Is anyone out there looking at the blood moon right now? It’s amazing. Truly one of God’s miracles, and it’s no coincidence that it falls on a Holy Feast Day.
From what I understand though, it is a prelude to God’s wrath upon the nation of Israel, and also, on the nations that are not under the Cross of Christ.
So Ezekiel’s war should be just around the corner then, if what I have studied is correct.
There is supposed to be an eclipse of the Sun coming as well.
Like the Bible says, the moon will be turned to red, like Blood, and later, in just a few weeks, the Sun will be turned black as sackloth.
Nostradamus also mentions this Blood red moon as being the prelude to World War 3 as well.
He even mentioned that the moon will be “blood red” and as dark and gloomy as any other time in history.
He also, believe it or not, mentioned that this moon would appear higher in it’s orbit, as it is, currently, as I am looking at it.
Here are some articles on how dark it is supposed to get:;_ylt=AgPRPGzUYYhGpGmr8bqavsabvZx4?p=Blood+red+moon+tonight&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-901
There is supposed to be 3 more of these blood red moons coming within the next year and a half. All of them fall on Holy feast days of God. They represent God’s judgement on the Jewish and Arab nations.
There are supposed to be 2 Sun eclipses as well, which are supposed to represent the judgement of the Gentile nations, including America.
Supposedly, also, major Earth changes are going to occur sometime in October.
Don’t believe me?
That’s fine. But if I was you, I would start preparing food and water for your families.
You don’t have to take my word for it, but you have been warned.
Re: Omen For World War 3
04/15/2014 04:16 AM CDT
Can we keep this off the forums, moderators, please, along with his(her) other post about a Christian version of GS?
-Taakhooshi, and Me
For the Story of Taakhooshi:
-Taakhooshi, and Me
For the Story of Taakhooshi:
Re: Omen For World War 3
04/15/2014 09:02 AM CDT
While I think MBARRAZA comes across as more of a nutcase than anything else they certainly have a right to post here. It IS the Politics and Religion section after all.
-- Robert
-- Robert
Re: Omen For World War 3
04/15/2014 12:07 PM CDT
Didja click on the links? Blatantly racist. Holocaust denial and that kind of thing. So, yeah, while this might be the politics and religion section, there is a limit, and I would say not only did he cross it, he flew over it so far as to have gone around the wrold and back again and crossed it again.
-Taakhooshi, and Me
For the Story of Taakhooshi:
-Taakhooshi, and Me
For the Story of Taakhooshi:
Re: Omen For World War 3
04/15/2014 12:31 PM CDT
A megachurch pastor in Texas has been promoting this astronomical coincidence to sell books and digital media. If it's so important, why doesn't he give away the information for free?
We've got three more blood moons in this cycle, which won't end until September 28, 2015, assuming the Earth lasts that long. The first of the four eclipses was in the wee hours of this morning. Some of you on the west coast might have seen it.
It may sound like the title of a werewolf story, but it's a real thing.
We've got three more blood moons in this cycle, which won't end until September 28, 2015, assuming the Earth lasts that long. The first of the four eclipses was in the wee hours of this morning. Some of you on the west coast might have seen it.
It may sound like the title of a werewolf story, but it's a real thing.
Re: Omen For World War 3
04/15/2014 01:07 PM CDT
Thanks for posting the wikipedia article link. It was an interesting read.
-- Robert
-- Robert
Re: Omen For World War 3
04/15/2014 04:09 PM CDT
>>he flew over it so far as to have gone around the wrold and back again and crossed it again.
Duz that make'm a dubble-crosser?
(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)
Duz that make'm a dubble-crosser?
(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)
Re: Omen For World War 3
04/16/2014 12:14 AM CDT
Please click on this link for this very important message about God:
Re: Omen For World War 3
04/16/2014 01:04 AM CDT
>wtrick tslice
You try to stuff your razern morning star in your ear.
>wtrick tslice
You try to stuff your razern morning star in your ear.
Re: Omen For World War 3
04/16/2014 11:02 PM CDT
>>Can we keep this off the forums, moderators, please, along with his(her) other post about a Christian version of GS?
No no no. This folder lost all the crazy a few years ago, and I miss it. This is the right place for it!
- Greminty
No no no. This folder lost all the crazy a few years ago, and I miss it. This is the right place for it!
- Greminty
Re: Omen For World War 3
04/18/2014 03:14 PM CDT
This is the proper place for discussions about politics and religion. I say have at it. If you don't like what this person has to say, either don't read their posts or argue against their content. In the United States, we are fortunate to have guaranteed freedom of religion, not guaranteed freedom from exposure to it. To suppress someone's speech because you don't like its religious content seems antithetical to the religious freedom we enjoy here. In short: "Merica!"
Have a nice day,
Have a nice day,
Re: Omen For World War 3
05/22/2014 03:55 AM CDT
For verily, thou shalt knoweth that the End is nigh, for blood shall rain from the skies, and groves of foul trees shall spring up ... oh, wait a minute! Sorry, that's the current GSIV storyline, not Biblical prophecy. My bad.
"So, what does that green line on the graph represent?"
"Oh, that's the projection of a hypothetical offspring from a union between Sauron and Cruella de Ville; we use that as a baseline for determining character alignment."
"So, what does that green line on the graph represent?"
"Oh, that's the projection of a hypothetical offspring from a union between Sauron and Cruella de Ville; we use that as a baseline for determining character alignment."