suggest something different" type of thing.

Events - I'd like to bring back the trade caravan on a quarterly or maybe semi-yearly basis, with the location changing each time.
NOTE: Suggestions on wares, services, and locations are welcome! If you don't think a caravan this often is appropriate, say so please and tell me why or offer alternatives!

Other - I'd like to work on releasing something unique to sylvans such as scripted clothing (men and women) or perhaps another set of verbs.
NOTE: Please send me your ideas via email on this if you are suggesting messaging, etc because its easier to keep track of that way. You may also suggest alternatives to these things!

Meeting - We will definitely hold an annual meeting sometime in the first quarter. You can definitely send me topics of discussion if you'd like to see certain things talked about!

That's it then! Thanks!


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