Repeal the tax exempt status of all tribes. Billions. Easy as 1 2 3. Seriously. Property taxes, income taxes all of it. It's only fair, after all. ;)
Re: Partial solution to the debt issue.
10/08/2011 09:07 AM CDT
<< Repeal the tax exempt status of all tribes. Billions. Easy as 1 2 3. Seriously. Property taxes, income taxes all of it. It's only fair, after all. ;) >>
It would probably be better if there had been some limit on the duration of treaties with Native American tribes. When the U.S. government signed treaties with Native tribes, the government wrongly assumed that Native Americans would forever live separate from the rest of the population of the U.S. We didn't exactly enter into those treaties with clean hands, and it would be unjust for the U.S. government to abrogate its treaty obligations unilaterally.
It would probably be better if there had been some limit on the duration of treaties with Native American tribes. When the U.S. government signed treaties with Native tribes, the government wrongly assumed that Native Americans would forever live separate from the rest of the population of the U.S. We didn't exactly enter into those treaties with clean hands, and it would be unjust for the U.S. government to abrogate its treaty obligations unilaterally.
Re: Partial solution to the debt issue.
10/08/2011 10:50 AM CDT
I'm not very familar with the treaties, but at first blush I'm opposed to property taxes on structures built on Indian lands. BUT, if those structures are open to the public at large for entertainment purposes, then in that same first blush I'd think a tax of some sort should apply to that income.
I just can't bring myself to think we need to tax the land they have been given back. Do they have their own fire/paramedic/police services and schools? I think they do. If they run independantly of the area's civil services, how can a land tax be justified?
A black-billed nightingale examines you carefully then says, "With all the vicious creatures we've got threatening the city, I would think that a person with your skills could find plenty to do."
I just can't bring myself to think we need to tax the land they have been given back. Do they have their own fire/paramedic/police services and schools? I think they do. If they run independantly of the area's civil services, how can a land tax be justified?
A black-billed nightingale examines you carefully then says, "With all the vicious creatures we've got threatening the city, I would think that a person with your skills could find plenty to do."
Re: Partial solution to the debt issue.
10/08/2011 02:37 PM CDT
I'd say most do not have their own police/fire. Tribal owned business competes in the same categories as American owned businesses. Tribes collect sales tax, but do not remit to the state or municipality. The tribes generally have first pick of US government surplus. They get some of it free. This surplus is used to compete against non-tribal business. We've paid them enough. It's time to be US citizens or tribal citizens. They use public schools that property taxes are used to fund. When does enough become enough?