Plat Question 03/02/2013 12:52 AM CST

Hey folks,

Sorry if any the questions seems tired and common.

I just resubbed to GSIV since I'm deployed and it's about the only thing I can play online that I have the connection for. I was considering trying out plat to give me something new.

Firstly I suppose, are there any major differences between plat and prime mechanically? Droppage, breakage, anything like that? I thought I'd heard things like that before but I'm not sure. If there's a decent resource for me to look this up on my own, please oblige.

Secondly.. I know that the population is much lower in Plat than in Prime. Even in Prime during what I'd imagine is peak (friday evening, 7-8pm US time) I only saw maybe 400 people on. How's the population in Plat, especially during the off time I'd be available to play? I'm 8 ahead of east-coast time, so I'd probably be playing either mid morning-early afternoon and a bit during like 8pm-midnight when I manage to wake myself up at the crack of dawn. Is it worth it, given those constraints?

Thanks a bunch.
Re: Plat Question 03/02/2013 07:14 AM CST
I don't play PLAT any longer, but from listening to current players and old old experience I'd say PLAT isn't for people playing at those times. However, I'd never try to scare someone off from the server. It can be very much fun. I don't know if it's as monty haul as it used to be, but there is more treasure to be had. There are some conveniences that you will like, including a way to transport yourself from the Landing to any town in a blink. That said, I assume they still have droppage at death. I doubt that has changed. You die, whatever was in your hands is on the ground. I can't remember if all you are wearing is likewise (I highly doubt that) and someone from current plat will chime in soon. Otherwise, I can't think of any mechanical advantages or disadvantages of one over the other. At the times you listed, chances are population will be consistently under 20 characters. Early evening to late evening eastern time you can hit in the 40's I believe based on what I've heard. Rescues will be harder to come by, but people in the game do everything in their power usually to get your gear back and make rescues clear across Elanthia. The roleplay is a good step up (both in frequency and intensity) so be ready for that.

That's all I got. Thanks for serving our country and stay safe.

Re: Plat Question 03/02/2013 08:48 AM CST
No more droppage at death, but full droppage on decay. Also, now we have full death sting. Worst of both worlds? Heh. There are almost always folks around to resuce you, though, so it isn't much of an issue.

At the times you say you would play, it will be pretty sparse, usually in the single digits. At peak times, we are usually in the low 20's of people, though events have been known to bring about 50-75 folks, sometimes more.

And Wyrom is the QPP SGM (Quests, Promotions, and Platinum), so that is a plus (Wyrom is a great GM), and the other GM's that interact with Plat are great as well.

-Taakhooshi, and Me

For the Story of Taakhooshi:
Re: Plat Question 03/02/2013 11:32 AM CST
Living in Mountain Time and being a late night person (I play from about 7PM Easter to 2-3 AM Eastern), the game's always worth it. Some things to remember:

Yes, we are a smaller community, there are times of day you'll only fine 2-3 people on, or you may even be just the only person, however, we all work very hard to ensure none of us are neglected. There is no more droppage on death, but there is still droppage on decay (Now giving us the ability to sign out when we die with out losing our weapons, yay!... fyi I die a lot).

Honestly your time frames sit at a good point for plat, granted, there may only be 20-30 people on, but there's always someone somewhere. Send out thoughts on the amulet, personally I sit in the park 90% of the time when I'm resting, so there's someone there!

Overall, I strongly encourage giving it a try... best way to know if you'll like something is to try it right? If you do decide to come over, look me up. I'm Rhyssa and I'm always glad to help out, or point you towards who can!
Re: Plat Question 03/06/2013 01:54 AM CST

Everyone here covered your questions well, but I would also point out that the Plat community is always eager to welcome someone new and help them out -- with advice, gear, and RP opportunities. Gear, especially, will be heaped on you. And you can fully outfit yourself with altered (and re-altered gear) at your first merchant event.

I look forward to seeing you around.

Plat Forums Moderator