5 PlayerShop Raffle! 08/26/2018 05:38 PM UTC
A raffle has been set up for FIVE playershops at the Cul-De-Sac of The Landing! It draws in 82 minutes.

Normal restrictions apply. You must be a Citizen, you cannot be a freeloader. You cannot already own a shop. Tickets are 100k each.

Good luck.

Retser, ASGM
Re: 5 PlayerShop Raffle! 08/26/2018 07:39 PM UTC

Will any be setup in other towns at all?
Re: 5 PlayerShop Raffle! 08/26/2018 07:56 PM UTC
The landing was the first area to be evicted. It had the most problems with evicting. I'm using it as my debug and benchmark for right now to make sure things are behaving with each batch.

Yes, I have plans to do other towns. More so, I have plans to open up the release mechanisms some.

Retser, ASGM
Re: 5 PlayerShop Raffle! 08/26/2018 08:18 PM UTC

Gotcha. Makes total sense. Thank you Retser.
Re: 5 PlayerShop Raffle! 08/26/2018 09:53 PM UTC
I honestly wish there was more time instead of done in 82 / less minutes. Kinda disheartening to do life things on Sunday thinking nothing going on, just to come back and see this kind of missed opportunity. :-/

- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night

You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!

* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
Re: 5 PlayerShop Raffle! 08/26/2018 11:42 PM UTC

>Kinda disheartening to do life things on Sunday thinking nothing going on, just to come back and see this kind of missed opportunity. :-/

I learned via Twitter fwding to my phone. it was also announced on discord
Re: 5 PlayerShop Raffle! 08/27/2018 07:16 AM UTC
not everybody uses twitter nor uses discord. Some of us have lives that don't evolve around those...

- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night

You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!

* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
Re: 5 PlayerShop Raffle! 08/27/2018 12:01 PM UTC

This is correct.
Re: 5 PlayerShop Raffle! 08/27/2018 01:50 PM UTC

>Some of us have lives that don't evolve around those...

your life doesn't have to "evolve" around them. It takes 5-10 minutes to set up a twitter account and then get GS twitter notifications texted to your phone, and you don't have to get texts or notices about anything else.
Re: 5 PlayerShop Raffle! 08/27/2018 02:09 PM UTC
THANK YOU for using the Boards (which I read). :)

THANK YOU for including the room in which the raffle is (great improvement from last time)! :)



SAD FACE for Robert not actually reading the Boards on Sunday. :(
Re: 5 PlayerShop Raffle! 08/28/2018 02:05 AM UTC
Good that you can handle all the notifications and constantly checking your phone for an update... assuming you didn't go out of town and thus suddenly need to drive back to your home to logon because of the very short notice of a player shop raffle. It'd just be nice to have more of a notice and heads up to actually have a chance to be able to buy the raffle ticket instead of having to rely on your phone. God forbid you may be watching a movie, or you are doing grocery shopping or something else during the day that may interfere your ability to get signal on your phone.

- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night

You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!

* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
Re: 5 PlayerShop Raffle! 08/28/2018 02:12 AM UTC
These are just tests before the system is rolled out more broadly.
Re: 5 PlayerShop Raffle! 08/28/2018 02:21 AM UTC
>These are just tests before the system is rolled out more broadly.

This is really important to remember. I also missed the most recent shop raffle, but there have been others that were announced in different ways; the pre-rollout distribution of shops has been quite fair, especially considering it's less about our getting shops and more about testing the system.

We'll have our chance with the wider release even if we don't get lucky with raffles or catch announcements this time around.

--- Lauren, Lylia's player
Re: 5 PlayerShop Raffle! 08/28/2018 03:06 AM UTC

>Good that you can handle all the notifications and constantly checking your phone for an update... assuming you didn't go out of town and thus suddenly need to drive back to your home to logon because of the very short notice of a player shop raffle. It'd just be nice to have more of a notice and heads up to actually have a chance to be able to buy the raffle ticket instead of having to rely on your phone. God forbid you may be watching a movie, or you are doing grocery shopping or something else during the day that may interfere your ability to get signal on your phone.

you're being ridiculous. You wanted a way to be away from your computer and get notifications, there's less than 1 tweet per day from the GS account, your phone vibrates or makes a noise, you don't have to check it all the time unless you're insane. If you're going into a movie and silence your phone like a good person, no, you're not going to get notifications, you got to enjoy a movie, hopefully you saw Crazy Rich Asians.
Re: 5 PlayerShop Raffle! 08/28/2018 02:43 PM UTC
Excuse me? If anything, you're the one being ridiculous. Stop putting words into my mouth. While I do want notifications, I'd want more of a heads up. Not a, btw in 45 mins I'm having this raffle". My life doesn't evolve around the phone unlike you. I'd rather be able to look at notification via the website when I start the day or at the very least look at a calendar and know that in x amount of HOURS that the raffle is being held. Not a last minute drop. Enjoy your phone.

- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night

You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!

* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
Re: 5 PlayerShop Raffle! 08/28/2018 03:02 PM UTC

>Not a, btw in 45 mins I'm having this raffle".

we were told that's how the raffles would be weeks ago, it is up to you to adapt. You can get notifications that the raffles are set up, you can forward messages from your phone to your computer screen. I spend maybe 5 minutes a day on my phone, I just don't ignore it as a tool to make life easier.
Re: 5 PlayerShop Raffle! 08/28/2018 05:38 PM UTC
There is no "adapt" when you get "notified" to drop what you are doing to get to your computer in 40 minutes to power it on, log on, and go to the bank then raffle. And regardless of being told weeks ago, I can still voice my suggestion / complaint and there's not a thing you can do about it. Maybe you should adapt instead of replying to almost every post that I've posted for YEARS.

- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night

You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!

* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
Re: 5 PlayerShop Raffle! 08/28/2018 06:04 PM UTC

>I can still voice my suggestion / complaint and there's not a thing you can do about it.

sure, go ahead, and if something you want already exists, I'll keep pointing that out. A 90 minute warning is not exactly a "drop everything" time frame (I don't remember the last time I took 90 minutes for grocery shopping). Hopefully over a hundred shops will be released in the coming year, and you'll have other chances that if you subscribe to the notifications, you should at some point be better informed than you were previously and be able to take advantage of being notified.

Retser has taken on a historically GM killing project and looks to be getting it done, so I for one am not going to loudly complain about his release methods when overall they seem quite fair, and the tools are there to be informed of the releases no matter where in the world you might be.
Re: 5 PlayerShop Raffle! 08/28/2018 07:18 PM UTC
I'm mostly ignoring the last few posts, but had to point this out as making me snort laugh.

>I don't remember the last time I took 90 minutes for grocery shopping

I have six children living in my house, two adults, and an additional six show up every day Monday through Friday. I can guarantee you that despite going grocery shopping weekly, we hit that every time.

>Retser has taken on a historically GM killing project and looks to be getting it done, so I for one am not going to loudly complain about his release methods when overall they seem quite fair, and the tools are there to be informed of the releases no matter where in the world you might be.

This is how I feel about this topic. Please, please, please, let's not make Retser hate his job and quit. I want a shop. Even if I have to wait until after testing is complete and the system is released to everyone.

Re: 5 PlayerShop Raffle! 08/28/2018 08:28 PM UTC
"Even if I have to wait until after testing is complete and the system is released to everyone." -- Darcena

Sorry, they sold out in the first 1.8s of the release; you'll have to buy on the aftermarket.


