As a hunter who is primarily in hiding in the Rift, I'd love a change to the messaging when crawlers come after me. Whenever they unburrow, my first step is simply to come out of hiding to be attacked. While I'd personally like a chance for them not to find me, could a change be made at least to stumble from hiding as the ground shakes or something?
I also fight with two weapons. I like it. It works well for me. Yet whenever I find myself in the belly of a crawler, I suddenly can only attack with one hand. I have two daggers, so why not use them both?
Apparently I spend too much time inside crawlers as I have one last request about being trapped in their bellies. On several occasions, my right hand has simply been torn off as I'm being swallowed. Sadly, this means I cannot even slice at the stomach wall inside the crawler. Again, I regularly use my left hand in combat, so this seems silly that I cannot still do some damage and try to get out.
Thanks for considering my thoughts!