Song of Fire and Ice 03/03/2011 04:29 PM CST
Yes, I know. You've all seen publication dates before: dates in 2007, 2008, 2009. None of those were ever hard dates, however. Most of them... well, call it wishful thinking, boundless optimism, cockeyed dreams, honest mistakes, whatever you like.
This date is different. This date is real.
Barring tsunamis, general strikes, world wars, or asteroid strikes, you will have the novel in your hands on July 12. I hope you like it.
((For what it's worth, the book's a monster. Think A STORM OF SWORDS))

also a new trailer for the HBO series...

Re: Song of Fire and Ice 03/15/2011 09:38 PM CDT
>>Barring tsunamis, general strikes, world wars, or asteroid strikes, you will have the novel in your hands on July 12. I hope you like it.

So....Japan screwed up the schedule?

- Andreas

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Re: Song of Fire and Ice 05/29/2011 01:49 PM CDT
Have been watching and liking the series overall. I also just finished a re-read (listen on my iPod) of Game and about to start in on Clash soon. By the end of Game, Roy Dotrice's voice was really getting on my nerves!

It's amazing how much I've forgotten, tho and nice to pick up nuances of "history" with what I know after Feast. I have Dance on pre-order - will be getting the hard copy to fill out my collection but wish I didn't have to wait for the Kindle release :( Gonna be a big book to tote around now that I'm so used to eBooks!

Re: Song of Fire and Ice 05/29/2011 01:51 PM CDT
I just looked - and pre-ordered - for the Kindle :) (It wasn't available earlier :))

Re: Song of Fire and Ice 05/29/2011 07:22 PM CDT
>By the end of Game, Roy Dotrice's voice was really getting on my nerves!

BLASPHEMY! His replacement was a poor substitute for the latest book.



"Seriously, when I see "Uninvited" cartoon hearts flutter around my head."
(closest guess for Topic) Magic: the Addiction 07/08/2011 03:02 PM CDT
So for years I've been threatening to blow the dust off some of the stacks of cardboard cocaine, since I haven't played (this game, at least) in years.
<See? 'Fantasy' relevance!>

I'm looking to divest myself of a whole bunch of cards.
<'Art', yeah, that's the ticket.>

I figured that since I value you people playing GemStone a lot more than I do the faceless masses lurking on eBay, I'd try offering to you first. I got in during Revised, and my newest cards are a single starter of Mirage; I think either 4th or 5th edition was the last of anything that I bought in any volume (to the tune of 'a box of boosters').

A quick browse through eBay tells me--no surprise--that the dual-lands are the most valuable thing I've got, but some of the other pricey ones (Nevinyrral's disk? Seriously?) surprised me.


I know that I have cards from:
- Revised
- Ice Age
- Homelands
- Chronicles (the reprint of a bunch of stuff they did from the early sets, up through Legends)
- Antiquities (came out before I started, but I bought some complete sets)
- and if you want anything from Fallen Empires, go out and buy a box of boosters; should cost you about the price of a cup of coffee.

I doubt that Simutronics wants price lists or want lists cluttering up their Boards, so if you know of anything you want please EMAIL ME DIRECTLY at "krakii<at>" with what you want, the set it's in, and what you're willing to pay.
* Anticipate me looking on eBay for comparable prices.
* I don't have sleeves so I'll have to buy those, too.
* You'll pay postage, in addition.
* All cards will either be 'unplayed' (their wear will be of "have sat in a box and had me leaf through them looking for other cards" degree) or 'played' (finger dirt & wear on the edges from standard riffle shuffles); none of them will look as bad as any of the images I've seen used to describe 'played' cards.