Here's what happened:
Elizabeth Warren (D), who is running against Scott Brown (R) for the U.S. Senate in Massachusetts, was asked how she financed her college education. She replied, in part, "I kept my clothes on." That was a reference to Brown's financing of his college education by posing nude for Cosmopolitan magazine.
When asked about Warren's remark that she kept her clothes on, Brown said, "Thank God," suggesting that Warren was too ugly to get paid for posing naked.
Source: (includes audio of Brown's comments)
Many of my liberal friends think Brown was being sexist by judging a woman by her appearance. But I'm not so sure. Warren started this fight. Brown hit back in a humorous say. That not to say Brown's humorous response was a smart political move. I expect he will pay a price with female voters in Massachusetts.
It contrasts with the situation of Romney that I mentioned in an earlier thread, where Romney was clearly being sexist.
Not a shining moment for either candidate.