Posting once again abdout the Rift 04/21/2011 09:21 AM CDT
Can bards please keep their songs when going through the pool into the rift? Pretty please? Sugar on top?

Re: Posting once again abdout the Rift 04/21/2011 12:21 PM CDT
I think the logic is that you can't sing under water. I'm not saying you can't overcome that logic with some clever solution, but on the face of things it makes sense that you can't maintain songs while holding your breath and swimming.

Re: Posting once again abdout the Rift 04/21/2011 12:26 PM CDT
What about the other areas that are acssesable only through swimming, but don't strip bard spells?

I think darkstone is one.

Ack! Scarab!
Re: Posting once again abdout the Rift 04/21/2011 12:35 PM CDT
I imagine the swim into the Water Temple on Teras doesn't strip bard spells either. Nor does the swim into OTF. Both involve you being fully submerged.
Re: Posting once again abdout the Rift 04/21/2011 01:14 PM CDT
There are countless examples where bardsongs are maintained in areas, in situations or under conditions where one cannot logically sing, hum, whistle, or even lip-sync. The official staff line from bard gurus in the past has always been that bards do not sing continually to maintain the magical effect of our songs: we sing at first to start them, which produces the magical effect and sustains the effect until the end of the renewal period, and then we stop. We don't sing constantly, otherwise bards wouldn't be able to swim, climb, run, fight, talk, whistle, hide, hum, creep about quietly, dance vigorously or do any number of other bardic things that can't be mentioned in polite company. :whistle:

The timed action of the renewal, when you see "So-and-so renews his/her songs", is when the bard briefly sings snatches of verse from the medley we previously established in order to renew its magical effect for another period. A sort of impromptu da-capo, abridged. If we didn't give it a little bump every now and then, we and everyone around us would forget how jolly nice that song had been and the effect would just fade away.

So GBB is quite right to ask. Unless the renewal period comes up while under water, there's no reason -- for logic or for balance -- that songs shouldn't survive the swim into the Rift.

Dave, Brandain's Bard
Re: Posting once again abdout the Rift 04/21/2011 01:18 PM CDT
>We don't sing constantly, otherwise bards wouldn't be able to swim, climb, run, fight, talk, whistle, hide, hum, creep about quietly, dance vigorously or do any number of other bardic things that can't be mentioned in polite company. :whistle: - Me

I can't believe I left "drink" out of that list...

Dave, Brandain's Bard
Re: Posting once again abdout the Rift 04/21/2011 01:41 PM CDT
Just adding a plus one. Fully agree.

Re: Posting once again abdout the Rift 04/21/2011 01:50 PM CDT
I knew there was logic out there to support your case! If that's the standard then I don't see why the standard should be any different in this spot than any other.

Now, someone tell me again why I'm losing my spells when I go for a swim to the rift? What, because I cast them myself with skills like scroll reading and magic item use? TPs are TPs, and water is water I say. I'm actually trying to remember when the spell washing was added to the pool to begin with. My recollection was that it did not have that feature to start with, but it's been a few years.

Re: Posting once again abdout the Rift 04/21/2011 03:46 PM CDT
Umm, I haven't been to the Rift in years; I forswore ever going there again. If i recall, doesn't entering the Rift strip all spells? That should include bard spells. It's the main reason I refuces ever to go there again.

It's not a bug, it's a feature!

"So, what does that green line on the graph represent?"

"Oh, that's the projection of a hypothetical offspring from a union between Sauron and Cruella de Ville; we use that as a baseline for determining character alignment."
Re: Posting once again abdout the Rift 04/21/2011 03:55 PM CDT
The pool used to strip all spells. That changed roughly 6 months ago, to leave in place all known spells the character had on. Except bard songs, which have been asked about several times since.
Re: Posting once again abdout the Rift 04/21/2011 04:12 PM CDT
Ah! Hmm, I don't recall reading about that; maybe now it's worth a return trip! As I mentioned, I only went there once years ago; I hated having to sit on my butt, wasting 20 minutes spelling back up and then waiting for mana to return, so I swore never to go back there again.

"So, what does that green line on the graph represent?"

"Oh, that's the projection of a hypothetical offspring from a union between Sauron and Cruella de Ville; we use that as a baseline for determining character alignment."
Re: Posting once again abdout the Rift 04/21/2011 06:48 PM CDT
<<The pool used to strip all spells. That changed roughly 6 months ago, to leave in place all known spells the character had on. Except bard songs, which have been asked about several times since. -ZAIT>>

It leaves on self-cast spells only, and you must know the spell. Self-cast via your MIU or scroll reading training still gets stripped.

Re: Posting once again abdout the Rift 04/21/2011 07:45 PM CDT
<<The pool used to strip all spells. That changed roughly 6 months ago, to leave in place all known spells the character had on. Except bard songs, which have been asked about several times since. -ZAIT>>

>It leaves on self-cast spells only, and you must know the spell. Self-cast via your MIU or scroll reading training still gets stripped.


I did state known spells. Casting from scrolls/items isn't the same. Though if the pool worked the same as the spell stripping in the Rift and left in place those you could learn, not necessarily know (minor elemental/spirit for warriors, etc), I wouldn't have a problem with that.
Re: Posting once again abdout the Rift 04/21/2011 10:56 PM CDT
Spell knowledge enhancive granted spells stay on too on the way through the pool, in case anybody wondered....

Re: Posting once again abdout the Rift 04/22/2011 12:32 AM CDT
They should!


That's just what we want, criss-crossing furrows all over the town streets from someone wandering through with their animated plow super buddy.

Re: Posting once again abdout the Rift 04/24/2011 02:21 AM CDT
While you are changing it to allow bard songs, can you add arcane spells to the list of spells that aren't removed.
Re: Posting once again about the Rift (Ressurection!) 07/20/2013 10:58 AM CDT
Please change the pool to retain Bard Song (if they only refresh the song every 10 minutes, they can surely make the 30 second dunk), and to retain Arcane spells (powerful magicks that don't need babysitting) in addition to the present configuration of known and self-cast spells.

Thought I'd use an old (necro) thread to remind us this request continues.
